Week 3 Couch to 5K - anyone else not seeing results?

Hi everyone. This is my first post. I've been seriously committed to a lifestyle change for the past 3 weeks. This is week 4.
I'm a female 31. 5'8" and weigh 155 lbs. I'm not obese but I do have unhealthy fat I'm ready to torch. Tired of muffin tops and a gut and big thighs that rub uncomfortably.

3 weeks ago I started the couch to 5 K. I've never been a runner but I'd like to be. I'm struggling a bit but so far I'm doing it. I find running outdoors helps a lot. Also, I strength train 3-4 days a week using hasfit videos on you tube.

My biggest struggle right now is not seeing any changes yet. I know I have to ignore the scale but I was really hoping by my 4th week I'd see a change that would keep me going! I'm not stopping any time soon but talk about disappointing!! I've cut my calories by probably more than half. I was eating a lot of pizza and beer and fried bar food. That's 99% cut out of my diet.
I aim for about 1600 a day. But I struggle to make it because I'm nervous about what I shouldn't be eating. Not sure what to eat. I've been eating a lot of chicken and fish and lots of veggies and some rice and Greek plain yogurt which i know is great. But I'm having troubles in the evening when I naturally want to snack. So I'll have half an avocado or a bit of homemade popcorn or leftover meat from dinner. I count and log all my calories! I'm just afraid with all the big changes I've made, that I'm still doing something wrong.
I lost 40 lbs at one point in my life just by cutting beer. That was it! Now I've cut almost everything bad and I'm seeing no changes. I don't know. Maybe it's too soon...I think I'm just having an off day. Lol.

Anyways, I'd appreciate any tips or if anyone feeling like I am today let me know! Maybe we could motivate each other! =D
Have a great day,


  • SVRich
    SVRich Posts: 17 Member
    If you are running and doing a lot of strength training you will surely be building muscle which will affect how much you loose as it weighs more than fat.

    I lost a fair bit at the start of last year but when I started running it seemed to level out although I was not as strict as I could be with diet which may not have helped.
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    Thanks for the reply! Ya I'm looking for more visible changes more than numbers of the scale as depressing as it is that the numbers aren't getting smaller, I do understand why they aren't. Hopefully they eventually come down though.
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    Is it possible that you've cut your calories too much? I'm at 1800/day, 41, 5'7" female. You need to fule your body for your runs for sure and of course protein for strength training. Also, are you taking a rest day from exercise at all?
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    Hi. I'm thinking I possibly cut calories too much. I have a fear of reversing my hard work with the wrong foods. But I'm eating much much healthier than I ever have. So I thought I'd have shed some fat with that alone by now. Maybe I just can't see it yet. I can feel the muscle I'm putting on in my legs though under my fat.
    Yes I'm taking rest days. I'm running 3 times a week. In between days I do 10-20 minutes of spin bike. But not always as I truly hate spin biking. Lol. So I have a good 2 days a week resting. I also alternate lower body and upper body strength training days also with rest days.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    Three weeks isn't long enough. You need to give it time.

    The only "results" you should be looking for from Couch to 5k is getting better at running.

    As far as weight loss, you have to give it time and make sure you're eating at a deficit. Don't worry so much about what you "shouldn't" be eating - make sure you're getting enough protein and fruits/veggies, and fill in the rest with whatever you want.
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    Right on. Thanks. My running is definitely getting better. :)
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    I personally... (it may not be the best for everyone) but i centered my goal on weight lose... and in fact for alot of people it is best to not start just running but to walk...

    One site I found stated:

    "Try walking six miles instead of running three this might sound crazy but running uses a different fuel source called glucose this comes from sugar stores not fat but walking burns fat because since fat molecules are so large it takes a long time to brake down running is to fast but walking is just right so if you were going to run 1 mile walk 2 instead"

    It has worked for me... but that is just me.. I lost 21kg (46lbs) very quickly... Now that i'm close to my goal i've been adding a little running into my daily brisk walk... (cardio) because I have more energy and feel much better...
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    If you are running and doing a lot of strength training you will surely be building muscle which will affect how much you loose as it weighs more than fat.

    No. She's not building muscle in three weeks at a caloric deficit. And it doesn't weigh more than fat.

    OP, you don't have your food diary visible so I can't help you there. Do you use a food scale? It's very easy to underestimate the amount of food you're eating.
  • arac007
    arac007 Posts: 4
    elliptical kind of vigorous though how vigorous I do not know. and one hour almost daily. trying to eat less. sometimes I go up to 1700 calories.

    I weigh a lot. 182 pounds at five feet three inches.

    was 170 pounds by reducing 12 pounds even went to 168 pounds. then it came back up again.

    trying to get back to normal weight. I really do not know how much fat percentage is there. would like to check. but do not know how.

    six days since I joined my fitnesspal and have not dropped a pound still. till I weigh today. may be
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Inches, inches, inches.

    Ignore that damn scale, and focus on how you look and feel! Keep at it!!!!

    Example: I am 5'9, and this past summer I was down to 138lbs - 30lbs down and was feeling great!
    Realizing I wasn't eating right and now with focusing on eating MORE and lifting/running, I am back up at 155lbs - but the clothes fit almost the exact same, and I look just as good as I did almost 18lbs less last summer.
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    Hi. I'm thinking I possibly cut calories too much. I have a fear of reversing my hard work with the wrong foods. But I'm eating much much healthier than I ever have. So I thought I'd have shed some fat with that alone by now. Maybe I just can't see it yet. I can feel the muscle I'm putting on in my legs though under my fat.
    Yes I'm taking rest days. I'm running 3 times a week. In between days I do 10-20 minutes of spin bike. But not always as I truly hate spin biking. Lol. So I have a good 2 days a week resting. I also alternate lower body and upper body strength training days also with rest days.

    I hate the spin bike too. LOL. Biking with my kids, that's great. But spin, no. Make sure you are eating all your calories. It's important not too cut too much.

    esicity makes a good point. Make sure you are running at an aerobic state, not an anaerobic state. Once hit anaerobic, all your energy will come from glycogen stores. The easiest way to know is to do the talk test. Can you say 4 sentences without gasping for breath while your running? Or can you barely get out two? Or you can get a HR monitor. :)
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    Wow thanks for all the replies everyone. It really helps to know there are people out there like me. Lol.
    I do walk a lot too. As that's where I'm at with my c25k program. I don't want to cut it out completely once I can run more.
    I am gasping for air when I run right now because the running intervals are increasing dramatically every week. But my body seems to be adjusting. Last week the runs were 90 seconds. This week 3 minutes which is the longest I've ran and next week 5 minutes! And I struggled with 90 seconds last week now its much easier compared to 3 minutes.

    I think I was just having an off day yesterday. I guess it really is too soon to see any changes. I've just been feeling unstoppable and on top of the world lately. Yesterday...not so much. I guess there are ups and downs. I just really want to lose my belly, thigh and butt fat and be healthy and fit. Lol. And I guess I was a bit discouraged as I'm doing this alone. Thanks everyone for the tips.
    I will see if I can figure out how to open my food log.

  • ChelbyJean
    Muscle is heavier than fat so your probably building muscle with the strength training. It also depends on your body everyone is different and loses in different amounts. Id say stay positive look at the good side your endurance is probably stronger than ever, you can probably run way longer than when you originally started. But I do understand my diet is really hard, I think everyone is in that boat. I had to diet for 6 months to see results :/ but it feels amazing when someone see's me and tells me I look great and that I'v lost weight and that literally just started this year and I have been dieting since last June with regular exercise :) Just stay positive and keep going!!! Your health is such a worthy investment.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    If you are running and doing a lot of strength training you will surely be building muscle which will affect how much you loose as it weighs more than fat.

    No. She's not building muscle in three weeks at a caloric deficit. And it doesn't weigh more than fat.

    Wrong on both counts:
    1) If you've lived a sedentary life and suddenly start working out, you will build muscle. Yes, even on a deficit. This is commonly called "recomp" or recompositioning.
    2) Muscle weighs more than fat BY VOLUME. So it's certainly possible -- even common -- to get smaller while maintaining the same weight, or even gaining a little.
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    I've read that muscle weighs more than fat. I'm sure that's all that's happening with me. I'm sure I've burned some fat I just can't see it yet. :( lol. I just hope it will burn off eventually as I don't want big muscles under the fat on my thighs.
    I'm sure I'm doing most things right. So I guess I just need to be more patient. I like and tips and direction. I'd hate doing something for a long time to find out I should've been doing something else or have been doing something wrong. I think this forum is gonna help me a lot. Friend me if anybody would like. Thanks.
