I'm Starting to Slip....

I have been so dedicated and good for the past 50 + days but this past week I have been neglecting my logging, cheating more than I should and not exercising. I feel hopeless with this weight loss thing. Like no matter what I do I will be overweight like all the other women in my family. Always have a gut, fat touching thighs, and enormous arms. I don't know what to do to pull myself out of this funk, I just want to curl up in bed and order a pizza, some Taco Bell, a sub, on and on I just want to stuff my face and say Fu@# it all I'm fat and I don't care. But I do care and I just want to be "normal" sized. I can't be the only one who's felt like this. What did you do to keep going?


  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Just say no. I know it sounds easier than it really is but losing weight is mostly about willpower. You have to want it bad enough. You have to love yourself enough to want what's best for YOU.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    According to your ticker, you're 5 pounds from goal (even if that's a short term goal, it's still awesome and impressive!)! Do you really want to waste all the time and effort you've put into this and backslide?

    Maybe you need to set some different goals. I know about a year in, I had a tough time staying focused so instead of focusing on weight loss, I focused on fitness and just tried to stay close to my daily goal. And it really helped!!

    Also think about why you want this long term.

    Do the looks part really matter that much or maybe there's something deeper and more long term like your health, mobility, defeating genetic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc. Maybe you want to run a 5k or half marathon or do a biking or hiking vacation or fit comfortably in amusement park rides. For me things like looks, being a certain size for an event, etc never really stuck long term. It wasn't until my health became more important to me that it really hit me that it was time for a permanent change.

    Make room once a week/2 weeks/month for a treat like that. Eat a bit under your calories for a few days, get some extra exercise in and you can have an extra couple slices of pizza or some chips or whatever it is you're craving and not end up being way over calories. As long as you make it work within your goals, you'll still lose weight. And having those scheduled splurges can help you stay on track as you have something to look forward to.

    Good luck!
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm in my one year anniversary week on MFP and I have to tell you that it hasn't been a year full of motivation and perfection, but a year of eating ups and downs. I took a week or two off during the summer for camping and another 3 weeks off over Christmas (which I really paid for!) I often eat unhealthy and over my numbers on the weekend, but I've found a balance by cutting back earlier in the week to allow for this.

    If you're in this for the long haul then you're going to have forgive yourself when you need to take a week "off" and just get back with it as soon as possible, and perhaps be prepared to sacrifice calories over the next few days to compensate for eating some of the things you enjoy.

    Even if I've had a Sh*ty day I log it. It's always good to be aware of just how far over you went so you can correct it. And you can correct it! Just don't throw in the towel with each slip up.

    Good luck!!
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Start weight training. A lifting program is going to do more for your gut and thighs than a diet or cardio. Plus challenging yourself to lift more and more will give you some wonderful endorfins to help fight the funk you are in. Deadlifts have to be one of my favorite exercises and you dont really need a ton of equipment to do them at home. I use heavy dumbbells and sometimes I double them up so that my total lifting weight is 110lbs.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Avoid this:

    Consistency and perseverance are key in long term success. I think it also has been necessary for me to educate myself. Certain foods that some people eat are just not viewed as foods by me anymore.

    It helps to have a visual reminder of what you want to achieve. It sounds lame, but put a picture of a younger, skinnier you, or a body picture of someone who you want to look like on your fridge/bathroom mirror/computer desk and it will be a constant reminder of what you are trying to achieve.

    The other thing i heard in your OP was that you wanted to eat as a reaction to life's stresses. I helped me to learn to use exercise as a stress relief, rather than food.
  • Plooty222
    Plooty222 Posts: 76 Member
    Just say no. I know it sounds easier than it really is but losing weight is mostly about willpower. You have to want it bad enough. You have to love yourself enough to want what's best for YOU.

    I love this! I've been feeling as though I am going to slip too. But this is the best way to look at it :) Thank you! and cheers to not slipping!
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    I hate exercise! I'm sorry but I do. I don't want to run, jog, lift, do the elliptical or anything else. I don't get a "high" from working out it's just something I force myself to do but I will never love it. As for my motivation I am going to be more honest than most and just say it's about 50% health and the other %50 is pure vanity. Damn straight I want to look hot and sexy who doesn't? I just want to look and feel normal.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    When those blue **** days hit, I go to the gym and workout until I almost pass out. I drink more water and I don`t eat. Kind of make it a fasting. I punish myself for it! For me, the best thing is forcing myself to do the exact opposite of what I`m thinking and wanting. But most of all, find something actively and stay out of the fetal position.

    This may sound crazy. But I have 10 concrete blocks stacked in the back yard in a pile. I carry 2 across the yard and start a new pile, walk back and get 2 more and repeat. May sound crazy and you will look like your nuts, but its good exercise and changes your my mind set.
  • lilandDame143
    In know exactley how you feel, I am going through the same thing. I am having a hard time staying focused because of the everyday stress I fall back to eating as a comfort. I think the answer is always in us. We have to find what is it thbat truly motivates us and hold onto it with both hands and feet. Just like any journey and any addiction really we are going to fall we just have to keep picking ourselves up and getting back into the groove
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I hate exercise! I'm sorry but I do. I don't want to run, jog, lift, do the elliptical or anything else. I don't get a "high" from working out it's just something I force myself to do but I will never love it. As for my motivation I am going to be more honest than most and just say it's about 50% health and the other %50 is pure vanity. Damn straight I want to look hot and sexy who doesn't? I just want to look and feel normal.
    Working out could be as simple as doing something active that you enjoy. Could be dancing, bowling, riding a bike around town, window shopping, gardening, spring cleaning, football, baseball, sex, golf, disc golf, exploring a museum, tossing a frisbee with friends, etc. Any activity that you enjoy could be just enough to avoid gratuitous eating.
  • jlchandl17
    I hate exercise! I'm sorry but I do. I don't want to run, jog, lift, do the elliptical or anything else. I don't get a "high" from working out it's just something I force myself to do but I will never love it. As for my motivation I am going to be more honest than most and just say it's about 50% health and the other %50 is pure vanity. Damn straight I want to look hot and sexy who doesn't? I just want to look and feel normal.

    I'm with you sister! I have the eat everything days too, but I don't, but I want to , but I don't. As you can see, sometimes it's a vicious circle. Maybe find a yummy little treat that can saisfy the major cheat craving, but not kill everything you've worked for. That usually works for me. Other times, it's just saying NO until it passes.
  • LAPDpoliceNYPD
    LAPDpoliceNYPD Posts: 77 Member
    put a bad day down to a loss and start again tomorrow for me my diet starts every night at 12.00am
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I hate exercise! I'm sorry but I do. I don't want to run, jog, lift, do the elliptical or anything else. I don't get a "high" from working out it's just something I force myself to do but I will never love it. As for my motivation I am going to be more honest than most and just say it's about 50% health and the other %50 is pure vanity. Damn straight I want to look hot and sexy who doesn't? I just want to look and feel normal.

    Girl, I'm right there with you. I'm in it for the vanity (ok, and health and making sure I'm a good example for my kids, blah blah blah) but honestly, in it for the vanity ;) I want to look hot for my hubby!

    My motivation is the continual downward trend on my graphs. I am such a visual person and I use 3 different trackers to keep up with my numbers. I hate seeing an upward tick in my graphs, so that seems to be motivation enough for me. But, since hitting my half way mark I've felt the grip loosen a bit. But, I know I'm going to stick this through until the end.

    Maybe come up with a great reward for yourself for reaching your goal? Something that will motivate you and keep you going? It could be just a short term goal to get you though this tough spell.

    I hope you stick with it and find your motivation again :) No one is destined to be over weight. You make the choice for yourself. Don't chose unhealthy and over weight. Chose to be healthy and a sexy hot mama ;)
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    Just say no. I know it sounds easier than it really is but losing weight is mostly about willpower. You have to want it bad enough. You have to love yourself enough to want what's best for YOU.

    I love this! I've been feeling as though I am going to slip too. But this is the best way to look at it :) Thank you! and cheers to not slipping!

    I think the "just say no" needs to be my method. It needs to be from my own willpower but I am in a ragged emotional state today and I don't even know why. I just know I feel hopeless about my weightloss and my looks. I want to get back my initial motivation and attitude that I started with. I want to not be a weak pathetic woman cramming food in her face all day but I am so afraid it will just happen and that I am a weak sorry lazy lump.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Tie a knot at the end of the rope and hang on with all your might! It's the only thing to do when you start slipping. As far as "normal" , I hate the term. I am not "normal nor will I ever be. Also you have manufactured a little person inside you. You will never be quite the same. Ease up on yourself and keep going. Be happy, be healthy. This is what matters in life.
  • karinawiser
    karinawiser Posts: 3 Member
    Can I suggest reading this: http://www.leangains.com/2010/01/marshmallow-test.html

    It is about a Marshmallow test :-). The more you think about food, the more you'd want to cheat. The trick is to DISTRACT yourself.
    It works very well for me! Hope this will help you too.
  • mrg68
    mrg68 Posts: 48 Member
    Ok...your post struck a chord with me. It struck me because I think I am working my way out of the same thing. I have always been a yo-yo dieter. This past time, I lost 80 lbs and became a runner. I really thought, I finally won and it won't be such a fight anymore!! Well, I was wrong. Last fall I let my guard down, quit logging and running, and now here I am with 20 of those lbs back on and I'm digging through my "fat" clothes because my cute skinny clothes don't fit anymore. Ugh!!! :grumble: I think we all have a vanity side to our goals. So don't let that bother you. It is perfectly normal to want to look good to other people!! But remember that the most important thing is to love and look good for yourself first. You will never make everyone happy...so just start with yourself first! :love:

    I never liked exercising either, until I found what I really enjoy...which is walking and running, by myself! I am a special education teacher and a mother to three teenage boys. I have people talking to me and wanting things from me all day. So when I go exercise I get to remove myself from everyone else for awhile. I used to get upset when I didn't feel like running. Then I figured out that it was okay to let myself enjoy just a walk. I put my iPhone on and listen to Pandora or a podcast or my favorite music and just enjoy my peaceful time. So I encourage you to just find what you enjoy. I saw another poster mention that it doesn't have to look like exercise...just move!! Gardening, dancing, skating, biking, skiing, washing the car, cleaning the house...these are all ways to be more active. You don't have to sweat to benefit from some activity!! And don't stop until you find what you love. If you don't like it move on to something else!

    Finally, just let yourself feel what you are feeling right now. Give yourself a week off. Don't log, but do keep in touch with your MFP friends. Read their accomplishments and frustrations. Make a plan to try some new activity. Set a goal to allow yourself to wallow for just a bit, but then drop it and move on. Make your decision to do better. Don't beat yourself up for bad days, just do better the next day, and move on.

    We all go thru times like these...you are not alone and you are actually quite normal right now!!! Just make the plan and the decision for when it is time to move on from here. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions and support. I truly love MFP just for that reason. You never have to feel alone and though our paths are all different (My success story will never feature how I fell in love with running, lifting, or Insanity) our end destination is the same. I would also like to add my best friends advice she offered when I called her for help with my backsliding. She said "Go right now and chug 12 oz of water and then look at pictures of fit/skinny women and don't stop until you don't want to eat junk food anymore!" God I love her! Again thank you all :heart:
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Are there things you are getting out of being 'fat'? Perhaps there is some reason you are self-sabotaging when you are nearing your goal? Being fat can be like a safety blanket sometimes for certain reasons, it can be a thing that feels like it connects you to friends or family, or perhaps it is just all you know (it was for me) and the unknown can be scary? Some things to consider!
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    Are there things you are getting out of being 'fat'? Perhaps there is some reason you are self-sabotaging when you are nearing your goal? Being fat can be like a safety blanket sometimes for certain reasons, it can be a thing that feels like it connects you to friends or family, or perhaps it is just all you know (it was for me) and the unknown can be scary? Some things to consider!
    I'm not near my goal just nearing my first goal which is to hit Onderland. I have 3 more goals to get to each of them 20-30 pound increments. Mt 2nd goal is to reach my prepregnancy weight of 180.