Time to get serious!

wndavis Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! I am semi-new to myfitnesspal.com. I have used the site on and off for a while to keep up with calories, but this is my first time posting in the message boards. I am tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. I am ready for a change! 15 months ago I gave birth to an amazing little girl! During my pregnancy I packed on 70 lbs. So far I have lost 36 lbs, most of that was off before I left the hospital, and I am looking to drop at least 24 lbs more by next summer. I am getting married next fall and have been using this as motivation. I have changed my eating habits, cut out soda completely, and exercise more. I need support because when I don't see immediate results I tend to give up and I don't want that to be the case this time. Look forward to chatting with some of you and sharing tips and secrets! Thanks for letting me share :o)



  • I congratulate you on your journey and encourage you to NEVER give up!! You can do it!! I joined the Biggest Loser contest at our gym and I want to lose a significant amount of weight. You sound like you are off to a good start and don't get frustrated with yourself. It took a while to gain the weight so give it some time to lose the weight. You can do it!!
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    Hi Whitney

    Congratulations on getting married. I'm also getting married next year and I always said I wanted to walk up the aisle not roll up it!

    Welcome to the forums!

  • I congratulate you on your journey and encourage you to NEVER give up!! You can do it!! I joined the Biggest Loser contest at our gym and I want to lose a significant amount of weight. You sound like you are off to a good start and don't get frustrated with yourself. It took a while to gain the weight so give it some time to lose the weight. You can do it!!

    Thank you so much. And you are right I didn't gain all that weight in one day, this is something that I must remind myself. I would love to join a biggest loser contest! I will have to look into it at my gym.
  • Hi Whitney

    Congratulations on getting married. I'm also getting married next year and I always said I wanted to walk up the aisle not roll up it!

    Welcome to the forums!


    Congratulations to you as well! When is your wedding?
  • Yes, I just started this week. Actually it is the contest that sent me to this site. I think it is a wonderful tool in my weight loss journey. We will see how I do. I need to weigh in on Tuesday. Do you work out regularly? I've found I'm SOOOO out of shape and wonder how I'm going to do in this contest.
  • Yes, I just started this week. Actually it is the contest that sent me to this site. I think it is a wonderful tool in my weight loss journey. We will see how I do. I need to weigh in on Tuesday. Do you work out regularly? I've found I'm SOOOO out of shape and wonder how I'm going to do in this contest.

    I only have a 3-day/week membership at my gym because I was afraid to commit to a full membership and waste money. I go on Sunday, Monday, and Friday and am usually there for an hour and a half. I do mostly cardio and on some days, if I wake up early enough, I take a Zumba class.

    I do horrible though on the days I am not at the gym. I eat well, I just don't get any exercise in.
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    It's looking like December 2011 :)
  • i hear you. I tend to give up to fast. I wish you luck. You can do it! Good luck...
  • I actually have the WII fit and the Biggest Loser game for the WII and that is quite a workout!! If you guys have a WII there are great workouts and stretches on there. You can also do the exercises with your kids and make it family time and then you don't have to feel guilty about not exercising. You are actually spending time with your kids, exercising, building strenth and balance and best of all HAVING FUN!! Just a thought.
  • I know exactly how you feel! I have tried so many diets and diet pills (unfortunalty), anything that you would hear about on tv or radio. I almost ALWAYS gave up after the first week or two because it "wasnt working". Well my problem was obviously that I gave up too soon, expecting to see results ASAP. Even though this is my 3rd attempt at MFP, I believe I will finally stick with it. I have come to realize I need to have patience. I went between 140-170 for 7 years, then 200 for the last 2.5 years. Being that big that long, has finally sunk in that I will not see results unless I acutlly stick with something. Even though I am only on day 3 this time, I am trying to look at the long term goal. I think to myself, I have been unhappy with my body/health for 9-10 years now, surely I can handle 1 year of pushing myself. I know I can do it, and trust that I can find support, ideas, motivation from here!
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
  • I actually have the WII fit and the Biggest Loser game for the WII and that is quite a workout!! If you guys have a WII there are great workouts and stretches on there. You can also do the exercises with your kids and make it family time and then you don't have to feel guilty about not exercising. You are actually spending time with your kids, exercising, building strenth and balance and best of all HAVING FUN!! Just a thought.

    That's what my husband and I do with out daughter. She loves the balance games like the hula hoop and the tight rope, and that little tiny bit of excersie gives me the motivation I need sometimes!!!

    Welcome to the site and congrats on your upcoming wedding!!!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi and welcome! Contrats on being a new mommy! There are tons of new mom forums around where you can chat with gals that have the baby weight to lose also, they might be able to help you find something that will work.

    Good luck!
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