Training for a 10k with a sore knee

Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I am running a 10k in just over a month's time but my knee has started to bother me while running on the treadmill. I've had problems before like this and had to give myself a break from running but it doesn't really seem an option with the run being so close.

I haven't really been outdoors running since way last year because the weather has been terrible. The most I've done cardio wise is running on the treadmill and using the cross step machine at the gym for about 50-55mins 4 times a week.

Can anyone recommend what I can do to help with the pain? It isn't overly bad right now and is actually worse when I start at a slower pace and then gets a bit better when I get into my run.

Thanks in advance :)


  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    Ice and work on your hip strength (check out this video for a good hip routine:

    My sports injury dr. told me that 90% of the injuries he sees in women who run (whether the injury be to the ankle, knees, hip, lower back, etc) are from lack of hip strength.

    He showed me this video (It's called the Myrtl Routine) and told me to do it about 4x/week.

    Another possibility is that your shoes have worn down and/or are the wrong shoes for you.
  • ceciliaruns
    ceciliaruns Posts: 41 Member
    I agree with above. I trained for many years with a sore knee, I tore my meniscus in a marathon. It wasn't until I started strength training and increasing my miles steadily that it stopped hurting and swelling. Just be sure to run very easy, at conversational pace. You may not want to push it with any speed work right now. Maybe take an extra day to bike per week. Ice, Ibuprofen *after* and compression work best. Arnica, both topical and oral are also good for swelling. You can get them at Whole Foods. If you must run on the tredmill, try to vary the incline every quarter mile. Good luck!
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Cross train as much as you can. Keep at it with the strength training. I find if I make a distinct effort to stretch my hip flexors after I run that helps too. Freeze a small dixie cup full of water, peel lip of the cup at the opening down some and use the ice to massage your knee. When you're done, back in the freezer for next time. Ibuprofen after running.
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    start lifting heavy,,I took out my meniscus a couple years ago,its always been tweeky since,,started lifting 5x5 6 weeks ago and my knee pretty much feels awesome now,even after 3 hours of TKD or a 5k or a 3 hour horse ride,it used to swell and be stiff inside after but not anymore,I assume it is due to the muscles getting stronger and taking up the slack the injury caused. Edited to ad,my run times have gotten better also and the runs much easier.
  • MissesBee
    MissesBee Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I've loaded the freezer with ice and will definitely work on improving my hip muscle.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Your 10K will be better if you rest, ice and take ibuprofen until it's better rather than running through it, believe me!

    When you start back, go straight outside - the dreadmill, especially on a gradient, is a knee killer.

    Here are some exercises for runners, and I'd add "the clam" for hip strength.