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Have you ever ___________?



  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member

    HYE had a scratch test as a kid?
  • MzIrish
    MzIrish Posts: 11,917 Member

    HYE held someones hand when they died
  • Thearchybunker78
    Thearchybunker78 Posts: 317 Member
    No, Ive held pets is all.

    HYE gotten a frew drink from the bar for getting someone thrown out?
  • MFPUser73629
    MFPUser73629 Posts: 224 Member
    edited August 2020
    Not exactly. I did get cheered by the crowd for escorting a dude from our party out who was wasted and heckling comedians during their sets.

    HYE gotten a shave from a barber who used a straight razor?
  • Ketch_22
    Ketch_22 Posts: 12,711 Member

    hye gotten waxed ?
  • MFPUser73629
    MFPUser73629 Posts: 224 Member
    No, but plan to someday. I need to build up the courage.

    HYE ridden the London Eye?
  • Ketch_22
    Ketch_22 Posts: 12,711 Member
    No I'd love to (we have the Capital Wheel here)

    have you gone hunting ?

  • MFPUser73629
    MFPUser73629 Posts: 224 Member
    Every chance I get. I actually get better cell signal in my tree stands and use my phone as a hotspot to work from the stands.

    HYE traveled outside of your country?
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    yes...oh the memories...

    HYE received a really screwed up take out order from a restaurant?
  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
    Yep, frustrating!

    HYE cooked something very complicated and time consuming?
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    not really 'complicated' but took several days to get it organized and made. We took our time consuming it too because it was an entire afternoon 'thing'.

    HYE were committed to make something very specific for an event (like a birthday cake, etc.,) and something went horribly wrong last minute?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Thankfully not too serious 😬

    Have you had someone commit to bringing a main dish to an event and they showed up empty handed?
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member

    HYE had too many people bring the same dish to a pot luck
  • MFPUser73629
    MFPUser73629 Posts: 224 Member

    HYE reloaded ammunition?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Yes, true

    Shot a bullseye several times in a row?
  • BrustMannEiner
    BrustMannEiner Posts: 360 Member
    Yes, true, in fact we use spent shotgun shells positioned horizontally at 50+ yards depending on the firearm as bullseyes.

    HYE literally eaten crow? Cut the breast out and cooked it up?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member

    Have you ever eaten snake?
  • BrustMannEiner
    BrustMannEiner Posts: 360 Member
    Yes, and love it.

    HYE diagnosed an electrical problem with an automobile and repaired it?
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,428 Member

    HYE painted a house?
  • BrustMannEiner
    BrustMannEiner Posts: 360 Member
    Yes, if you count staining a log cabin.

    HYE exploded a McDonalds Q'ing oven (microwave) by recooking the salads hard boiled eggs in it?
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member

    HYE started a kitchen fire?
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member

    Have you ever put out a trash can fire on public property?
  • BrustMannEiner
    BrustMannEiner Posts: 360 Member
    Yes, if it counts if I set it.

    HYE changed the oil in an automobile?
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member
    I’ve watched my brother and dad do it?? Does that count. No. No it doesn’t. The answer is no.

    HYE...peed in a river?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Lol no

    Have you ever changed out an Alternator
  • miniharambe
    miniharambe Posts: 206 Member
    Yes I changed one about 4 months ago! And I peed in a river 🤣

    Ever got caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Define "not supposed to be doing" 😬😲

    Have you ever climbed a cliff wall?
  • miniharambe
    miniharambe Posts: 206 Member
    Defined: getting busy in a car or an elevator lol

    I’ve climbed one of those fake indoor ones! Does that count!??

    HYE chugged a beer in a strange inappropriate public place? Like I did one at Mount Rushmore

  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member

    Hye slept on the beach
  • BrustMannEiner
    BrustMannEiner Posts: 360 Member

    HYE participated in a tough mudder event?