Training for Hiking



  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Adding a link. This is for people training to go Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. Many of us going there don't have the benefit of training at altitude.
  • mattylevan
    mattylevan Posts: 10 Member
    The other posters are absolutely right that other endurance training will help but I'd suggest building up your tolerance to inclines as well if you can. Start by on your next day off doing the steepest route you can manage at the moment, repeat for two or three weeks then find another one that is a bit steeper and do the same thing. Rinse and repeat till you reach your goal or you need to buy a rope and start learning rock climbing moves.

    You can do the same with distance, don't worry too much if it is only once a week so long as you are keeping your general fitness up with other exercises you can increase your hiking ability with this it just might take a bit longer.
  • liljen69
    liljen69 Posts: 45
    I only have time to hike on the weekends and that's been enough for me. The more I do it, the better I get. I prefer strenuous hikes. Six miles is my typical distance but I've done a hard-core 11-mile hike too. Lots of elevation gain. I whine the whole time but feel great once I'm done.

    I agree with the person who suggested climbing stairs.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I only have time to hike on the weekends and that's been enough for me. The more I do it, the better I get. I prefer strenuous hikes. Six miles is my typical distance but I've done a hard-core 11-mile hike too. Lots of elevation gain. I whine the whole time but feel great once I'm done.

    I agree with the person who suggested climbing stairs.

    Hi I've got a big hike I am doing in August and have been - hiking ( obviously), but also doing resistance training in the gym ( mainly squats and lunges) to strengthen the core and leg muscles.