I'm back! And so is the rest of me. Friends?

McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
EDIT: Please include a detailed message with your friend request. I don't add complete strangers and want to know what you're all about first. Thanks!!! No blanks, please!

Hey, everyone.

I started on MFP in 2011 and lost 85 lbs. over the course of 2 years. Last year I gained it back (for a variety of reasons).

Today is DAY 1 of reaching my weight loss goals for the 2nd and final time.

Currently at 222.6. Goal is 114. (But I will probably end up somewhere closer to 120-130, which is fine, too. Having goals is good.)


I'm 29, 5' 2 ½". I currently work 4 days a week as a bartender in Savannah, GA. Taking a break from school to save some money but I'm continuing my education toward my Master's in Linguistics with a focus on Speech-Language Pathology.

I live with my wonderful boyfriend, Vincent, and we have a pain-in-the-*kitten* dog named Delilah. She's a 5-yr. old boxer-pitt mix.

Please add me and let's support each other!

I used to be REALLY active on this site. Check out my blog for my past experience. There are a ton of entries and photos. This time around I won't be so completely consumed with MFP but I will be here everyday logging and saying hello and occasionally *****ing about things. :)

Looking forward to this! :D

:heart: McKay


  • LAPDpoliceNYPD
    LAPDpoliceNYPD Posts: 77 Member
    Il add you:heart:
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    Nice to meet you McKay. I just recently joined this site myself. I'm 28, 5'4 and my weigh in today was 293.7. My goal is to get to 200 lbs. I've struggled with weight and self esteem issues for most of my life. I'm committed to losing weight this time. I need to for a whole lot of reasons.

    I was successful a few years back dropping 5 pants sizes over a couple of years but with hormone changes and other stuff happening, I gained it back and more.

    I'll send you a friend request and you can add me if you wish. I try to log in daily and keep up with my friends to encourage as much as possible.

  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    McKay ...we are already friends and after getting on the scale today i was so depressed,,,,both of us lost tons of weight in the past and i was down 27 lbs to 131...now i am 10lbs heavier than where i started, now i am 168...I started on Sunday March 30th...eating right and drinking alcohol less...and committing myself to some sort of exercise for at least 45 mins a day. I can't take it any more. To come so far and blowing it so bad. I am right there with you!