Will a 1200 Calorie Diet Screw up Metabolism?



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    "Before you start giving people unclear, inaccurate information, it would be a good idea to ensure you understand your cited sources properly. "

    Or better yet cited proper sources.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    If you can put on fat during a calorie deficit does that mean I can lose weight with a surplus?

    Clearly. If you eat 5000 calories a day your body will reverse this process and start building that precious starvation-preventing muscle while burning that fat that is just going to stick around if you starve anyways.
  • BrieFit18
    BrieFit18 Posts: 35 Member
    You know I'm reading through those links and I have yet to see a single one of them that says your body stores fat while starving yourself by having a caloric intake significantly below your BMR. Perhaps you can point out the specific part of the article where it says that on any of those links.
    "You should never go under your BMR because it basically means your body don’t have enough calories to function normally so your metabolism slows down and you get energy from your muscle instead of fat (fat main usage is protection. when starving, it gets used after muscle). "

    Muscle is used before fat. Therefore, fat is stored until it is absolutely requires. It's not rocket science. I sent you a response through message because all these comments are getting too disorganized.

    Are you sure its not the other way around O_o

    100% sure. Fat is extremely important in many areas of the body so you will burn away nutrients from areas that are not as essential first.
  • kuzmacombat
    kuzmacombat Posts: 4 Member
    I honestly thought anyone with a basic understanding of the human body knew this already. Oh well, guess I was wrong. Muscle is closer to the organs and fat is furthest away. When you're not getting enough calories, your body has to get energy from somewhere, usually from fat, unless your calories become too low. In which case, your body can't effectively burn fat while still having enough energy for normal function. Thus, it breaks down the muscles for energy. In simple terms, if you don't have gas in the car to the store, but could walk outside, and get veggies out of the garden, what would you do? You'd just go outside instead of going all the way to the store.

    ETA, most of your organs run on fat not muscle, which is why it's important for your body to conserve the fat and use the muscle as energy when your calories get to low. The main source of energy for the brain is fat as well as the liver, pancreas gall bladder, stomach, and intestines.,
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Just to be clear the fat gain comes as a separate feature of what you are trying to show with under-eating.

    You've suppressed your system, and are now eating at a suppressed TDEE, no longer a deficit in place.

    You get discouraged, you binge because of eating so little.

    Every single binge is now excess calories to a suppressed TDEE, and stored as fat.

    It's exactly how people claim they are only eating 900 calories and gaining weight.

    Noooo - their goal is 900 calories, and they may meet it more often than not, but the weekend binges of over 3500 calories adds on a lb of fat each time.

    Do that enough times, bam, you aren't losing eating 900 calories (though you really aren't), and actually you've gained weight in say 8 weeks. And fat at that.
  • BrieFit18
    BrieFit18 Posts: 35 Member
    You know I'm reading through those links and I have yet to see a single one of them that says your body stores fat while starving yourself by having a caloric intake significantly below your BMR. Perhaps you can point out the specific part of the article where it says that on any of those links.
    "You should never go under your BMR because it basically means your body don’t have enough calories to function normally so your metabolism slows down and you get energy from your muscle instead of fat (fat main usage is protection. when starving, it gets used after muscle). "

    Muscle is used before fat. Therefore, fat is stored until it is absolutely requires. It's not rocket science. I sent you a response through message because all these comments are getting too disorganized.
    HONEST QUESTION to the nutritionist:

    Is English your second language? This article does not say your body PUTS ON more fat. It clearly says it just stops BURNING fat and instead burns muscle. You clearly said earlier that your body will "BUILD UP STORED FATS" by starvation? Pretty sure that article says you don't PUT ON more fat... you just keep what you have & lose the stuff you want: muscle.

    Before you start giving people unclear, inaccurate information, it would be a good idea to ensure you understand your cited sources properly.

    Your body will hold onto the fat inside your body and use it as fuel for a very last resort. I'm NOT saying that you will gain fat or weight, I am saying that your muscles will be used as fuel before fat. As a result of this your metabolism will be damaged and once you start eating normally again, you will more than likely gain weight.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Okay this is getting silly.

    If your caloric intake is not sufficient to sustain your body (eating significantly below your BMR) then your body will burn fat for calories and reabsorb muscle for 1) essential amino acids and 2) to reduce the amount of calories that your body requires in the future. What your body does NOT do is somehow store extra fat while it is in desperate need of calories because that makes zero sense. Seriously if you were starving to death and someone handed you a bowl of rice would you say to yourself "gee, I had better not eat this I should save it instead because I'm starving". No, no you wouldn't and neither does your body.

    If you continue on this dangerously low calorie diet your muscle will continue to be essentially digested by your body along with fat. As your lean mass drops along with your mass your metabolic rate will drop meaning that your BMR will drop and your body will burn less and less calories until either

    1) you reach homeostasis with your caloric intake
    2) You start suffering from severe malnutrition and your body starts to shut down.

    At no point during this process do you gain or store additional fat. No...no no no no no.

    Is starving yourself a bad idea? Yeah. Is starving yourself going to make you fatter? No.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You know I'm reading through those links and I have yet to see a single one of them that says your body stores fat while starving yourself by having a caloric intake significantly below your BMR. Perhaps you can point out the specific part of the article where it says that on any of those links.
    "You should never go under your BMR because it basically means your body don’t have enough calories to function normally so your metabolism slows down and you get energy from your muscle instead of fat (fat main usage is protection. when starving, it gets used after muscle). "

    Muscle is used before fat. Therefore, fat is stored until it is absolutely requires. It's not rocket science. I sent you a response through message because all these comments are getting too disorganized.

    Are you sure its not the other way around O_o

    100% sure. Fat is extremely important in many areas of the body so you will burn away nutrients from areas that are not as essential first.

    You might want to discover your context first, at what point the body does that, and under what circumstances.

    Yes, with the right low carb diet, the right extreme deficit, and the right high intensity exercise, you can cause yourself to burn muscle often when carb stores run out.

    But stop exercising, and fat is back as primary fuel source.

    If you are thinking of actual starving people, the body's natural breakdown of muscle to be rebuilt with what you eat just doesn't happen for them, but fat is still used as energy source.
  • BrieFit18
    BrieFit18 Posts: 35 Member
    Just to be clear the fat gain comes as a separate feature of what you are trying to show with under-eating.

    You've suppressed your system, and are now eating at a suppressed TDEE, no longer a deficit in place.

    You get discouraged, you binge because of eating so little.

    Every single binge is now excess calories to a suppressed TDEE, and stored as fat.

    It's exactly how people claim they are only eating 900 calories and gaining weight.

    Noooo - their goal is 900 calories, and they may meet it more often than not, but the weekend binges of over 3500 calories adds on a lb of fat each time.

    Do that enough times, bam, you aren't losing eating 900 calories (though you really aren't), and actually you've gained weight in say 8 weeks. And fat at that.

    Thank you!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Wait...maybe she's doing an April Fool's thing on us?
  • BrieFit18
    BrieFit18 Posts: 35 Member
    I honestly thought anyone with a basic understanding of the human body knew this already. Oh well, guess I was wrong. Muscle is closer to the organs and fat is furthest away. When you're not getting enough calories, your body has to get energy from somewhere, usually from fat, unless your calories become too low. In which case, your body can't effectively burn fat while still having enough energy for normal function. Thus, it breaks down the muscles for energy. In simple terms, if you don't have gas in the car to the store, but could walk outside, and get veggies out of the garden, what would you do? You'd just go outside instead of going all the way to the store.

    ETA, most of your organs run on fat not muscle, which is why it's important for your body to conserve the fat and use the muscle as energy when your calories get to low. The main source of energy for the brain is fat as well as the liver, pancreas gall bladder, stomach, and intestines.,

    Thank you!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I honestly thought anyone with a basic understanding of the human body knew this already. Oh well, guess I was wrong. Muscle is closer to the organs and fat is furthest away. When you're not getting enough calories, your body has to get energy from somewhere, usually from fat, unless your calories become too low. In which case, your body can't effectively burn fat while still having enough energy for normal function. Thus, it breaks down the muscles for energy. In simple terms, if you don't have gas in the car to the store, but could walk outside, and get veggies out of the garden, what would you do? You'd just go outside instead of going all the way to the store.

    ETA, most of your organs run on fat not muscle, which is why it's important for your body to conserve the fat and use the muscle as energy when your calories get to low. The main source of energy for the brain is fat as well as the liver, pancreas gall bladder, stomach, and intestines.,

    Thank you!

    At no point does your body completely stop burning fat. You lose muscle AND fat.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    When you do not consume the proper amount of calories for your body to accurately complete its daily functions, it begins to store fat. No, this does not mean you gain weight right away. The reason for this is because your body begins taking nutrients and stored macromolecules from your muscles and other areas of your body. In other words, you are building up stored fats and losing muscle, and as we know, muscles are heavier than fat. So you lose weight. In this process, your metabolism is also badly damaged and slows down so as soon as you begin eating more again, you will likely gain a lot of the weight back that you lost while on a low calorie-intake diet. Once your metabolism is damaged, it takes a lot of effort to speed it up again. I can't possibly explain the whole thing here, but I recommend that some of you research this yourselves so you can lose weight more effectively. It's honestly as simple as eating healthy and exercising.



    Here, I did your research for you. I don't understand why people don't get this. On top of these sources, I am a certified nutritionist.

    LOL you call that research???

    Again, metabolic damage yes, starvation mode on 1200 calories where you are eating muscle for energy…NO…

    YOu would have to eat nothing for at lest 72 hours (probably more) for what you are saying to happen ….
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    The main source of energy for the brain is fat

    That part there should easily call in to question most of the prior paragraph, which again has a very specific context and no where near eating 1200 calories unless doing something very special to yourself while eating that much.
    Also, location of the energy source, really?

    Edit for better source since it discusses the other organs to that were mis-quoted as using fat.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I honestly thought anyone with a basic understanding of the human body knew this already. Oh well, guess I was wrong. Muscle is closer to the organs and fat is furthest away. When you're not getting enough calories, your body has to get energy from somewhere, usually from fat, unless your calories become too low. In which case, your body can't effectively burn fat while still having enough energy for normal function. Thus, it breaks down the muscles for energy. In simple terms, if you don't have gas in the car to the store, but could walk outside, and get veggies out of the garden, what would you do? You'd just go outside instead of going all the way to the store.

    ETA, most of your organs run on fat not muscle, which is why it's important for your body to conserve the fat and use the muscle as energy when your calories get to low. The main source of energy for the brain is fat as well as the liver, pancreas gall bladder, stomach, and intestines.,

    1200 calorie diet is not going to lead to your body turning on itself for energy.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    I'm only posting because I'm surprised no one else mentioned it yet.

    Never use a tumblr blog run by a 20 year old guy as a source to support your claim.

    That's all. Carry on.
  • BrieFit18
    BrieFit18 Posts: 35 Member
    Okay this is getting silly.

    If your caloric intake is not sufficient to sustain your body (eating significantly below your BMR) then your body will burn fat for calories and reabsorb muscle for 1) essential amino acids and 2) to reduce the amount of calories that your body requires in the future. What your body does NOT do is somehow store extra fat while it is in desperate need of calories because that makes zero sense. Seriously if you were starving to death and someone handed you a bowl of rice would you say to yourself "gee, I had better not eat this I should save it instead because I'm starving". No, no you wouldn't and neither does your body.

    If you continue on this dangerously low calorie diet your muscle will continue to be essentially digested by your body along with fat. As your lean mass drops along with your mass your metabolic rate will drop meaning that your BMR will drop and your body will burn less and less calories until either

    1) you reach homeostasis with your caloric intake
    2) You start suffering from severe malnutrition and your body starts to shut down.

    At no point during this process do you gain or store additional fat. No...no no no no no.

    Is starving yourself a bad idea? Yeah. Is starving yourself going to make you fatter? No.

    You are completely correct, and that is exactly what I was saying. At no point did I ever say you would get fatter.All I said was that your body holds onto the fat the it already contains and uses less important sources of fuel first. I said that by starving yourself your metabolism will be damaged and once you start eating normal amounts again you will more than likely gain weight BECAUSE of your damaged metabolism. You do not gain weight from starving yourself. You are just setting yourself up for gaining weight in the future.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm only posting because I'm surprised no one else mentioned it yet.

    Never use a tumblr blog run by a 20 year old guy as a source to support your claim.

    That's all. Carry on.

    thats not considered peer reviewed?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    You know I'm reading through those links and I have yet to see a single one of them that says your body stores fat while starving yourself by having a caloric intake significantly below your BMR. Perhaps you can point out the specific part of the article where it says that on any of those links.
    "You should never go under your BMR because it basically means your body don’t have enough calories to function normally so your metabolism slows down and you get energy from your muscle instead of fat (fat main usage is protection. when starving, it gets used after muscle). "

    Muscle is used before fat. Therefore, fat is stored until it is absolutely requires. It's not rocket science. I sent you a response through message because all these comments are getting too disorganized.

    fat is stored = new fat tissue is made

    what you seem to be saying is that muscle is burned in preference to fat, this is not the same as saying fat is stored.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Okay this is getting silly.

    If your caloric intake is not sufficient to sustain your body (eating significantly below your BMR) then your body will burn fat for calories and reabsorb muscle for 1) essential amino acids and 2) to reduce the amount of calories that your body requires in the future. What your body does NOT do is somehow store extra fat while it is in desperate need of calories because that makes zero sense. Seriously if you were starving to death and someone handed you a bowl of rice would you say to yourself "gee, I had better not eat this I should save it instead because I'm starving". No, no you wouldn't and neither does your body.

    If you continue on this dangerously low calorie diet your muscle will continue to be essentially digested by your body along with fat. As your lean mass drops along with your mass your metabolic rate will drop meaning that your BMR will drop and your body will burn less and less calories until either

    1) you reach homeostasis with your caloric intake
    2) You start suffering from severe malnutrition and your body starts to shut down.

    At no point during this process do you gain or store additional fat. No...no no no no no.

    Is starving yourself a bad idea? Yeah. Is starving yourself going to make you fatter? No.

    You are completely correct, and that is exactly what I was saying. At no point did I ever say you would get fatter.All I said was that your body holds onto the fat the it already contains and uses less important sources of fuel first. I said that by starving yourself your metabolism will be damaged and once you start eating normal amounts again you will more than likely gain weight BECAUSE of your damaged metabolism. You do not gain weight from starving yourself. You are just setting yourself up for gaining weight in the future.

    walking back your bro science?