Too much soy?



  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Too much soy (especially the processed kind in milk and even tofu) can be bad for your thyroid levels, making you tired & dizzy, giving you headaches, and also affecting your ability to gain or lose weight, although as another poster said. I'm not sure how much you have to consume before these bad effects happen but there is a concern if you're exclusively drinking soy milk and using only soy protein. There are many other milks and dairy-free protein powders out there that are without soy.

    I'm personally an almond milk fan who uses Vega protein powder (dairy-free and soy-free), but I've also heard good things about RAW Protein powder and the Perfect Fit powder made by If you're looking for a more economical option, there are protein powders made of hemp, brown rice and even pea protein, so you don't have to stick to soy only (and risk the issues with high-soy consumption).

    On a side note, I've read that fermented soy (in soy sauce, miso, and tempeh) doesn't affect your thyroid levels the way that commercially processed soy products do, and of course you can still have soy in moderation without getting all those symptoms.

    as far as i know, only people who have thyroid issues and are taking medication for it need to be careful, as soy affects the way the medication is absorbed.

    as long as you eat soy in form of pure natural products like tofu, tempeh and soy milk (but make sure that the only ingredients are water and soybeans - that is the only good soy milk), its not bad for you. the stuff you should avoid is processed food like soy sausages, other faux meats and cheese.

    here is a good source of information:

    Ohhhhh, but I love my veggie burgers! Lol

    Anybody try Daiya cheese? I've eaten soy cheese and rice cheese and both were mediocre.

    Daiya is amazing. I wouldn't recommend eating it right out of the package, but melted it's pretty damn tasty.