any natives/aboriginals on this site? looking for friends!

i've heard that aboriginals (i myself am a Canadian native) benefit from having higher protein in their diets, (because its more of a traditional way of eating) i'm wondering if i should try this? i generally don't eat a lot of meat (it makes me feel bloaty, and lazy)

i'm just starting this weight loss journey in a serious manor.... i dance pow wow every weekend in the summer and burn lots of calories doing that but i seem to short fall with calorie intake during the week...

Thanks for reading my post! feel free to add me as a friend



  • BushPunk
    BushPunk Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Odawa, urban ndn, 1/4, grandma was from traverse city michigan area. Mind if I add you? I'm trying to "decolonize" my diet and eat a little closer to how we did historically in the bush (which is hard with my being displaced and living in florida because I grew up an army brat lol) and i notice i feel less sick when i eat that way. More game, fish, wild rice, berries, maple syrup if i need to use sweetener, squash, corn, beans, ect. less processed foods (though I may still indulge in frybread as a treat once in a blue moon lol), less dairy and wheat, less domesticated meats ect. Mind if I friend add you?
  • FeliciaCM
    FeliciaCM Posts: 12 Member
    I am 50% ojibwe/mowhawk

    I def find that avoiding processed foods and eating high protein makes me feel my best, wheat especially makes me feel gross.