Was doing well... and now...

I am not sure if I am on a mini-plateau or not. I have lost 30 pounds up to ten days ago, then binged a bit one night (party) and shot up almost 7 pounds. Now down to 268 lbs where I was around 265 but it is slow slogging along. Still walking every day and still drinking lots of water. Could use some advice on what to try to resume. I am set for 2 lbs/week. I think my diary is open, so please feel free and comment. Any help would be appreciated. Let it rip!


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    There are no plateaus, you said yourself, you went overboard at a party. It's no big deal, you just put on a bit of water and waste weight. You just need to continue down the road, weigh and log everything and hold yourself accountable. That's it.

  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I am not sure if I am on a mini-plateau or not. I have lost 30 pounds up to ten days ago, then binged a bit one night (party) and shot up almost 7 pounds. Now down to 268 lbs where I was around 265 but it is slow slogging along. Still walking every day and still drinking lots of water. Could use some advice on what to try to resume. I am set for 2 lbs/week. I think my diary is open, so please feel free and comment. Any help would be appreciated. Let it rip!

    24,500 calories is one hell of a binge!
    I'm guessing most of it is water, you're diary isn't open so there is no way to see what's going on with that.
    As the other poster stated, stay the course and log and exercise honestly.
  • juicymisslucy
    juicymisslucy Posts: 72 Member
    I went waaaay overboard this weekend and still managed to lose 1lb. Something that seems to be working for me is that I don't normally eat all my excercise calories back (I still eat some mind you) and it makes up for days in which I go over. Drink some water and try walk a bit more. You can do this! :)
  • LEOrzech
    LEOrzech Posts: 11 Member
    Diary now open
  • Shell_1384
    Shell_1384 Posts: 80 Member
    Sounds like you just over did it with that binge (party). The past is the past, just hold your head up and keep going. It sounds like what you were doing before the party was working great for you so just stick with the path you had been on. Best of luck reaching your goal :)
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    There are no plateaus, you said yourself, you went overboard at a party. It's no big deal, you just put on a bit of water and waste weight. You just need to continue down the road, weigh and log everything and hold yourself accountable. That's it.


    ^^Agreed. You slipped up and you admitted it. It happens to everyone one way or another. Cut back on the calories and increase the walking to compensate for the weight gain.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I am sure it varies person to person, but you're going over on your sodium like every day. If I do that, I retain water like a dang sponge!! Try watching that for a few days, drinking a ton of water and see how you feel.
  • LEOrzech
    LEOrzech Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah the sodium is what I thought also. I have a family of five and its tough to find meals that everyone likes without tons of sodium. I do believe it is water weight. Clothes fit better and people say I look like I am losing weight. I am upping my water intake and may add another mile walk.
  • kamac413
    kamac413 Posts: 6 Member
    Most importantly .... Congratulations on your weight loss thus far!!!!!!! Having dropped 63 pounds myself I understand the amount of effort involved in changing your lifestyle for the better.

    As for your weight gain, a binge as in BINGE will definitely cause the scale to go up (temporarily). If your binge consisted of a lot of carbohydrates then most of your weight gain is probably water because carbohydrates hold onto more water than proteins and fats.

    DONT PANIC!!!!! When you have a "Bad" day or a "Fun" day, depending on how you want to view it, just jump back on the wagon the very next day. If you are finding yourself binging because you have completely eliminated something you love from your diet and are having severe cravings for it, then it is best to bring that item back into your diet but in moderation. Count those calories just like you count everything else. It is better to stick within your daily calories for the longterm than it is to stick with it for only one or two weeks and then go on a crazy out of control binge. Moderation is the key to permanent weight loss.

    You can do this!!!!!!!! Never give up. Never panic. Just stick with the program and a year from now you will be a much thinner healthier happier person :)
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Sodium is a daily problem for me but my BP is good and my Dr. just told me to try to avg 3000mg and not to worry about it.

    I'm FAR from an expert but it seems like your caloric intake is sporadic, some days your 1100 some your 1300 and them 1800, my advice would be to consistently eat closer to 1800 at least. I'm 99 days in to logging here and am down 49lbs with honest logging and exercise. Feel free to look at my diary if you like, I avg about 1800 cals and I'm not starving myself, you just have to figure out what works for you.
  • LEOrzech
    LEOrzech Posts: 11 Member
    I mostly don't eat back my exercise - I use MapMyWalk which syncs the calories burned to the MFP app. And yes, I admit, I am all over the place. I have at least lost back the weight I gained (drank a lot of bourbon and had chips/dip etc). And yes it was a FUN day!!! :)
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I mostly don't eat back my exercise - I use MapMyWalk which syncs the calories burned to the MFP app. And yes, I admit, I am all over the place. I have at least lost back the weight I gained (drank a lot of bourbon and had chips/dip etc). And yes it was a FUN day!!! :)

    I don't eat back any of my exercise calories, I think once I might have used up 25 of them but it's something that I just don't do.
    (Somewhere, someone who's reading this has a head that's about to explode. LoL)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's normal, you had a bad day, it's going to take you a couple weeks to get rid of the water weight. Nothing to be worried about.
  • LEOrzech
    LEOrzech Posts: 11 Member
    It's normal, you had a bad day, it's going to take you a couple weeks to get rid of the water weight. Nothing to be worried about.

    Thanks! Here's hoping!!!