Gym Membership, YAY!

Okiedokie, recently my boyfriend has noticed I have been trying to be more active. Going for walks, swimming, starting a Jillian Michaels 30 day program, so being the awesome, totally attractive, Titan-Riding, dominator that he is, he goes out and surprises me with a year membership at our local city gym. On top of that, he gets himself one so I have someone to motivate me, and walk in with, and leave with because I have some anxiety about exercising in front of people.

Now, I know no one really cares what I am doing there, they are much more interested in their own work-outs, their form, how many reps they have left and the like, but I can’t help but feel self-conscious with my wobbly bits… wobbling around. This is something I will get over as I get more and more in shape. Eating proper calories, and exercising.

My dilemma is that I am just not sure where to start. I’ve read that cardio is the best to start with, but I don’t want to neglect my arms and tummy and legs toning wise. Once I lose these 100 lbs, and I will lose this weight, come hell or high-water, I don’t want to be a flabby, loose skinned, softy-tofty monster.

I want MUSCLES. I want to be toned, I want to give everyone I know a run for their money. But where to start? Should I start with cardio for half an hour and move into legs, arms and abs for the rest of my gym duration, then do a cool down with cardio?
I am starting off at 237.5 lbs and my goal weight is 140lbs. IS there anyone who has been in a similar position who could give me some advice on where to begin, which exercises worked for them, and the like.

I would get a personal trainer but sadly I am poor, well not poor, just shouldn't be spending money on personal trainers if I want to buy groceries this month.


  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    This is what worked for me, an hour or so of weights, 30 minutes of cardio and a diet that was dialed in for what I needed.

    My workout split was chest, back/bi, shoulders/tri, legs. I focused on bench, deadlifts, ohp and squats.
  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    Here is what I would do:

    1) Ask if they can have a personal trainer give you a "free session." Most gyms do this for all new members.

    2) Check around the gym to see what kind of strength training machines they have. There will be a "brand name" listed on the machine. When you get home, do an internet search for videos that have that brand of strength training equipment. You should find all sorts of videos about how to properly use those machines. Pick videos for a few pieces of equipment, watch them, and then use those machines on your next visit. Continue to build the number of machines one or two at a time until you have a nice balanced workout for upper and lower body.
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    A quick suggetion:
    Hit the weights FIRST, swallow a protein shake and a quick digesting carb then bang out your cardio. Can't wait to hear your success story!
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    Why not ask your boyfriend to help you out with what to do? I go to the gym with my husband and we do the same workout together. He motivates me when I'm lifting and he is also my spotter. We work one muscle group a day (Ex: Mon: Chest; Tues: Back; Wed: Shoulders; Thurs: Tri's; Fri: Bi's - repeat next week). We also try to alternate legs and abs and we do different exercises using different equipment each week for example this week we used the smith press and cable for chest. Next week we'll use dumbbells. We used the lat pull down machine for back, next week we'll use the assisted pull up machine and cables etc. Keeps it different.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I ordered New Rules of Lifting for Women, youtubed like crazy, read as much as I could online (omar isuf, alan aragon,, jamie eason, etc) and went to the gym with a plan of action.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    A quick suggetion:
    Hit the weights FIRST, swallow a protein shake and a quick digesting carb then bang out your cardio. Can't wait to hear your success story!

    Unnecessary...forest for the trees...
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Try a body pump class
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    It seems like he really loves you and believes in you to make that kind of investment in you.

    Reminds me of when I started with my current job, all the resources I could possibly need fell in my lap.

    I knew at that point, if I can't do it now, it will NEVER happen.

    Good luck! And don't let him down!
  • herangel3
    herangel3 Posts: 29 Member
    My gym's trainers gave me the "tour" giving me a basic workout showing me how to use the machines, helped me determine what weight to set them on, how to use the cardio equipment. It was all designed for me. Most gyms don't want a novice to come in not knowing how to use a piece of equipment and then getting hurt. They also may have some classes such as Zumba, Spin and Yoga that you might enjoy. The "tour" is when you want to ask all these questions your asking here.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Find yourself a beginnners weight lifting program, do that and add on some cardio at the end of the workout.

    Try for some programs.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Check into StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for Women. StrongLifts and New Rules both have groups here on MFP, if you'd like to check them out.