I'll stop lurking now

nsimon24 Posts: 115 Member
I'm Nancy, 48 years old and signed up for my first 5K at the end of May as a motivator to get off the couch and start losing weight. I started in late January (bad idea, my b-day and valentines), with the idea I would jump-start my weight loss by changing my eating habits before adding the exercise, portion. Now that winter is sort-of-maybe-over in Chicago I've been able to get out and start jogging/walking more.

I generally try to keep low-carb with eating and staying away from heavily processed or fast foods (I still indulge, but it is a treat now, not a regular thing).

My daughter is away at school and I am presently unemployed and back in school myself, so boredom is a HUGE challenge for me right now. I could use some friends to help hold me accountable and to share encouragement! My real life friends are supportive, but circumstance make it hard for me to see them very often.

I generally log at least once a day :) I'm looking forward to getting more active on the forums!


  • kbtommi
    kbtommi Posts: 45 Member
    Hello & congrats on signing-up for the 5k. FR has been sent! :)
  • avalleygirl
    avalleygirl Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Nancy :) Congratulations on the 5K! I did my first 5K two years ago. This coming October I will be doing my first marathon.
  • nsimon24
    nsimon24 Posts: 115 Member
    Yay! My first friend here! :)

    Thanks! I am really excited about it, and I have discovered I really enjoy jogging (after I finish - still getting used to the "during" part), its been really hard to pace myself - I want to run but not in any shape to right now! Congrats on the first marathon! I can't imagine doing that distance - that's amazing!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Hi Nancy,
    I have my first 5K at the end of May as well. If winter would finally go away I might actually be able to start training for it soon too! I am using a couch to 5K app and it has been helping me. Add me if you would like, and good luck on your 5K!