25-30 to go

I, like many others, have been up and down the scale numerous times in my adult life. From pregnancy weight to just plain eating poorly I go up and down about 50 pounds. I am now on the downswing, once again, but I am determined this is the last time. I started a plan called "The Daniel Plan" which basically promotes real foods like lean proteins, fruits, veggies, whole grains...ect. The first 10-40 days is all about avoiding gluten, dairy and all processed foods. In that first week I learned I had a gluten AND dairy intolerance. My energy and mood did a complete 180 and when I attempt to bring either of those into my diet it is bad new for my tummy, energy and mood. Now I have decided to kick start...again. I am doing a 3 day cleanse, which is fruit and veggie based drinks then I will continue my gluten and dairy free lifestyle and count calories carefully with the addition of regular exercise. I want to have my healthy body by summer!!

Good luck to everyone else too. If anyone else has good gluten and dairy free recipe ideas, please share and I will do the same.