Munchies for Crisps (Chips)

So today I've had the munchies for crisps real bad, and I found a perfect solution to it (for me) is very very toasted brown bread (1 slice ~50kcal) a sliver of peanut butter (like, ~30kcal) and a sprinkling of salt on top to satisfy the salty/crispy munchy. I was just wondering what you guys all do for when you get those craving. :heart:


  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I eat what I crave. Substitutions always leave me disappointed and I end up eating the sub AND whatever it was I was subbing for. So now I just have what I want.
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    I make my own tortilla chips. Spray a corn tortilla with Pam spray, cut into wedges, sprinkle a little salt and put in the oven at 350. Once they start to curl, I flip them over and cook them until they are crisp and just starting to brown.

    I love to top them with a bunch of chicken, a little cheese and some homemade salsa. Mmmmmm!!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I like seaweed sheets in either sesame or wasabi flavor. Salty crunchy
  • faithxox
    faithxox Posts: 20 Member
    Ditto to Mia_ RagazzaTo, I have to eat what I crave and I love crisps, so my solution is to buy the multipacks of walkers baked or sunbites for snacking at home after dinner (thats when my cravings hit) or I get a pack of sweet and salty popcorn with my lunch. The bags only have 100/120 calories each and I don't end up opening a second one, which is great for someone with as little willpower as me. I don't eat the walkers lights because they aren't at all filling and I learnt the hard way that share bags are my enemy, I can't stop snacking.
  • numberonecynic
    numberonecynic Posts: 10 Member
    I eat what I crave. Substitutions always leave me disappointed and I end up eating the sub AND whatever it was I was subbing for. So now I just have what I want.

    Absolutely spot on!
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    I like the "Food Should taste Good" brand of chips. I have found them in the health food section of my grocery store. They have healthy whole grains, fiber and protein in also. My favorite is the ones with everything in them.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I tried to go off crisps but I really really love them and knew I'd just end up binging and then binging would lead to giving up on this lifestyle change altogether! Now I buy Walkers Pops. The 19g bags are 85 calories a bag, they're very crunchy and really tasty. I like the Prawn Cocktail ones.

    I also like Propercorn which I can get at my local health food shop. The Sour Cream & Chive one is only 89 calories.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Special K has those crips that are pretty good.

    But me ... I love chips. The real fattening kind.

    If I want to have them, I just make sure I have room in my calories. Check labels too. You would be surprised that maybe you can have 5 more chips of Doritos than you can Lays. Or what have you ...
  • tbaby1279
    tbaby1279 Posts: 16 Member
    This sounds delicious..thanks for sharing! I will try this soon!
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    I either get a low cal snack. In Germany we have chips that are about 340 cals per 100 g. That's not too bad.

    Or I make chips myself. I have this microwave chips maker. So I only get the cals for one potato (less than 50 per medium potato) and either season it or find a low cal dip :)
    (I also found you a link to the chips maker. Only $5 and you can also use it for making crisps out of carrots or other veggies.)

