"Pact" app

EmbraceTheDarkSide Posts: 514 Member
Has anyone used this? I feel like this could be like shooting fish in a barrel considering I log almost every day and I go to the gym pretty much every day


  • EmbraceTheDarkSide
    EmbraceTheDarkSide Posts: 514 Member
    I think a lot of people probably have no idea what I'm talking about:

  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I've been using it since it launched years ago, it's a great app and it syncs with Runkeeper as well as having a GPS to check into gyms and a motion sensor if you prefer at home workouts.

    with a 5 day workout pact and 5 day food pact, I make around 4 dollars a week. Once a month I withdraw my earnings and it pays for my Netflix account, hah!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I love it too ! Once I had to pay because I missed a day but oh well I learned to pay attention . I work out almost every day and so it's a win win for me .
  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
    I've been using it since Feb and I have made $60! I haven't tried to withdraw it though.
  • Mike_Is_Fit
    Mike_Is_Fit Posts: 8 Member
    I've been using it for about a year. Occasional hiccups but they respond pretty quick to my issues.
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    I posted about it when it was on MFP's sidebar a few months back (maybe February?)

    I started using it with their $5 sign-up bonus and haven't stopped yet. I don't use the GymPact feature, because my apartment's gym doesn't count and there's no way I'm paying for another gym when I have "free" use of one that fits my needs.

    I do use the MFP logging Pact and the Veggie/Fruit Pact. I have it set to 6 days of MFP, just in case I'm sick and don't eat a lot or forget to log on a weekend day. The Veggie Pact I started out with 5 veggies required because it was difficult to get in the habit of snapping a pic every time I ate a veggie (and you can't use stored pics, they have to be taken as you're using the app). Now I'm up to 8 per week.

    WOAH. I just saw that Soufre has earned $60?! I'm only at $27 and I thought that was great haha. HOW did you earn that much?

    Edited to add: I guess the gym pact must be the most lucrative. With a 6 day logging pact and an 8-per-week veggie pact, I made between $1.50 and $2 per week. I wish motion sensors were supported on the android app. :(
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    What is this sorcery!?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I posted about it when it was on MFP's sidebar a few months back (maybe February?)

    I started using it with their $5 sign-up bonus and haven't stopped yet. I don't use the GymPact feature, because my apartment's gym doesn't count and there's no way I'm paying for another gym when I have "free" use of one that fits my needs.

    I do use the MFP logging Pact and the Veggie/Fruit Pact. I have it set to 6 days of MFP, just in case I'm sick and don't eat a lot or forget to log on a weekend day. The Veggie Pact I started out with 5 veggies required because it was difficult to get in the habit of snapping a pic every time I ate a veggie (and you can't use stored pics, they have to be taken as you're using the app). Now I'm up to 8 per week.

    WOAH. I just saw that Soufre has earned $60?! I'm only at $27 and I thought that was great haha. HOW did you earn that much?

    Edited to add: I guess the gym pact must be the most lucrative. With a 6 day logging pact and an 8-per-week veggie pact, I made between $1.50 and $2 per week. I wish motion sensors were supported on the android app. :(

    How about linking it to runkeeper and going for walks/bike rides/runs?
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    I posted about it when it was on MFP's sidebar a few months back (maybe February?)

    I started using it with their $5 sign-up bonus and haven't stopped yet. I don't use the GymPact feature, because my apartment's gym doesn't count and there's no way I'm paying for another gym when I have "free" use of one that fits my needs.

    I do use the MFP logging Pact and the Veggie/Fruit Pact. I have it set to 6 days of MFP, just in case I'm sick and don't eat a lot or forget to log on a weekend day. The Veggie Pact I started out with 5 veggies required because it was difficult to get in the habit of snapping a pic every time I ate a veggie (and you can't use stored pics, they have to be taken as you're using the app). Now I'm up to 8 per week.

    WOAH. I just saw that Soufre has earned $60?! I'm only at $27 and I thought that was great haha. HOW did you earn that much?

    Edited to add: I guess the gym pact must be the most lucrative. With a 6 day logging pact and an 8-per-week veggie pact, I made between $1.50 and $2 per week. I wish motion sensors were supported on the android app. :(

    How about linking it to runkeeper and going for walks/bike rides/runs?

    Since it's been so unbearably cold out, I've preferred to run indoors, on the treadmill. And I life weights in the gym as well.

    I walk my dog outside and commute to work walking, but even if it happens to add up to 30 minutes, I usually don't count those walks as exercise because I included them in my activity level.

    I use MapMyFitness to track my hikes that are 45 minutes - 2 hours long, but I don't do them regularly enough to have a GymPact just for those haha
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Bump. I'm going to have to look into this app; I've seen it but didn't really take it seriously to work the way they said.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I posted about it when it was on MFP's sidebar a few months back (maybe February?)

    I started using it with their $5 sign-up bonus and haven't stopped yet. I don't use the GymPact feature, because my apartment's gym doesn't count and there's no way I'm paying for another gym when I have "free" use of one that fits my needs.

    I do use the MFP logging Pact and the Veggie/Fruit Pact. I have it set to 6 days of MFP, just in case I'm sick and don't eat a lot or forget to log on a weekend day. The Veggie Pact I started out with 5 veggies required because it was difficult to get in the habit of snapping a pic every time I ate a veggie (and you can't use stored pics, they have to be taken as you're using the app). Now I'm up to 8 per week.

    WOAH. I just saw that Soufre has earned $60?! I'm only at $27 and I thought that was great haha. HOW did you earn that much?

    Edited to add: I guess the gym pact must be the most lucrative. With a 6 day logging pact and an 8-per-week veggie pact, I made between $1.50 and $2 per week. I wish motion sensors were supported on the android app. :(

    How about linking it to runkeeper and going for walks/bike rides/runs?

    Since it's been so unbearably cold out, I've preferred to run indoors, on the treadmill. And I life weights in the gym as well.

    I walk my dog outside and commute to work walking, but even if it happens to add up to 30 minutes, I usually don't count those walks as exercise because I included them in my activity level.

    I use MapMyFitness to track my hikes that are 45 minutes - 2 hours long, but I don't do them regularly enough to have a GymPact just for those haha

    I gympact my work commute (it's nearly always 30 mins walking) just because I figured why not get paid for something I have to do anyway?
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I use it, and average about $8 a week? I do all 3 logging options (7xlogging, 7xgym and 31xvege). So far I've earned about $100 and it hasn't cost me anything :)