How to control BINGE EATING?

Especially females, help me out here. I don't know if it's my hormones or stress or what, but I can't stop craving salty and sweet foods. I just ate a whole bag of popcorn and four thin mints and I still need something else to munch on.... I eat every 2 hours and I incorporate fiber into my diet... It's not even that I'm hungry I just am craving snacks! I think I'm stressed because of this ten page essay I have due in a week and a half, I'm looking for a job, I'm making plans for college, and I have a big calc exam in May. I act fine-my stress hasn't caused any mental breakdowns or anything yet. I go to the gym to relieve my stress. I manage my time pretty well.
I just am always craving something.
And I'm so afraid of gaining weight back.
Or gaining more weight.
Someone help me out please. How can I control these evil tempting sadistic cravings lol.


  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Here's a low-calorie yummy snack:

    But yes, I have those times too ;)
    Going for a run (or walk) or drinking a cup of hot tea can be a good alternative. But sometimes you just want to munch which is why having bulky low-calorie snacks available is good.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I stopped my binge eating by eating before i got too hungry. My theory on hunger is that when your body is seeking out something found in food, your hunger drive is on, but it's not always calories that your body is seeking. My hunger drive is DRASTICALLY lower than it used to be now that i eat food that is very rich in micro-nutrients. I have heard that same thing from many others, too.

    I think it might help you to make sure you fill yourself up with fruits and/or veggies for at least one meal a day.
  • Eve_e
    Eve_e Posts: 57
    What time of day are you most likely to binge?

    If it's evening, which is most common, you're like me. That's not to say that I don't have days where I wake up with binge urges - although usually that's because I over-restricted the day before - but the worst time of day is the evening. The only thing I've found that works for me is saving a good 600-800 calories for evening snacks. That way, I can sit down at the end of the day and consume a large volume of food at once, while still staying under my calories. It kind of gives me and my body the illusion of bingeing, without actually having to do so.

    Mentally, it makes avoiding actually bingeing a whole lot easier.

    Nonetheless, some days, nothing works. And that's okay. Just don't over-restrict your intake the next day to compensate, because then you'll fall into a vicious binge/restrict/binge/restrict cycle. Just eat normally, get in a good work-out, and go on with your week.

    Binge eating is an incredibly difficult challenge to overcome, but don't give up! Find what works for you.
  • cc141
    cc141 Posts: 55 Member
    The best thing I learned to control my binges is never limiting any type of food. Everything in moderation. If I can fit it in my calorie goal I will eat whatever I want. When I would try to limit certain things that I thought were "bad" I would just end up eating all that stuff and then some. I also make sure I have calories available after dinner for a snack.