Still New on this Site

I joined almost a month ago and this is the first chance I have had to introduce myself. My name is Rhonda and I have struggled with my weight all my life. I am prediabetic so I have to get the weight off.

I am weak and need all the support I can get. This site looks like it is going to be a good tool for me. Any suggestions or ideas are always welcome.:smile:


  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Welcome. This is a great site and I come for my daily motivation. The tools make this so easy to see where your trouble spots are.
  • So_Um_Yeah
    So_Um_Yeah Posts: 39 Member
    If support is what you need this is definately the right place for you. I need CONSTANT positive comments, so having people on here that are so willing to provide that is truely a great thing. I just joined a few days ago and already I feel so welcomed. The food diary is like my new favorite thing ever =). Its so easy to use and very well designed. Good Luck!