New Mom- Don't forget about yourself

I am a new mom to a 4 month little boy. I love being a mother but working full time and trying to juggle that with my family has not been an easy task so far. I have the last of my baby weight to lose (roughly 10 lbs) and have realized I have to remember to take care of myself because if I am not happy then the rest of my family won't be happy. I would love to find some supportive friends out there to help me on my journey.


  • ChubbyInHeels
    ChubbyInHeels Posts: 24 Member
    Way to branch out :) You have taken on motherhood effortlessly while I see first hand all the time it takes ALL sorts of effort :) You can do this superwoman :)
  • MrsSeals
    MrsSeals Posts: 3 Member
    I hear you new mom! I'm in the same boat! I'm a new mom to a 3 month old little boy. I've lost all but the last 10lbs of baby weight I gained while pregnant and just like any other time in life that 10lbs just doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
    Although its really hard to find time to exercise I bought a jogging stroller and try to use it when the weather is nice. Pushing that thing is a workout in itself! Lol. I know that life always seems to get in the way and by the time I get home at night its hard to want to do anything. But I know that is something we can do together and he gets to check out the world around him while we do it. Also at home workouts just doing planks, push-ups, squats, etc. Moves that don't require equipment can be done together with your little one.
  • har465
    har465 Posts: 8 Member
    Add me if you like! Mom of a 3.5 and 1.5 year old girls, working full time and trying to fit it all in as well!
  • Mom to a 9 month old little boy (and a 19 & 17 y.o. but they're pretty independent, lol) and I also work full-time. It is so hard to find time to exercise! It doesn't help that he is still waking up 1-2 times a night, either. Oh sweet little man, why don't you sleep like your brothers did?

    I gained my weight before I was pregnant, but I still have about 40 pounds to lose. My plan is to focus on today - making healthy choices TODAY and finding time for a little activity each day and build from there.

    I did this before and it works! Just stick to it. Sometimes I think the biggest obstacle is the husband, who wants to enjoy drinks and eating out and isn't worry about being healthy and fit (even though he could stand to lose 30 pounds himself).
  • _mlee_
    _mlee_ Posts: 90
    anyone can add me if you would like :) (although I am not a "new" mom) I have a 5 and 8 year old and work fulltime+ extra hours and am just trying to find that little bit of time to keep myself happy as well!
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    feel free to add me. I am the mom to three boys, my oldest has Autism. I stay at home and workout and am working towards losing another 50 pounds.
  • Cbogin77
    Cbogin77 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello new mom!!! and all the other moms.. I'm the mother of a 6 and 9 year old, working full time as well, with my husband working two full time jobs is not easy to fit in workouts, but I manage, feel free to add me. I have lost so far 30 pounds on my own ( with the help of an awesome friend and husband) and came to fitness pal to be honest for motivation, and also to track my food intake. We can all share information, I am so excited
  • Nexxo12
    Nexxo12 Posts: 1
    you can do it !
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    Very wise. It took me until my youngest had started school to realize that I had to take me time. Awesome outlook. You've got this!
  • Tara_1983
    Tara_1983 Posts: 4
    I sent you a friend request. :)

    I had my little boy 7 weeks ago and am also looking for other post-partum mama's who are working off the baby weight!
  • wvualesha
    wvualesha Posts: 11
    I hear you! I have a toddler and I was out of shape/over weight before him. Now that I've stopped breast feeding the weight is coming back. Good luck everyone!! Please send me a friend request if you'd like to connect! :-) Today is day 3 for me.