Help! I'm not doing this right!

Guys I need your help! I've been trying to lose weight for so long now, and every now and then I'll be successful, but I don't think it's ever lasted for more than a week before I gained it all back (and more). What do you suggest? Every night after an awful day I tell myself I'm actually going to eat under my goal but then morning comes and I think, oh, I have 1200 calories to fill. You can eat as much as you want for now. But then of course, I eat my goal up at 12pm or something and don't have the motivation to restrict myself for the rest of the day.

I feel so frustrated-I've tried everything-intermittent fasting (couldn't stick to that over the weekend), low sugar (couldn't stick to that for more than 3 days). low carb (couldn't stick to that for more than 3 days), cutting out food groups, limiting my calorie allotment per meal, brushing my teeth 10x a day, all these haven't been sustainable.


  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Try pre planning your meals. Prepare what you want to eat the day before and make sure it fits your calories. Also, eat a filling breakfast. I work very early so all I have time for is a protein bar and some coffee (which I mix protein into), and it fills me up until lunch. Eat more protein and less carbs if you're having trouble feeling full. But, don't cut out anything! It can lead to binging. I always try to wiggle in a treat or workout an extra half hour to make room for one. Keeps you from having cravings and going crazy later on. :)
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Agree on pre-planning meals. That's what I do. It's way too easy to overdo it if you don't know how many calories are in everything you're eating beforehand and 1,200 cals is not much. I would use up that amount in less than 2 meals if I didn't plan in advance.

    I don't know what your maintenance cals are, but if you're struggling at 1,200 cals you might want to try a more moderate deficit. Or you could try something like the 5:2 diet, where you eat very low cal for 2 days a week and then you can eat at maintenance for the other 5. That means you're only going hungry 2 days a week instead of 7!

    I think if you are having a problem with needing sugar in your diet you might want to seriously consider eating more protein, more fat and less carbs. The more carbs you eat, the more sugar cravings you get. Protein and fat are excellent appetite suppressants. You could also try lowering sugar SLOWLY. Some people who try to go cold turkey find it too difficult and give up fast. You could lower it by one teaspoon a day if need be, but you will find this a lot easier than completely removing something if you have bad cravings. You don't have to immediately start eating less than 50g of carbs a day or anything - just try lowering it by 10g a day and see how you get on.

    Also, please don't brush your teeth so much - that's really not a good way to try reduce your food consumption and it's bad for your teeth too!
  • tealgrove
    tealgrove Posts: 36 Member
    I think that perhaps you should be looking at this a whole new way.

    How about SLOWLY making changes to how you eat? Clearly you need an eating PLAN and not a gimmick type diet.

    Don't discard all food groups. Make healthy choices and choose to eat whole foods rather than processed. Eat balanced.

    When I started I logged everything just so I could see exactly what I was eating, then I chose to get rid of one thing in my diet that wasn't healthy. I chose Coke. I stopped drinking sodas and replaced them with lemon water. Then I started making healthier choices. Then I brought in portion control. Before I knew it I had started losing.

    It takes quite a while to gain all the weight that we have gained and it's not going to come off in a blink of the eye.

    Instead of looking at this process as a DIET, look at it as a change in lifestyle and embrace it.

    Good Luck
  • Tabithas_Transformation
    Perhaps your weight loss goal is too aggressive for you right now. Maybe cut your weight loss goal to 0.5lbs a week to allow yourself more calories at least in the early stages. You can always increase this loss to 1lb a week when you're used to eating less calories. Try and ease yourself into it - it is a lifestyle change after-all, it won't be easy or happen overnight.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Guys I need your help! I've been trying to lose weight for so long now, and every now and then I'll be successful, but I don't think it's ever lasted for more than a week before I gained it all back (and more). What do you suggest? Every night after an awful day I tell myself I'm actually going to eat under my goal but then morning comes and I think, oh, I have 1200 calories to fill. You can eat as much as you want for now. But then of course, I eat my goal up at 12pm or something and don't have the motivation to restrict myself for the rest of the day.

    I feel so frustrated-I've tried everything-intermittent fasting (couldn't stick to that over the weekend), low sugar (couldn't stick to that for more than 3 days). low carb (couldn't stick to that for more than 3 days), cutting out food groups, limiting my calorie allotment per meal, brushing my teeth 10x a day, all these haven't been sustainable.

    well first off try eating more than 1200 calories...that's is not a lot of food. Depending on the amount you want to lose will define what your weekly weight loss goal should be and if it's not 100lbs and you have 2lbs a week...change it...and you will get more calories. I have 4lbs left and I have been eating 1700 a day on average losing 3/4lb a week on average.

    2nd stop playing with elimination...just eat food one food or food group is the cause of the is too much food.

    Eat at a reasonable deficet with a reasonable weekly weight loss goal and it will be sustainable.
  • bryant28408
    bryant28408 Posts: 52 Member
    For me, planning the day is essential. I need to know at 6 AM what I will eat for 6 PM. Of course flexibility is important but if you have a plan you will do much better.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Perhaps your weight loss goal is too aggressive for you right now. Maybe cut your weight loss goal to 0.5lbs a week to allow yourself more calories at least in the early stages. You can always increase this loss to 1lb a week when you're used to eating less calories. Try and ease yourself into it - it is a lifestyle change after-all, it won't be easy or happen overnight.

    Eat "healthy" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    I agree with prelogging your food in the morning or the night before. That way, all your good choices have already been made for you.

    Read this:
  • brittany2188
    I go grocery shopping on Sunday and wash/cut/portion everything for the week out. That way I know what I'm eating and when. I try to eat and fill my water cup up about every 2 hours. I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. That keeps me full throughout the day and I still stick to my allotted calories. I drink water through a straw because that seems to be the only way I will do it. I don't really cut out any foods/food groups. The only time I drink my calories is with a protein shake in the morning. That definitely tends to keep me full. Hope some of this helps you out!
  • missbirrell
    missbirrell Posts: 133
    - Plan out meals.
    - Forget aggressive, allow yourself treats, otherwise of course you'll fail. Just have smaller portions (half a chocolate bar, a lower cal pack of crisps etc).
    - Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day, bad days happen for everyone.
    - Willpower is what you need. Don't give up.
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    My goodness thanks so much everybody! I don't think I mentioned I already don't drink my calories except for homemade smoothies, teas, coffee and water (which has none), but I think the best wasy to do this is to
    -look at it as a lifestyle change and
    -portion control

    Thanks heaps again everyone, I'll just try to remember portion control adn lifestyle change, that way I won't have to cut out entire food groups.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    If that's you in the profile picture, how much weight are you trying to honestly lose?
    Doesn't seem like you have a lot if any to lose.

    Did you already post a thread a month ago and people kept telling you the same thing?
    I would be eating if I looked like that..and ALOT! :)
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Unless that is an old picture, you do not have problems with weight.

    Start weight lifting if you want a better looking body.