Favourite and least favourite parts of your workout?

My favourite part is the pride when I start working out and feel like it's a bad gym day, but then I either hit my goal for the day or even sometimes exceed it! Sometimes my body is stronger than my mind!

Least favourite is coming home and taking off my trainers! I always feel like all the blood rushes to my head and I get way too warm.
Maybe I should take them off with my foot on a chair or something!

What are your favourite and least favourite parts of a workout?


  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    The first 2miles, I struggle with on my runs, always have.

    Currently marathon training and using loops in the forest to get the miles in (also allows me to stop at the car for a banana and water every 10k or so), it can make the last couple of miles really hard from a mental point of view of having to go back out a 3rd or 4th time (physically it's fine, it's in my head) and then there is always the dreaded ice-bath after the long run which isn't very much fun!!
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    for me they are the same. the second mile of my run. the first part seems terrible but by the time i click over the 2 mile mark i am ready to run.

    weight lifting my least favorite parts are the setup and cleanup of my home gym. The best part is the hot water of my shower hitting tired sore muscles after my workout.
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    hmmm I think it varies depending on the workout and how I'm feeling.

    The best is probably the feeling on completion - that feeling of YES I DID IT.

    When running I know I find miles 3-4 the most difficult.

    Sometimes starting is difficult too.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I hate the first 10mins/ mile of pretty much every run, I enjoy them after that when I get into a nice rhythym and am warmed up fully. Favourite part is the post run buzz (but keep me away for running mags and websites as I have a tendency to sign up for races during this time LOL).
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    My least favourite is usually starting on those days I really don't feel like it, usually before a long run (though I'm always sooo glad that I did it).

    I also dread any exercise I find particularly difficult, though they're what I make a beeline for since doing them more will do me more good and makes them easier!