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Have you ever ___________?



  • Betherz82
    Betherz82 Posts: 200 Member
    You forgot to leave a question....

    Answer to the driving question....Yes, multiple times.

    HYE been in a car accident?
  • borst13
    borst13 Posts: 1,826 Member
    Yes... While pregnant, very scary.

    HYE saved a turtle who was in the middle of the road?
  • No

    Have you ever tripped in front of a crowd then try to play it off?
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    No, but my sister nearly caused my mum to have a car accident by screaming at her that there was a turtle in the middle of the road. It was a rock.

    HYE suddenly got the giggles in the middle of a really important meeting / in front of a senior work colleague and had to make out like you were choking or coughing to cover it up?

    Edit: ah dammit that was a response to the turtle one, sorry!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Yes, I have tripped in front of a crowd. Just kept walking like it didn't happen. Lucky me, everyone else got the idea and kept walking like it didn't happen.

    I started laughing when my boss was giving a "talking to" as part of his morning routine. I tried to hide it but it didn't work. Luckily, boss wasn't mad.

    Have you ever eaten an MRE?
  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member
    No(not sure what that is lol)

    HYE: busted the windows out your car because you left you keys in them?
  • Groovyca2022
    Groovyca2022 Posts: 21,378 Member

    HYE went on a ride in a hot air balloon?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    No, but I made 3 Mexican guys break into my car for me in a parking lot when I locked my keys in.

    An MRE is "Meal Ready to Eat." They are typically distributed to military during active duty but can be purchased for food storage. It is a complete meal that is shelf stable and has a very long shelf life. They are high calorie and work great when needed but really don't taste that good.

    Edit: too slow. No, never been in a hot air balloon but would love to.

    Have you ever hunted a large game animal besides deer?
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member

    HYE- Streaked??
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Not fully naked, nope!

    HYE Joined the Mile High Club
  • Bageeeta
    Bageeeta Posts: 1,259 Member
    Nope I have never been on a plane

    HYE joined the Outdoor Rain Club?:smokin:
  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member

    HYE: walked so fast that you almost tripped several times in a row?
  • jennybinney1987
    jennybinney1987 Posts: 130 Member
    hye skinny dipped
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member

    HYE... Had sex in a pool?
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    Hot tub.

    HYE gotten stuck for any length of time on an amusement park ride?
  • suiteblooms
    suiteblooms Posts: 100
    Yes. Got stuck upside down on the Comma Cozzie and my seat belt bar came off. Terrifying. I was literally holding myself in the ride. Stupid crappy fair rides.

    HYE: Cleaned out the fridge and realized that something was SO GROSS that you weren't willing to clean it out to get your Tupperware back so you threw the whole thing away?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Not the fridge but found things like this in my daughter's lunch box. She never clears it out when she gets home from school. There's been two different times I found something when making her lunch Monday morning that had been there all weekend and I threw it away - dish and all!

    Have you ever put together a 3D puzzle?
  • jennybinney1987
    jennybinney1987 Posts: 130 Member
    no, but always wanted to
    hye had sex in the rain
  • lucille_heather
    lucille_heather Posts: 650 Member
    Nope but would love to

    Ever gotten up to some mischeif in the work place?
  • Igotthatcake
    Igotthatcake Posts: 169 Member
    No I wish.

    HYE eaten a mixture of foods that shouldn't go together (e.g ketchup and rice) ?