Really confused on calorie intake

I am so confused on what calorie intake I should have. MFP says 1200 and other sites say 1600. All I am trying to do right now is lose weight. I am doing 1200 right now and with excercise I have been under my intake the past two days, is that good? Bad? Will that prevent me from losing weight? I have no idea what to do?!?!


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Start here:

    1200 is the default setting for people wanting to lose 2 pounds a week. MFP expects you to add back and eat your exercise calories. Use the link above and learn what your body needs to get healthy.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    MFP gives you the daily allowance based on your personal data (gender, height, weight), how many pounds per week you said you want to lose and your activity level before exericse (sedentary, light active etc). It does not include exercise as many other websites do but expects you to log that exercise and then eat back at least a portion of those earned calories.

    1st, make sure your weekly weight loss goal is reasonble. For you right now, 1 pound per week is best.
    2nd, make sure your activity level is accurate - again this shouldn't include exercise, just regular day to day activity
    3rd, make sure you log exercise and eat back at least half of the earned amount.

    Undereating won't necessarily prevent weight loss but it may mess with the consistency, it's not healthy long term and it may result in yo-yoing - meaning you may be able to deal with a low calorie goal for a while but eventually you'll get too hungry, binge and have to start over. Better to have a reasonable calorie deficit and long term goal.

    Hope that helps!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    With 60 lb. to go, 2 lb. per week is an unhealthy goal. Try 1 lb. per week, maybe 1.5.

    Your MFP calorie goal has your deficit built in, but no exercise. You probably got 1,600 from a TDEE calculator. TDEE has your exercise calories already built in.

    Read this:
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    MFP will add exercise calories after you enter your exercise activities. Many of the other websites add the exercise calories beforehand.

    Here are some helpful sites. The second one is long but well worth reading. It will save you a lot of time and stress.
  • tiffkobe
    tiffkobe Posts: 9
    Thank you guys!! This was driving me nuts! I did update my goal and now I am allowed 1460. Thats better :) I feel like I can eat something more now. I am not good at this weight loss stuff at all. Thanks for all the links and information.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    I would say eat more than 1200 if you are not going to eat back your exercise calories. 1200 is pretty low. I am eating 1500 calories a day and eat back half of my exercise calories and have been losing weight - about a pound a week. Find out what your TDEE is and then subtract 20-25% - that is good starting point. Every body is different, but I think it is much harder to sustain weight-loss if you create too big of a deficit.