Rest day - guilt day!

Why do I always feel guilty when take a rest from fitness day? I feel that I need it! I have been teaching Zumba classes 5 times a week + doing Jillian's 30 day shred + 15 minutes running before teaching Zumba. My body needs rest BUT I FEEL SO GUILTY not working out TODAY! Want to climb on the machine now! Am I crazy?:noway: :frown: :frown:


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Your not the only one who feels guilty on rest days
  • jeanineadele
    I feel guily too. It's kind of addicting but I think our bodies do need the rest.
  • miss_amy
    Story of my life! I too feel guilty and feel like I'm gonna gain like 10lbs that day! haha! I know that sounds so silly but I've always incorporated weight loss with working out. I know its moreso what you eat than what you do, and I'm usually under my calorie goal those rest days but the guilt is crazy!!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    On my cheat days, or whatever you want to call them, I just do a light walk. Its relaxing, not strenuous, and then i don't feel guilty.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I think its something we most of us struggle with, but we need that day off!!! Take care!! ;-)
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    I also struggle with that! I always feel guilty on a rest day..even when I'm sick as a dog. It's hard to do but sometimes our bodies need the rest! Sounds like you've been working out extra hard so I think you've earned it :smile:
  • mykaar74
    OMG, i thought i was the only one whom felt guilty. Since I got on my fitness, healthier life tip a year ago I feel so bad if I can't do some form of exercise. Even when I was on crutches I felt like wow I have to just do something so I would sit on the chair doing leg was a rest day (suppose to have been) but I ended up doing crunches, squats, and light walking...SMH...I have to learn how to rest in order for my body to recover properly so it can work, and develop properly. So you are not alone, I'm guilty of feeling guilty.:smile:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    You need at least one rest day for your body to recover!

    Most marathon training plans I've seen have one or two rest days built in. If you don't take them, you increase your risk of injury dramatically!!

    Take at least rest day once a week!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I feel guilty too! I should've rested today because my lower back is a little tight from a workout I did a couple of days ago, but I ended up doing a Jillian Michaels DVD because I always worry I'll gain weight if I take a break! I am going to start taking one day a week off, though. I am, really....right?
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    Keep in mind that our bodies NEED that rest day to rebuild and repair and restore or we'll just end up doing more harm and damage than good.
    Plus, if I understand it correctly, the chemical/enzyme/protein (whatever it is) in your body that actually triggers/causes weight loss (as with growth in children) comes out in our sleep not while we are awake or exercising so take a good nap on your rest day and really let your body heal and release the chemicals that do all the good work!
    Sounds like you really push your body the rest of the week so give yourself a guilt-free break. :wink:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Oh man do I ever feel ya on this.

    Yesterday at weigh in I hadn't lost anything ... NOT A THING and my measurements were the same as the previous week. I have been working out like crazy, eating right BUT I had not taken off a day and I think I was drinking TOO MUCH water. So, at the insistence of my friends here, I took yesterday completely off and lowered my water intake ... and yanno what happened? I lost a POUND over night LOL.

    Did I have a hard time sitting still? You bet! Did I fidget and move around anyway? Uh huh! But I didn't exercise and I still drank 10 glasses of water (about 1/2 of what I had been drinking) and I felt good!

    So ... I have come to the conclusion that while I may feel guilty, I need to rest my body completely at least one day a week ... you will be okay :)
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    As so many have said, I can empathize with the rest day guilt, but since I am trying to make this more about a shift in lifestyle than a crash course in weight loss, I have been trying to do other things on that day off...

    You know that list of things that you either never have time to do, or have always wanted to try/see/experience? A great way to fill the time that would generally be your workout time, and it is kind of a bonus getting some of those chores/whatever done without cutting in to your regular workout plans! (I tend toward the chore aspect because I then feel SLIGHTLY less guilty for not working out... even if it is just laundry and grocery shopping.)

    Heck, everyone needs a day once in a while where you can look at the couch and think 'You are not the enemy...and I might just loaf for a bit!'

  • mykaar74
    love the part about the couch and you are definitely right. i have a 7 month new living room set and I think I may sit on it once every blue moon...I'm gonna start enjoying my couch once a week. So since today is Friday, i'm making this my rest day. No exercise, no treadmill, no crunches, just my daily work schedule.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    In the same boat here :)

    I know I need the rest to grow but it is still a hard concept to get around (much like eating more food can be better). I usually end up doing some light fun activity on a rest day, nothing too strenuous.
  • sunnysashka
    Im glad I'm not alone with this problem. I did not excersise today. AT ALL!!! Wanted to do Jillian's DVD, but did not. Just rested and watched some "Friends" while my baby was napping.:laugh: . But tomorrow I'm back to my routine. I think, I will feel more energy tomorrow! Thank you everybody for sharing your experience with me!:flowerforyou:
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i have the same problem! i wasn't planning on taking a rest day today, but a drawer fell on my foot and its a bit swollen and i just want to take it easy. problem is, i was going to take off tomorrow because i am going out to a fancy place and did not have time to shower after working out. so now i am taking 2 days off! i am a bit worried because i don't want to fall off the wagon with my exercise routine. hopefully, come saturday i will be rearing to go!
  • sunnysashka
    Hey, guys! I felt so much better working out after a rest day! I'm going to stick with at least 1 day a week resting. I have convinced myself that I need it. I'm even going to take a break from 30 day shred. So, what, I will finish the program in 35 day or so?:wink:

    And thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts about it! I thought I was insane here! :blushing:
  • Juicey1401
    Juicey1401 Posts: 126 Member
    Goodness I feel so guilty on my off day which suppose to be on Sundays but I still worked out yesterday. I worked out for 38 days before a rest day then I started working out like 2 or 3 times a day...kind of thought about resting today but I will probably do it in a few minutes b4 class. I know my body needs to recover but it's hard not to workout. I really think I'm addicted but I feel so much better when I workout.!!!
  • mightymraz
    I so needed to see this. I was about to post the same thing in my status about being too tired to get up this morning and workout before getting ready to work. Today is the first day I've missed in weeks and I was feeling very badly about it. But, I agree with the others in that we are allowed to have days off and as long as we don't go crazy eating it should work out just fine.