Soda addiction



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Switch to may take a week or so, but you will cut a lot of calories!

    I have switched to diet a while back so that's good! I think I might try smaller sized cans/bottles for a while and then switch to tea/coffee. I love black coffee so that might be a good alternative. I definitely need my caffeine!

    Oh goodness, drink your diet sodas and enjoy them!
  • jcreazy
    jcreazy Posts: 50 Member
    I wouldn't say I am addicted to soda, but I stopped drinking it 2 weeks ago. I did have a headache for about a day but that was it. I don't crave it at all. I drink water most of the time now and if I ever want flavor I will use Mio. I never bought soda for my home and I never ordered soda at a sit down restaurant (costs too much) The only time I would ever drink it was when I ate fast food (which was a lot) I changed over to diet soda but it wasn't any better. I do feel myself being more tired now without the caffeine but I don't really need it.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I can feel your pain, for years and years now that's all I drunk - 2 1/2 litres a day of real coke and no water (ashamed of this) but I am trying to fix it and I have tried cold turkey but for me that didn't work. I have now slowly and gradually reduced the amount I drink and have switch over to diet coke. I allow myself 1 300ml diet coke a day (2 if I am really needing it) but will stick to this for a while then switch to every second day etc etc. it's really hard but you just gotta be strong and I think I having people in the same situation for support is necessary as you can be there in hard times etc. if you ever need to talk about it or advice I am here.

    5 Tips For Quitting Your Diet Soda Addiction

    1. Don’t feel like you have to go cold turkey.

    It’s what worked for some people but it may not work for you. Maybe set a rule for yourself that you only drink diet soda when you’re out at a restaurant. Since your SummerTomato-esque healthstyle involves more meals at home, that’ll cut down on the diet soda you drink. Later, you can start substituting other drinks when you eat out until you’re eventually soda-free.

    2. Remove the addictive substance from your environment.

    Smokers will attest that it’s harder to quit when someone else’s cigarettes are in the house. It’s the same for a diet soda addiction. Try to enlist your family, partner, or housemates to quit with you. If they can’t or won’t, see if you can put the soda in another location. Get a mini fridge for it and put it in another room. Out of sight, out of mind.

    3. Be prepared for the withdrawal symptoms.

    Your body is addicted to this substance. Your brain is addicted to the high you get from it. When that feeling disappears, your body will fight tooth and nail to get it back, to get that next fix. You’ll probably feel downright terrible – headaches, irritability, lack of focus.

    Time your quitting so you can be out of focus and irritable without it affecting your life too much. Don’t quit soda the week of the giant research paper or the big work project or your wedding. That’s just a recipe for disaster on both fronts.
    Get some ibuprofin, or your anti-headache medicine of choice. Remember, these headaches are temporary and they will go away. No sense to suffer through them when you can dull the pain.

    4. Substitute a tasty beverage that you enjoy.

    Here are some substitutes for diet soda:

    Water. It’s not as boring as it sounds. Flavor it up with a squirt of lemon, lime, or orange.

    Sassy Water. I tried this recipe from The Flat Belly Diet and it’s pretty darn good. If you hate straight-up water, give it a shot. It tastes very fresh and zippy. 2 liters water (about 8 ½ cups) 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger 1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced 1 medium lemon, thinly sliced 12 small spearmint leaves. Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight.

    Unsweetened Tea. .Hot tea is also amazing, especially if you get loose leaf tea rather than grocery store teabags.

    Italian Soda. If you can afford a few extra calories, consider stepping down from diet soda to Italian Soda. You make Italian soda by mixing carbonated water with flavored simple syrup. Torani syrups come in a myriad of flavors and are made with cane sugar (not HFCS). It’s 100 calories for two tablespoons, but trust me, you do not need two tablespoons, or even two teaspoons, to transform your water into something a bit more flavorful. Be careful to watch your consumption of Italian soda. It won’t have all the calories (or chemicals) of a HFCS soda, but the empty calories do add up. (Torani does make sugar-free syrup, but it may be better to go the more natural route, even if it does mean a few more calories.)

    5. Get a sponsor.

    No, you’re not an alcoholic. Soda isn’t going to ruin your life and relationships the way alcoholism can. But you will need help sometimes, and it’s good to have a friend or three you can call or text or visit when you’re feeling the need to swing into a 7-11 for a Big Gulp. Have your lifelines on speed dial and don’t be afraid to use them.

    Not sure if srs...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I can feel your pain, for years and years now that's all I drunk - 2 1/2 litres a day of real coke and no water (ashamed of this) but I am trying to fix it and I have tried cold turkey but for me that didn't work. I have now slowly and gradually reduced the amount I drink and have switch over to diet coke. I allow myself 1 300ml diet coke a day (2 if I am really needing it) but will stick to this for a while then switch to every second day etc etc. it's really hard but you just gotta be strong and I think I having people in the same situation for support is necessary as you can be there in hard times etc. if you ever need to talk about it or advice I am here.

    5 Tips For Quitting Your Diet Soda Addiction

    1. Don’t feel like you have to go cold turkey.

    It’s what worked for some people but it may not work for you. Maybe set a rule for yourself that you only drink diet soda when you’re out at a restaurant. Since your SummerTomato-esque healthstyle involves more meals at home, that’ll cut down on the diet soda you drink. Later, you can start substituting other drinks when you eat out until you’re eventually soda-free.

    2. Remove the addictive substance from your environment.

    Smokers will attest that it’s harder to quit when someone else’s cigarettes are in the house. It’s the same for a diet soda addiction. Try to enlist your family, partner, or housemates to quit with you. If they can’t or won’t, see if you can put the soda in another location. Get a mini fridge for it and put it in another room. Out of sight, out of mind.

    3. Be prepared for the withdrawal symptoms.

    Your body is addicted to this substance. Your brain is addicted to the high you get from it. When that feeling disappears, your body will fight tooth and nail to get it back, to get that next fix. You’ll probably feel downright terrible – headaches, irritability, lack of focus.

    Time your quitting so you can be out of focus and irritable without it affecting your life too much. Don’t quit soda the week of the giant research paper or the big work project or your wedding. That’s just a recipe for disaster on both fronts.
    Get some ibuprofin, or your anti-headache medicine of choice. Remember, these headaches are temporary and they will go away. No sense to suffer through them when you can dull the pain.

    4. Substitute a tasty beverage that you enjoy.

    Here are some substitutes for diet soda:

    Water. It’s not as boring as it sounds. Flavor it up with a squirt of lemon, lime, or orange.

    Sassy Water. I tried this recipe from The Flat Belly Diet and it’s pretty darn good. If you hate straight-up water, give it a shot. It tastes very fresh and zippy. 2 liters water (about 8 ½ cups) 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger 1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced 1 medium lemon, thinly sliced 12 small spearmint leaves. Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight.

    Unsweetened Tea. .Hot tea is also amazing, especially if you get loose leaf tea rather than grocery store teabags.

    Italian Soda. If you can afford a few extra calories, consider stepping down from diet soda to Italian Soda. You make Italian soda by mixing carbonated water with flavored simple syrup. Torani syrups come in a myriad of flavors and are made with cane sugar (not HFCS). It’s 100 calories for two tablespoons, but trust me, you do not need two tablespoons, or even two teaspoons, to transform your water into something a bit more flavorful. Be careful to watch your consumption of Italian soda. It won’t have all the calories (or chemicals) of a HFCS soda, but the empty calories do add up. (Torani does make sugar-free syrup, but it may be better to go the more natural route, even if it does mean a few more calories.)

    5. Get a sponsor.

    No, you’re not an alcoholic. Soda isn’t going to ruin your life and relationships the way alcoholism can. But you will need help sometimes, and it’s good to have a friend or three you can call or text or visit when you’re feeling the need to swing into a 7-11 for a Big Gulp. Have your lifelines on speed dial and don’t be afraid to use them.

    Not sure if srs...

    who knows…so tired of these BS addiction threads...
  • zumbachick35
    I drank Diet Coke for years. Even to the point of drinking so many in one day that I had the worst kidney pain ever! I quit last year for 74 days. Needless to say I have started back. Once I stopped though, the bloat was gone. I figure at least it's not regular with all the sugar..but there is always a study that says they are just as bad. I don't drink many now but I still love them.
  • ChrisJamesT85
    ChrisJamesT85 Posts: 3 Member
    I use to drink about 15 diet sodas a day.. When I decided to start eating right I stopped all together.. Sure I have the craving but at the end of day its nothing but water.
  • curwhibbles
    curwhibbles Posts: 138 Member
    I definitely find comfort in a diet soda, especially fountain pop...something about that fizz.
    It's on my list of things to work on. I'm not the cold turkey on everything, all at once type. But I think when it has to go for good...there's no moderation with soda and myself.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    you can get yourself some club soda or seltzer water and add it to your pop for now. plus try the club soda with some lime or lemons occasionally. for now make yourself drink a whole glass of water before you can drink your pop. then you may not want as much after all that water. plus if you don't buy it, you cant drink it. there is always that.
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    Diet sodas would be a good option because theyre lower in calories, but have you researched how unhealthy they are? Any soda is, really, but diet sodas are terrible.
    If its the carbonation that you like, you could try Sparkling Ice. It kinda tastes like soda, but its just flavored sparkling water.
  • jaebm
    jaebm Posts: 17 Member
    Girl, you should friend me! Anyone on here feel free to send me a friend request!! I am new to mfp but loving it so far and would love to get some support while cheering others on! Anyway back to this post, I totally struggle with soda too. Not even kidding though I could drink 1-2 of the 20oz bottles a day :( not cool! I just started trying to give it up again this week. 2 days sober thank you ;) I recently had a baby in August and as soon as I found out I was preggers I quit drinking all caffeine and actually gave up all drinks but water for the entire pregnancy! I try to remind myself that I did it for my baby so why can't I do it for myself? Let's work through this together girl!! Good luck :)
  • carrieEL
    carrieEL Posts: 16 Member
    I was a diet Pepsi junkie. I just quit one day 18 months ago cause my doc told me that any carbonated drink will stretch your stomach, goal was to eat less and shrink belly so with that...I drink lots of water, coffee, and tea...I was 309lbs and today 191 can do this, just think how it stretches your stomach out and makes you want to eat more.....good luck , I wish you the best on your journey!!!
  • Julie61ann
    Julie61ann Posts: 183 Member
    You have to figure out what will work best for you and as dumb as it sounds you have to figure out what you like BEST about pop. I know you like it because it tastes good but really think about why you like it. Do you like it for the fizz, the caffeine or the sugar. I never like to drink pop unless I am eating so I guess I like the sweet/salty taste of pop with my pizza, my mexican food or my chips and popcorn,...... What has worked pretty good for me is that I have completely sworn off of Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. If I need a pop I , I drink a pop (I just drink Sprite Zero, Diet 7-up, or Diet Sprite!) This works for me for a couple of reasons: 1. I feel like I'm not giving up pop (no deprivation.) 2. Since "clear" pops aren't really my "go-to" pop of choice I don't drink as much. I don't crave it like I did the "non-clear" pops. I usually end up throwing out at least part of the can. 3. Since I drink diet and am not willing to drink the extra calories of regular I usually end up just drinking water when I go out to eat because most restaurants don't have the diet "clear" pops. I used to drink 2+ cans of pop a day and now I just drink 1 or 2 a week, it is getting easier and easier to just switch to water.
    Unfortunately, I don't like tea or flavored waters (carbonated or not) but maybe those could also be good substitutes for you. Good luck finding what works for you.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    I have at least one can of soda on most days. Sweets have been my hardest vice to break. I know it's not good for me, but it also keeps me happy. Diet soda just doesn't cut it for me either. The artificial sweeteners ruin the taste. I quit it cold turkey in the past, only having it when I'd get a drink at restaurants, but I came crawling back after a few years. Then I had a soda binge and needed to retrain myself to drink water.
  • Tmm10910
    Tmm10910 Posts: 18 Member
    Fruit flavored sparkling water has worked wonders for me. I mostly drink it plain, but sometimes add a bit of 100% fruit juice to it, or mix it with wine.
  • StephanieOugh2014
    StephanieOugh2014 Posts: 35 Member
    I drink a lot of water and black coffee but when I need fizzy I either drink San Pellegrino or put flavoured Sweetleaf Stevia in sparkling water ) I have a soda stream but you can buy it instead. I like the rootbeer flavor and the vanilla crème tastes great too. I know they have cola flavor but I haven't bought it yet. Stevia is way better for you than artificial sweeteners that are in traditional diet soda. It also doesn't confuse the body into thinking its getting sugar and throwing it off.
  • RossUK88
    RossUK88 Posts: 10 Member
    Get a soda stream. The syrups don't contain aspertame like regular diet sodas. I don't even use the syrups anymore I just drink the carbonated water now. Or u can buy flavored carbonated water.
    Exactly what I found, I find normal plain water really hard to drink in larger quantities but put a few bubbles in it for me and I can drink it all day. I'm pretty much never without a soda stream bottle, I also might throw in a flavour or 2 at the weekend as a treat.
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    I LOVE diet coke..I mean I LOVE it..but just one day not drinking it and looking at my belly was enough for me..I only drink one or two a day but it makes a huge impact on my stomach...
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Switch to may take a week or so, but you will cut a lot of calories!

    I have switched to diet a while back so that's good! I think I might try smaller sized cans/bottles for a while and then switch to tea/coffee. I love black coffee so that might be a good alternative. I definitely need my caffeine!

    Why are you trying to quit then if you are drinking a no calorie drink?
  • tdotgirl
    tdotgirl Posts: 95 Member
    I've lost 80lbs and I love my coke and have not and will not cut it off my diet. I just adjust my calories to something else. Good luck
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I can feel your pain, for years and years now that's all I drunk - 2 1/2 litres a day of real coke and no water (ashamed of this) but I am trying to fix it and I have tried cold turkey but for me that didn't work. I have now slowly and gradually reduced the amount I drink and have switch over to diet coke. I allow myself 1 300ml diet coke a day (2 if I am really needing it) but will stick to this for a while then switch to every second day etc etc. it's really hard but you just gotta be strong and I think I having people in the same situation for support is necessary as you can be there in hard times etc. if you ever need to talk about it or advice I am here.

    5 Tips For Quitting Your Diet Soda Addiction

    1. Don’t feel like you have to go cold turkey.

    It’s what worked for some people but it may not work for you. Maybe set a rule for yourself that you only drink diet soda when you’re out at a restaurant. Since your SummerTomato-esque healthstyle involves more meals at home, that’ll cut down on the diet soda you drink. Later, you can start substituting other drinks when you eat out until you’re eventually soda-free.

    2. Remove the addictive substance from your environment.

    Smokers will attest that it’s harder to quit when someone else’s cigarettes are in the house. It’s the same for a diet soda addiction. Try to enlist your family, partner, or housemates to quit with you. If they can’t or won’t, see if you can put the soda in another location. Get a mini fridge for it and put it in another room. Out of sight, out of mind.

    3. Be prepared for the withdrawal symptoms.

    Your body is addicted to this substance. Your brain is addicted to the high you get from it. When that feeling disappears, your body will fight tooth and nail to get it back, to get that next fix. You’ll probably feel downright terrible – headaches, irritability, lack of focus.

    Time your quitting so you can be out of focus and irritable without it affecting your life too much. Don’t quit soda the week of the giant research paper or the big work project or your wedding. That’s just a recipe for disaster on both fronts.
    Get some ibuprofin, or your anti-headache medicine of choice. Remember, these headaches are temporary and they will go away. No sense to suffer through them when you can dull the pain.

    4. Substitute a tasty beverage that you enjoy.

    Here are some substitutes for diet soda:

    Water. It’s not as boring as it sounds. Flavor it up with a squirt of lemon, lime, or orange.

    Sassy Water. I tried this recipe from The Flat Belly Diet and it’s pretty darn good. If you hate straight-up water, give it a shot. It tastes very fresh and zippy. 2 liters water (about 8 ½ cups) 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger 1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced 1 medium lemon, thinly sliced 12 small spearmint leaves. Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and let flavors blend overnight.

    Unsweetened Tea. .Hot tea is also amazing, especially if you get loose leaf tea rather than grocery store teabags.

    Italian Soda. If you can afford a few extra calories, consider stepping down from diet soda to Italian Soda. You make Italian soda by mixing carbonated water with flavored simple syrup. Torani syrups come in a myriad of flavors and are made with cane sugar (not HFCS). It’s 100 calories for two tablespoons, but trust me, you do not need two tablespoons, or even two teaspoons, to transform your water into something a bit more flavorful. Be careful to watch your consumption of Italian soda. It won’t have all the calories (or chemicals) of a HFCS soda, but the empty calories do add up. (Torani does make sugar-free syrup, but it may be better to go the more natural route, even if it does mean a few more calories.)

    5. Get a sponsor.

    No, you’re not an alcoholic. Soda isn’t going to ruin your life and relationships the way alcoholism can. But you will need help sometimes, and it’s good to have a friend or three you can call or text or visit when you’re feeling the need to swing into a 7-11 for a Big Gulp. Have your lifelines on speed dial and don’t be afraid to use them.

    Is this real life?