Want to get into heavy lifting at home.

Xtal427 Posts: 13 Member
But, I'm not sure if I have the right equipment for it. As of right now I have a Gold's Gym Home Gym that has 112lb weight stack and up to 280lbs resistance (which I have NO idea how to adjust the resistance.

I also have a bike (which obviously doesn't help with the heavy lifting) and I have a bench. But, I don't have a bar. I do, however, have 3lb, 5lb, 10lb, 25lb (plates with hand grips), and 40lb dumbbells. Along with that I have ankle weights, that are 10lbs each and a vest that is 20lbs.

So with all that info, is it possible for me to start a heavy lifting routine from home, and ummm how exactly do I do that!? I am currently reading The New Rules Of Heavy Lifting for Women, but with a toddler I don't get much down time and I usually use that for exercising. So, I'm sure at some point I will get to the workout portion of the book, but in the mean time I need some help!


  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    You will need a barbell. Also, a squat rack. I started with Stronglifts and it was awesome for me - a true beginner. I'm doing Wendler's 5/3/1 now. NROLFW is also good.

    Until then, bodyweight strength programs (like NerdFitness.com) are awesome. They also require little to no equipment and can be done with your toddler around you.

    Great decision. The benefits of lifting are off the chart.