Hate Veggies, Most Fruits

I have a mental thing with veggies (except corn, potatoes and spinach salads) and most fruits (except pineapple and berries). I almost puke at the site and smell of a green pepper. I am a meat and potatoes guy. Most weight loss success stories I have read, their diet is full of veggies and fruit. Will this prevent me from achieving my weight goal and keeping it off long term. To date I have been loading up on proteins, smart carbs and taking a general vitamin and fiber tablets to help with the lack of veggies.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have a mental thing with veggies (except corn, potatoes and spinach salads) and most fruits (except pineapple and berries). I almost puke at the site and smell of a green pepper. I am a meat and potatoes guy. Most weight loss success stories I have read, their diet is full of veggies and fruit. Will this prevent me from achieving my weight goal and keeping it off long term. To date I have been loading up on proteins, smart carbs and taking a general vitamin and fiber tablets to help with the lack of veggies.

    Corn is starchy.....think of this as another serving of bread

    Potatoes are starchy.....think of them as another serving of bread

    Spinach as your ONLY veggie is going to get old really fast. Can you maintain a weight loss with spinach as your only veggie......doubt it.

    I would try a new veggie every week. Try them canned,try them frozen, try them fresh. Then try them grilled, try them roasted, try them raw, try them steamed.

    Try them in smoothies, try them in soups (puree them if it's a texture thing). Try them seasoned. After trying them so many ways, so many times....you will "get over it." Do I like all veggies? No, but I like an assortment of them.

    Veggies are low calorie (mostly) high volume & high fiber. This is something to fill your plate up with. A small plate of calorie dense food (forever) & pills.....good luck with that.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Weight loss is about the calorie deficit, not specific foods.

    I don't think not eating fruits and veggies is a very healthy approach, but it won't affect weight loss.
  • No this will not hurt you at all!! Also, spinach salads are awesome!

    Tip: search here for cauliflower recipes, they are very popular here on mfp, and people claim that it can be mixed with or made a substitute for almost anything:wink:
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    There are a lot of ways to "hide" veggies in recipes. Just google it. There are many veggies that I don't like either but I do eat a variety of them. Do you like V8? That'll give you a few at least.

    In the end, as long as you are eating at a deficit you can lose. It's not the healthiest way, but it is possible.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    You have a choice:

    1) Try vegetables -- grilled, steamed, sauteed, every way you can -- and keep trying them until you can choke something down.


    2) Continue eating very small amounts of meat and bread, and force yourself to stop before you feel full.

    Either way, you'll be forcing yourself -- either forcing yourself not to eat, or forcing yourself to eat.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I used to be the same based mostly upon bad memories of horrible textures and the chlorophylly taste of green vegetables, but then I started experimenting - try the more unusual stuff than the standard and basic stuff in different ways? I've really got into baked sweet potato/sweet potato fries, roasted butternut squash and rocket salad this winter. Broccoli is one I have got into that surprises me, but then I tend to hide the taste with strong flavours. Baked with onions and cheese (proper strong cheese, like some roule/camembert/brie - or all three of course) it's so decadent you forget there is anything healthy in it.

    My friend also talks about grating carrots into things like lasagne, so you don't really notice them, perhaps an option.

    As for fruit, try smoothies? Or have a go at making sorbet? Have you tried a variety of melon, they are so subtle in taste and practically all water?
  • stronghealthywoman
    stronghealthywoman Posts: 44 Member
    I have a mental thing with veggies (except corn, potatoes and spinach salads) and most fruits (except pineapple and berries). I almost puke at the site and smell of a green pepper. I am a meat and potatoes guy. Most weight loss success stories I have read, their diet is full of veggies and fruit. Will this prevent me from achieving my weight goal and keeping it off long term. To date I have been loading up on proteins, smart carbs and taking a general vitamin and fiber tablets to help with the lack of veggies.

    Have you tried juicing those vegetables...its a great way of incorporating vegetables, specially those that we don't like....give it a try...
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    It won't stop you losing weight.

    Not eating vegetables has its own health implications, especially gut health and constipation. Finding some way to eat veg or fruit would definitely improve your health and probably quality of life, too. It will also make it easier to stick to your calorie goals, as veg is one thing you can eat as much as you want for very few calories.

    However, to answer your original question again, no. Not eating veg won't stop you losing weight, as long as you stick to your calorie goals.

    If you really want to increase your veg intake, look up 'hidden veg' and soup recipes. If not, carry on as you are. It's up to you.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Have you tried adding some flavouring to make them more appetising? I get no pleasure from plain steamed veg, but add a bit of butter and salt and the difference is HUGE.

    Also, whilst it may not affect your weight loss initially, there are a ton of nutrients in fruit and veg that are in very small quantities in other foods and vitamin deficiencies certainly can stall weight loss. Also, if you don't get enough fibre your digestion will suffer and put you at risk of faecal impaction and colon cancer and toxic overload from your body not being able to rid itself of toxins.

    the thing with fruit in veg is that they have low calorie values but add volume and bulk to a meal that will keep you satisfied and this is key in keeping hunger at bay and sticking with your plan. Starches like corn and potatoes are much more calorie dense than other veg. You'll find it much more difficult to stick within calorie goals trying to make up all your meals of meat, fat and starch.

    Also, whilst a calorie deficit is needed to lose weight, if you don't give your body the right nutrition it won't have the tools it needs to effectively let go of the excess fat. Eating foods that are low in nutritional value might help you lose weight initially, but it won't come off as fast as if you consider what you eat as well as how much.
  • What matters to me the most is the caloric deficit. To compensate on not eating vegetables and fruits, keep taking the multivitamin supplement. It doens't replace those vitamins and minerals completely, whole foods (in this case, vegetables and fruits) are still your best choice, but those can help a lot.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You should be fine for awhile but your calories will drop as you lose weight and you may have trouble staying full. Since you like spinach have you tried other leafy greens and lettuces? I add a ton of celery, onion and mushrooms to stews, chilies and sloppy Joes to boost up volume. Good luck.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    bacon and bacon grease- they make all things taste delicious.

    bacon wrapped asparagus?


    sautee veggies in bacon grease!! YES
  • fatnutjob
    fatnutjob Posts: 20 Member
    If you really want a change you're going to have to learn to get around your hatred and find a way of eating them. Curry them (I use a reduced fat/calorie butter instead of oil in my curries) if you need to or make veggie burgers or whatever, just make sure you find a way to consume them. Sure, people can and do lose weight without veg (I have) but the fact that you're taking a fiber supplement is a huge red flag showing that you need to increase your fiber intake.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    For weight loss, it's all about the deficit.

    If you're worried about missing out on fiber and other micronutrients, there are plenty of other foods and supplements out there to fill your needs.

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    good! go low carb. meat, sweet potatoes, spinach.
    as the lady above me said, its calorie deficit.
    when i went to Malta i lost 9 pounds by eating chicken nuggets, french fries (only once or twice a day, it was too hot) and drinking 12 tequila shots every night. still a deficit
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    How are you on beans/pulses? I was advised by a physio that canned baked beans are about the easiest way to up your fibre intake. They seem like junk food (and there is a fair amount of salt and sugar there) but they are genuinely great for fibre. I have since increased my fruit and veg intake, but at the time it was a good quick fix.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I have a mental thing with veggies (except corn, potatoes and spinach salads) and most fruits (except pineapple and berries). I almost puke at the site and smell of a green pepper. I am a meat and potatoes guy. Most weight loss success stories I have read, their diet is full of veggies and fruit. Will this prevent me from achieving my weight goal and keeping it off long term. To date I have been loading up on proteins, smart carbs and taking a general vitamin and fiber tablets to help with the lack of veggies.

    You are making yourself out to be a special case when actually you are just like many other people who cant lose weight. Puking at the sight of a green pepper? With all due respect, isnt that what kids do? Time to get real I think. Sorry if that sounds harsh.