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Have you ever ___________?



  • LovingLifeInCalifornia
    LovingLifeInCalifornia Posts: 9,362 Member
    edited January 2015
    Well, considering I may have used an ID that was not mine, was that lying that I was underage?

    Nope. Never a plastic bag....drifting through the wind. la la la

    Nope, never hooked up with anyone I met online, but i've been with my husband since before the internet was a thing.

    HYE cheated on your significant other - past or present?
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member

    Have you ever hit someones automobile and never told them/reported it?
  • Oops_Myhaloslipped
    Oops_Myhaloslipped Posts: 3,892 Member
    edited January 2015
    Yes( I was in high school)
    HYE done anything kind to a complete stranger?
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    Yes. Was skiing in Scottland and this guy didn't have gloves or a hat so I gave him mine

    Have you ever sneezed and pooped at the same time? (because of the sneeze)
  • Oops_Myhaloslipped
    Oops_Myhaloslipped Posts: 3,892 Member
    Can't say that I have
    HYE peed in public
  • TrailBlazerMN
    Numerous times but somewhat in private

    HYE danced with the devil in the moonlight
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    No...I asked the devil to dance but he thought I was too crazy for him (I think I scared him a little)

    HYE seen the Northern Lights?
  • Islandgirl52
    Islandgirl52 Posts: 73 Member
    Oh, I hope he wasn't the devil..
    Have you ever vomited in a public place?
  • msh0612
    msh0612 Posts: 354 Member
    YES... I live in AK

    HYE took in a stray animal?
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    Yes. In a limousine actually on the way home from a bachelor party... did it in a glass and had to toss it out the window and it hit the side of a State Trooper's car.

    Did you ever play doctor (as in having the patients get naked) with your friends as a kid?
  • TrailBlazerMN
    Oh yes. Those were the days...

    HYE turned on Beast Mode at the gym?
  • Donnelly1979
    Donnelly1979 Posts: 323 Member
    Aye, Everyone in Glasgow gets thrown out at the end of a night!
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    Sounds like my kind of town Donnelly :p
    GDLAZ Posts: 3,784 Member
    Hmmm, last question asked was something about gyms. I don't do gyms, so no.

    HYE been stranded in the middle of nowhere?
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member

    HYE been in the back of a cop car?
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I have not

    HYE had a police officer point their gun at you?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member

    Have you ever had a Criminal point their gun at you?
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member

    HYE been pulled over by the po-po and freak out completely about getting a ticket, only for them to sing happy birthday to you over their speaker?? ? :)
  • redhead_che
    redhead_che Posts: 292 Member
    That's a pretty unique circumstance so....no :pensive:
    HYE played hooky from work and got caught?
  • JenNicole11
    JenNicole11 Posts: 1,834 Member
    yes, a few times.

    HYE been reprimanded for getting caught playing hooky?