How many of us have the "I need to rededicate myself" moment?

I have one about every month or so. I'll eat everything and have EVERY single excuse as to why my journey is sooo difficult. Today, I had another moment; however, this moment was a HUGE eye opener for me. I learned that I use every reason known to man for NOT eating right AND NOT exercising. "I am too tired to go after work" "I am too tired to get up early to go before work" It is crazy. Well, I have decided to nix the excuse and just be real with myself. I am lazy......I know this......I have alot on my plate as far as work, school, marriage,etc.....I know this too...BUT everything I do I CONTROL. I NEED TO CONTROL what I do with my time. Instead of spending an hour watching TV, I can be at the gym or walking in my neighborhood or play a game on the Wii. SO i am now challenging myself to lose AT LEAST 15 pounds in BY Jan 1st. Wish me luck you all!!


  • nursee67
    Good luck! great attitude. I think we all need adjusting from time to time...
  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I have those moments too. I recently decided that if I wanted to lose weight I had to actually work (hard) at it, so I make it a point to get up 45 minutes early every morning. I am exhausted by night but it helps me knowing my workout is done so I can relax with my husband after dinner, if my daughter allows it! Keep up the great attitude!
  • skinnyack
    You got this girl! Friend me if you need some support!
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    I love your new attitude!! I have a similar situation as yours with a lot of demanding things that eat up my time. Whenever I have a free moment, I tend to plop my butt on the couch and watch TV or play on the internet. My stress level and my health would benefit more if I chose to take a walk instead of watching TV as well. Thanks for the fresh perspective!!!