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Have you ever ___________?



  • CountryGal83
    CountryGal83 Posts: 640 Member

    HYE wanted to just pack a bag and head away for a weekend? I wish I could this weekend. Totally stressed and need away.
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    When i was 18 and had just moved out on my own lol.

    HYE paid for someone's groceries bc when they tried to pay, they had insufficient funds?
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member

    HYE wanted to just pack a bag and head away for a weekend? I wish I could this weekend. Totally stressed and need away.

  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    edited January 2015
    Yes, We have a family beach house near Panama City, FL. We do it all of the time.
    HYE been to Australia
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    No but I'd love to go

    HYE gotten so drunk and truly offended someone close to you?
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    When i was 18 and had just moved out on my own lol.

    HYE paid for someone's groceries bc when they tried to pay, they had insufficient funds?

    No, but I have bought someone a tank of gas when I saw her come in and pay for $2.37 in gas. I gave her the cash from my wallet too. Sometimes a single mom needs help. She had little boys in the car. Merry Christmas!

    HYE had a stranger do something nice for you for no apparent reason
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    Yes I've offended many people close to me thanks to bourbon. I think they have forgiven me though....

    Yes I have. HYE let someone go ahead of you in the checkout line bc they had fewer items than you?
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Yes, All of the time. That's just being a decent human being.
    HYE been stuck behind the crazy coupon lady (my wife).
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Everytime I'm at the store!

    Have you ever been that person holding up the line?
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    edited January 2015
    Probably. Lol. Not with coupons though.

    HYE pulled into work and as soon as you get there think I'm not feeling this today and turn around and drive back home?
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member

    Have you ever called in sick then had to run an errand and ran into someone from work?
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    haha.. yep!

    HYE ran into a distant family member while out shopping and they call you by the wrong name when they approach you?
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member

    HYE seen someone you know while out shopping and quickly ducked into another isle to avoid talking to them?
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    HYE hidden from someone you were related to?
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member

    HYE ran into someone while you were drunk that you really didn't want to know you were drunk.
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member

    HYE been uninvited to family function because the family member hosting it was friends with your ex's new SO and they both were going to be there? (does this even make sense?) haha
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member

    Have you ever been to a party and have your ex show up with a date?
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    haha yep.

    HYE been friends with an ex and their new SO?
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    No. My ex never showed up for anything until our daughters graduation.
    HYE wanted an ex around more for the kids sake?
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Story of my life, but he's not my ex yet.

    HYE cried at a kids movie as an adult.