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Have you ever ___________?



  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    Drugs are bad, mmmkay. And I got that all out of my system by the time I was 16.

    Have you ever stole money from a church?
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    uh no...lol

    HYE watched the ep from South Park about Carmen says his mom ****s him...lmao
  • Manic5781
    Manic5781 Posts: 1,491
    I just saw that one like 3 days ago and I haven't watched South Park in over 10 years lol that's crazy you bring that one up but it was hilarious.

    HYE sat on a merry go round until you threw up
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    Yes Mr. Garrison! That was about 8 years ago and I am sober-dober now, scouts honor. And no, I have never pilfered from the collection plate. HYE given a member of the opposite sex you just hung out with the first time a fake number after they were smitten with you?
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    Yep. My name is Jennifer so I give out the 867-5309 number. :bigsmile:

    Have you ever been given a fake number?
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member

    HYE send nasty pic to anyone on MFP?
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    I've been on a merry go round spinning so fast I got tossed off like a ragdoll and took a dive in the sand. I managed to hold on to my lunch though.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    The worst I've done on here was a pic of my legs.

    Have you ever kissed a girl and liked it?
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    No, I have never been given a fake. But I have given a fake to this girl I met on my last day vacationing in Europe who was from So Cal as well. She wrapped her arm around mine, clung to me, and acted like I was her boyfriend or something., Creeped me the hell out but I played along for about an hour.
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    How about have i ever kissed a girl and not liked it? i have been with one woman who was a perpetual teeth collider. Yeah, only person I have kissed that would be knocking teeth with you ever time you went for more than a peck, worst kisser ever. Have you ever encountered a bad kisser?
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member

    HYE met up with anyone on MFP for an encounter
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    Nope. Though I do prefer the older stuff.

    Have you ever...uhmmm...brought someone coffee that was a stranger?

    nope, don't drink coffee

    HYE paid for a concert to later find out the band cancelled it? TWICE?? P.O.D. did that with DE and CZ shows..

    btw, fav Tool album would be Lateralus, love those Fibonacci references!

    GULP, I'm such a late poster! :embarassed:
  • KiiiAttitude
    Nope - most seem too far away :( (meeting people)

    Concert - Nope only paid upfront, When knew the band , however it must be annoying!

    Have you ever slept outside in the rain?
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    YES. Army infantry training, slept out in rain, have woken up with my goretex sleeping bag completely covered in snow... Good times. Have you ever shot a man just to see him die??
  • KiiiAttitude
    No i cant say i have, i mean that would be interesting, Maybe i should try that .... in a game :P.

    Have you ever eaten something for breakfast that was just wrong and not normal?.
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    Uh, bio-waste from the dumpster of abortion clinic. I was hungry! Ok Ok just kidding... Um, back in my wilder days I started some mornings off with a 12 pack of beer and a few shots of tekillya. Other than that nothing to strange. Have you ever eaten something bizarre for breakfast?
  • KiiiAttitude
    LOl no, I just had sweet potato for the first time @ breakfast, I usually have it with lunch or evening ect , But sweet potato after a killer session this morn got me thinking i wonder what weird things people ate for breakfast lol.

    Have you ever Sat and told ghost stories??
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    Oh hell yes. My specialty was scaring the bajeezus out of my younger family members when I was a teenager. Oh the wonders of standing with you back against the light switch so you can make the lights turn off an on with a quick shrug, poor kids were traumatized! have you ever heard a scary story and not slept the following night?
  • KiiiAttitude
    No, I was always that annoying person that analysed everything so the stories never made sense, and when i watched scary movies ect id be saying "hey that's stupid why would they run there" LOL.. I like horror movies despite this. I just keep my mouth shut.

    Have you ever had a really embarrassing fear?
  • pankrazzle
    pankrazzle Posts: 140 Member
    As a young kid I use to be afraid that I was seeing little demon type critters in the corner of my vision. My cousin's husband regaled us with that tale and I couldn't sleep for weeks after. Have you ever pissed yourself laughing so hard??