Post your story! Lets all find friends!!



  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    Hello. I am 52 and need to loose about 10 to 15 lbs. I have been struggling with my weight off and on most of my life. I have learned that I really need to work out to the point of sweating every day to maintain a healthy weight. Several injuries and medical problems kept me couch bound the last few years but I am feeling good and hope to get in the best shape of my life now.
    I am very inspired by the stories of older athletes such as Ernestine Shepherd, if you haven't heard of her Google her. She is an amazing lady.

    Just want to add that I reread my post before posting and I had subconsciously typed work out to the point of swearing. LOL that's true too!
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    My name is Adria and I am 22 years old as well :) I am a junior/senior in college going for accounting degree. I recently lost 40 pounds about a year ago but gained half of it back. I am trying to get to 150 and then re-evaluate my goals at that point. Your welcome to friend me if you like :)
  • dahlau
    dahlau Posts: 6
    I am 24 years old - getting married this summer. I have always been "overweight", but have always had the mantra "muscle weighs more than fat." While true, fat also weighs something. I had been fine with the number on the scale until I hit 198. I knew that weight didn't matter to me as much as feeling and looking healthy - and my friends always said I didn't LOOK like how much I weighed.

    A few summers ago, I was working out and eating like a rabbit and lost almost 30 pounds (I also got mono). Over the next two years, I gained it all back plus more. I don't want to go back to that. I am down to 182 now, with a short term goal of being at 175 by my wedding and a long term goal of being at 150 (maybe even less???).

    My fiancee and I are training for a race this month (he is doing a half marathon and I am doing a 10K). I have never been a runner - I threw shotput and discus in high school track - but have been doing more lately. Once I have a couple 10Ks under my belt, I'd like to do a half marathon. Eventually I want to start doing yoga, but can't bring myself to go to a class when everyone else there looks like a Barbie.

    Looking for moral support and someone who likes to do similar workouts - but welcome any and all friends!!!
  • doug_pierce
    doug_pierce Posts: 255
    I'm Doug (obviously); Married with 3 kids and a desk job. I love exercise but struggle with diet.

    PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD ME. I will gladly accept your friend request. I tend to not offer generic encouragement, but will definitely speak up if I have insight or experience that is relevant to a comment or post.
  • CoachDeeRyan
    My name is Denise- I'm 32 years weight has always been a yo-yo! I am 18 weeks pregnant with a little girl, my first successful pregnancy after two early miscarriages. I try to work out as much as possible, though its getting harder the further along I get. I try to eat as healthy as possible, but I've never been able to eat completely clean and I allow myself the occasional indulgences. Ok- maybe more than occasional. So far doctor says me and the little princess-to-be are nothing but healthy, so that's nice to know. I strive for progress, not perfection when it comes to my body and weight.

    Definitely add me- I love friending like-minded people! I'm going to friend all of you as well!
  • ehopelives
    ehopelives Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I'm Sandra from Texas. I'm 31 and my CW is 172. I would love to get rid of 50-60 pounds of that or at least be a single digit size. I'm only 5'2" so every pound shows. I used to be very thin until I started working a super stressful job with long hours. I was either on the road all of the time or behind a desk which led to me consistently gaining weight throughout my twenties. Now that I'm in my 30's I really need to make some changes before things get worse.

    I just started jogging again and have a gigantic collection of fitness DVDs. Feel free to friend me. I would love to have some extra motivation. :)
  • allisonjforsyth
    allisonjforsyth Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! I'm Allison, 36 year old mother of 5 young daughters...Started this journey after having my fifth little girl in January 2013. I have notebook after notebook filled with my food and calorie journals. (Then I found MFP!!) So much easier!!! :) When I started I was slightly above 200, now I'm down to about 133 (which was my original goal.) I've since moved my goal down to the bottom of my healthy weight range for my height of 5'7" and small frame so about 122. That way I feel like I can afford to gain a little without freaking out about it. My plan is to maintain within the range of 120-130. I live in Ohio, and workout pretty much every single day. After doing this by myself for so long, I am so happy to meet others on here. I love MFP!!! Best wishes!!
  • whiteq13
    whiteq13 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I'm Q. I'm a musician, drummer, college student. Technically considered overweight, not obese. 10 more pounds to go to reach my ideal weight goal. I love physical activity but I struggle with healthy eating.
  • KHal11715
    KHal11715 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I'm Kim from NJ. I got engaged in November 2013 and getting married in November 2015 so I'm trying to get my body in the best shape it has ever been. Not only for the wedding, but for life in general! My goal isn't an exact # on the scale. I really want to get my body fat % down to a healthy range (This mornings reading was 32.4%) and I really want to drop a couple pants sizes. Currently I'm around a size 10. Feeling comfortable in shorts has been something I have always dreamed of and I'm finally am going to make it a reality!

    I run twice a week and mainly do Beachbody workouts at home for a total of about 5-6 days a week. I have been strength training for about a month now and just ordered ChaLEAN Extreme and a set of adjustable weights that I am SUPER excited about!

    Feel free to add me! I am on here everyday :)
  • shaylalaine
    shaylalaine Posts: 44 Member
    I am Shayla I am 37 and I didn't notice how much i had gained, there are thirty-eight pounds here that definitely don't belong. I am obese, maybe I can get down to being overweight, but that is 60 pounds away! I have always been big and curvy and happy with it, I think Ill be happy with my weight loss too.
    There are people in my life that will be so jealous of my weight loss and that's what motivates me, that people like me fat because they feel I am oppressed. Motivated by anger, I am enjoying this, so far, it is a bit easier than I thought it would be. I eat most of my MFP goal calories and I move more.
  • ChristineOlivarri
    ChristineOlivarri Posts: 62 Member
    Christine , I'm 28, mother to six kids , started on January 4th of this year have lost over 40 pounds so far I still have about 60 pounds to lose. Would love to find more friends on here and meet new people :)
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Hi! I am Jen. I am 42. I am a SAHM to my 3 boys. In the past year I have become a vegetarian and gave up both caffeine and sugar. I started at 129 and I am at 118 now. My goal is 110 but I that may change as my body changes.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I've lost 28 of the 40 pounds I want to lose. I've had many ups and downs, but I keep going. Anyone is free to add me, I'm on every day! I'm no expert, but I help when I can. There's always room for one more on the friend list! :smile:

    The MFP experience started with me wanting to lose 40 pounds and be done with it. After learning all kinds of fun stuff in the forums, the weight loss has become secondary, but still important. My new primary goals are: be strong and amazing, like so many of the ladies on MFP; finish Combat and Insanity; finish C25K and participate in a race this year.
  • Jaxxy_Fae
    Jaxxy_Fae Posts: 28
    I'm Samantha, freelance writer and novelist, so I spend most of my time sitting at a desk. I'm also a gamer so that tends to be a problem. I'm 27, single, no kids, flexible job, so it seems like it would be easy to just get out there and do things, but it's not. I would love to find friends to keep me motivated and on track! I have about 150 pounds to lose, maybe less. I haven't been at a "healthy" weight in a really long time so I'm just not sure what is best for my frame. I kind of need a cheering squad and maybe a little tough love now and again.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    Hey there, I'm Jennifer, 31. I work full time at a desk job, so I don't get much activity during the day. My birthday is at the end of May and my goal is to reach my goal weight by my 32nd birthday. Not sure I'll make it, but trying my hardest! I've got two children and a very supportive husband. I love working out and tonight is my first trial at the C25k. I've always hated running. But, my friends have convinced me to sign up for a 5k in May. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
  • PlayBall5
    PlayBall5 Posts: 125
    I love making new friends on MFP. Anyone feel free to add me. I log in everyday and check back hourly. MFP is what has helped me acheive my goals and kept me going through my struggles. I want to pay it forward so go ahead and add me if you want support.
  • belle0226
    belle0226 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm Kim. I am trying to get back to losing weight. I did pretty well about 2 years ago and then kind of maintained ( I added a little). I'm working on being stronger at the moment. Feel free to add me!
  • uboom
    uboom Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, I'm Brent. I'm 42 year old cancer survior. Had testicular cancer twice in my life and fought it off twice. No need to fight that fight again, so here I am. I'm an avid cyclist that rides around 200 miles a week. I have a 13 year old son who shares my love for cycling. He is an avid racer and races road and cyclocross here in the state of VA. I'm also a Navy Officer and started out 23 years ago as an enlisted guy and moved up the ranks and crossed over to the officer ranks. I guess that is me in a nut shell.
  • iTStaRTsN0W
    iTStaRTsN0W Posts: 106
    Add me !!

    I am 25 yrs old, 329 lbs, 5'7 .. GW is 165lb-170lb

    It has been a struggle my whole life to lose weight, but I am still young and I want this sooo bad so I am going to keep my self encouraged.
  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I'm a 48 year old mom who's metabolism has really slowed down despite loving to exercise. Started really watching more diligently what I've been eating with help of mfp and have lost a few pounds. :smile: Would love more friends on mfp!