need help, fitbit user!

Can someone please look at my eating history my dairy is is driving me crazy. I can feel, see and my scale says I am gettingfatter! Driving me crazy! This past week, I gained 5 pounds, and I actually did really good. Do I eat I only 1200(I tried, and starved. I do a outdoor fitness class (seal team pt.)
I cant lose weight...
In December, I weighed 150, and now I weigh 160.
I am eating too much, but i am eat what my calorie counter says I can eat. : /
Ps...yes, when I over eat my calories....I have maintaineid my weight and this past week, i did well and gained5pounds.
I would love to hear any opinions.
my weight goes up and down...I can be 158 on week and down a pound then the very next day or evening up two.
Just not losing


  • savvymom418
    Always remember that muscle weighs more than fat.
    Other than that, are you drinking enough water? Are you eating enough? Are you getting all the nutrients your body needs?
    I always check in with a professional every once in a while to make sure I'm on track with my eating. For my size/age I can eat 1750cal and still lose a pound a week, but if I go under 1100, I'll go into starvation mode and not lose or possibly gain.
  • JCLondonUK
    JCLondonUK Posts: 159
    Read through the forums, carefully, attentively. Think about what you learn. Apply it, consistently. Come back in three months with a success story.