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Have you ever ___________?



  • luciemarieleduc
    luciemarieleduc Posts: 90 Member
    lol and also forgot to turn them off too, lol

    ever went on MFP while you were at work?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I work from home so yup!

    Gotten scolded at work for being online?
  • luciemarieleduc
    luciemarieleduc Posts: 90 Member
    yes, lol and I didn't learned, obviously, LMAO

    ever went to a zoo?
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    yes, lol and I didn't learned, obviously, LMAO

    ever went to a zoo?


    HYE been to Disney Land?
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Yes, a long time ago.

    HYE stood in the Sistine Chapel and gazed upon Michelangelo's work?
  • lqqkingatu
    lqqkingatu Posts: 3,080 Member
    No but would love to

    HYE been to the Washington National Cathedral in D.C.?
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member

    HYE lived abroad?
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member

    HYE ever experienced a natural disaster?
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member

    HYE experienced a manmade disaster?
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    Yes. (food poisoning is sort of a man-made disaster, right?)

    HYE eaten a raw egg?
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    only pasteurized egg whites...doesn't really count

    HYE bought a carton of eggs only to drop them in the parking lot, etc.,?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member

    HYE sailed the ocean?
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    bucket list

    HYE been in a hot air balloon?
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    Yes.....wonderful experience

    HYE ridden horseback along the beach?
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    Not on the beach...sounds so romantic

    HYE built a piece of furniture?
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,145 Member
    Not Rome, but northern Italy....next trip

    HYE been to Asia?
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member

    HYE seen a deadly accident?
  • lqqkingatu
    lqqkingatu Posts: 3,080 Member
    Unfortunately yes, just the other night, 2 fatalities, at a simple intersection with stoplight.

    HYE known someone who was a hoarder?
  • ja20102004
    ja20102004 Posts: 349 Member
    Yes yuck!

    Have you ever had sex outside?
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Multiple times

    HYE had sex in the ocean with people within 50 feet?