Losing weight is the hardest thing I have ever attempted!

For the last 3 years I have been gaining weight. Not really at a steady pace, but I would make these 5lb jumps almost overnight, that would just never go away. Then a few months later it would happen again. I finally have settled right around 203 lbs. Last June I blew a disc in my back and it completely ended my running and cycling until I could have surgery, which would then be another 5-6 months before I could get back to a fairly "normal" lifestyle. And that is kind of where I am at now. I started with walking daily, then a little light cycling when the weather was decent, and elliptical runs. Then about 4 weeks ago I have been able to start back up at the gym. I'd say for the last 8 weeks I have been working out a minimum of 6 hours per week, and probably average about 10-12 hours per week.

Prior to today, I have been using Lose It! (app) to log the food I eat and to calculate calories burned. It had me on a 1700 cal per diem. I will admit that I probably only hit the 1700 mark about 3 days per week. But usually no more than 2500.

I have been an endurance athlete for about 12 years now, I've run marathons, triathlons, duathlons, countless half-marathons, 15k, 10k and 5k races, and ridden my bike for 20 hours straight through 3 states. I can honestly say that the effort required to do any of those things does not even come close to how much effort I have put towards losing weight in the last 2 months. It is driving me crazy!!!

I am currently at 201, which is a whole 2 pounds less than I started at 2 months ago. The lowest I have been is 196, but it quickly rose back up, like in one day.

I decided to join this forum in hopes of meeting other people and maybe stealing a little motivation from other users that are having more success than myself. Thanks in advance, and feel free to add me as a friend (I think that's what you do here).

I have not lost any motivation, in fact I am now looking at it as the greatest feat I've ever tried. I know I can do it!