I Need A Personal Trainer >.< (food and exercise)

For the last month or so I've been making very conscious decisions to eat better and exercise. I've lost a good solid 10 pounds that hasn't come back at all, but I am also not losing weight at all!
I am having the worst time trying to figure out what to eat when, what to do at the gym and how to put everything all together.
I haven't been looking for any quick fixes and have been trying my hardest to do everything the healthy, long-lasting way.
I spend a decent amount of money on good food and my gym membership, so my "personal trainer" piggy bank is as empty as can be. I've looked into some of the online options but can't seem to find one that is legit and worth the money.
I'm also a researcher so I think I have a pretty solid base of facts about different things that involve nutrition, fitness and exerciser, but once again, my problem is I can't put them all together into something that works.

Does anyone have any tips about what they have done and how they managed to lose their weight the healthy way, or any success stories of online personal trainers, ect, ect, ect, ect. ANY info is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    It's all trial and error. I'm currently on IIFYM plan - allows you to eat whatever you want but in moderation and accordingly to your macros such as protein/fats/carbs/fibre/sugar - This is calculated base off of your weight/height/activity level/ and your goals. You might also want to invest in a food scale since there's a lot of measuring/weighing. You can probably google and research a bit more.

    As far as exercise, I started with just the circuit training at the gym then gradually got into weight lifting/HIIT classes. Now I've been following a few fitness enthusiasts on Instagram and incorporate some of their workouts into my own etc. All trial and error.