Help me with healthy snacks please!



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have been getting graze boxes for a far my favorites are the flapjacks. Those things are so good! While it is true they use oils and sugar, the snacks do fit perfectly into a balanced diet when planned right. I don't give a hoot about my sugar intake, honestly. As far as price is $6 a box and you get 4 snacks per. I only get one every other week, so for $12 a month I get 8 snacks. They usually last me a while, I still have like 10 of them in my pantry (been on a yogurt trip for a while lol). They are great on the go snacks.

    Oh I LOVE the flap jacks!!! there are 3 in a container too. so you feel like you're getting a lot! Sometimes I only eat one,so that punnet lasts me 3 snacks. lol When I eat them I usually eat 1 pre-cardio workout :)
  • shellbatronic
    I like the Graze boxes, I keep it in my office and it can keep me from running down to the kitchen here full of candy bars and cookies and junk. I don't find them to be expensive, especially for 4 days of snacks, but everyone's budget is different.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I just got my first graze box and they are all tasty. The ones I had were almost all nearly 200 calories each and only 5g of protein, so I found it hard to fit it into my day and meet my protein goals. For 200 calories I can have a protein bar with 15-20 g of protein.

    For snacks, it depends on what you're looking for. If you want something filling, I like:

    - 80 cal Dannon Light & Fit yogurts
    - cheese sticks (range from 60-80 cals)
    - carrots and hummus

    If you like crisps (chips) and have the "munchies" then airpopped popcorn is a good choice. I always had a few of those 100 cal bags in my desk at work.