New Here

New here like the title says. Been a big guy most of my life. Was rail think until around 6th grade when I started to plump up. Never been on any super serious diet or exercise plan anytime during my adult life. Had heart surgery in my late twenties due to a rhythm irregularity. Very randomly I needed a pacemaker due to Bradycardia (slow heart rhythm for anyone not a medical professional). Began having a problem with seizures a few years after my surgery, sought help and have been on meds since to control them. Was diagnosed with high blood pressure also and now take two medications to control it. My wife found this site for me to help keep up with my eating after deciding to do something about my weight and try to fix my weakening muscles, mostly back and arms from being out of shape and lack of activity. She also joined shortly after and decided to join me to help encourage me as well as to lose the weight she has put on in the years since we have met and gotten married (my fault totally). Been logging in for a month now and just realized there where other people here, so I thought I was throw out a line and see if anyone would want to help me figure if what I am doing is correct and if I'm heading in the right direction for the goal I'm aiming at. Just got a set of scales for food and one to weigh with also. Last weighing I had was at a Dr. checkup in January, so I based my starting weight as 265 from that time. My initial weighing put me at 249. A week later I'm at 244, so obviously something is happening. I just want to make sure it doesn't stop. Eating habits are a thing for me. I am not hungry most of the time so eating 6 times a day is a real challenge. We've both recently joined a gym and have a schedule we use so we both get equal time and opportunity to go. For now i have just been using treadmills and occasionally I spend about ten minutes on a stationary bike. I can walk up to an hour now, but the bike is so much on my thigh muscles that I can't do more than about ten minutes before my legs are shaking badly. This makes me feel terrible, but also I know it is part of the process of beginning. I also have an Umbilical Hernia I have to be mindful of. Losing the weight will help with that surgery, but figuring out which workouts to do without straining it or hurting myself have not been so easy on my own. I would appreciate any advice in that area as well. I'm aiming towards 200 pounds as my goal weight, so 44 pounds to go but it's a land far away for me....