My workouts don't feel like their working, advice?



  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    I've also found quite a few "body routines" on Pinterest. They are just pics or posters or something telling you how many sets/reps of different moves to do. Some even have "do these 10 exercise Monday, these 10 Tuesday, etc." I used these interspersed with cardio when I was first starting out at 250 lbs! You will "feel the burn" if that's what you're looking for. Others have also given great suggestions.

    Sounds to me like you just get bored easily with the same routine, so perhaps mixing and matching from a variety of sources is a good way for you to form an exercise habit. Just commit to doing something for 45-60 mins, 5x a week. Do that the first week. Then evaluate which things you liked, which you didn't, and proceed forward with new or tried routines mixed together.

    Edited cuz, well, typing fast is hard and I jack up a lot of stuff the first time around.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Is it a case then that if u don't feel the burn its not working?

    No, I don't think nothing is working, obviously something is working or I wouldn't have lost what I have. I just not sure if its not working enough for me currently, or if I am expecting too much from myself. I probably do need to up my intensity a bit but considering 90 percent of what I do is dancing on my nintendo wii im not sure how to do with my 5lb weights maybe? haha. Hard to do that with having to hold my wii controller tho!

    You can do deeper, bigger movements to up the intensity, for sure.

    If you have an exercise bike, and it sounds like also a treadmill in your basement, you could put together a mini circuit workout incorporating bodyweight strength training exercises and bursts of higher intensity cardio on your machines. Write it out, turn on a timer, and go.

    One of the keys to getting in better shape is constantly pushing when things get too easy. Run for longer, or faster, lift heavier. It's how we progress, forcing our bodies (in increments) to constantly adapt to the physical demands we are placing on it.

    Absolutely this. A "burn," or even DOMS, is not a sure-fire indicator of progress. Relying on "feeling a burn" can certainly lead to the questioning you're having now, OP.

    Follow what Otter suggested. You'll know your workouts are working if you can bike longer, bike faster, lift more, dance without losing as much breath, etc. etc. Honestly, I've only ever felt a "burn" after working a particular exercise for the first time. I consider things to be working when I no longer feel that, but instead can do the move longer, faster, heavier, whatever.
  • Lathandria
    Lathandria Posts: 42 Member
    I think she/he is looking for what you mean by not working - do you feel like you're not working hard enough? Is your weight loss slowing? Are you losing motivation? Something else?

    Knowing this would help people make better suggestions for you. (But, really, strength training is where it's at ;P)

    Yes you hit the nail on the head! I feel like I'm not working out hard enough and I for sure feel like the weight loss has slowed already. I'm not expecting miracles, and I know the scale lies, and I've been meaning to buy a good tape measure to take some decent measurements, the ones I have now aren't very accurate so I have basically been judging the scale when I weigh in every friday morning.

    But to give you an example of why I feel like it was stalling out was I weighed myself around the 14th of march, and then again the following week and the scale hadn't budged. I didn't do any less exercise that week, just the same as usual, but then the following week (the 28th) I lost 2lbs. Being the crazy person I am, I weighed myself today on a whim and I am back up to where I was before the 2lb loss. This is probably just my weight fluctating and the scale being weird, but it has me thinking maybe I am doing something wrong here.

    Edit: I should also mention I weigh myself in the morning when I get up after I pee, same time everytime I weigh in:P
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    It sounds like you're quickly adapting to your current workout load. This is a good thing. But yeah... you'll probably have to up your fitness game. You're 27, so your max capacity for "work" should be pretty darn high. I'm a decade older and the workouts you listed wouldn't do much for me, either. Just being honest. I think it's great that you are dealing with not being challenged *enough* - it's time for some new challenges!

    Mixing up your exercise options will help. For cardio, increasing your intensity or duration (or both) will help. If you have the capacity, I think HIIT or TABATA type workouts would be great "burners" for you (or anyone who doesn't have a ton of time for long steady-state workouts). I recommend getting a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) and read up on zone-based training to help you get in & stay in the right intensity zones during your workouts. HRM's are worth it in my book - you don't have to spend a ton on one and it would definitely help you gauge your rate of perceived exertion (RPE). With an HRM, you'll *know* if you are working hard or just phoning it in... and can adjust accordingly.

    As far as suggestions for exercises go, it really depends on what piques your interest and what you can do with your work & homelife demands. It sounds like you just aren't all that *in* to your current routines, which is understandable - a lot of people fall into the same traps (me included). I bet there are forums (here on MFP or elsewhere) with just TONS of workout ideas for busy parents! Sorry I can't be more help here - no kiddos myself, but I appreciate your situation!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I think she/he is looking for what you mean by not working - do you feel like you're not working hard enough? Is your weight loss slowing? Are you losing motivation? Something else?

    Knowing this would help people make better suggestions for you. (But, really, strength training is where it's at ;P)

    Yes you hit the nail on the head! I feel like I'm not working out hard enough and I for sure feel like the weight loss has slowed already. I'm not expecting miracles, and I know the scale lies, and I've been meaning to buy a good tape measure to take some decent measurements, the ones I have now aren't very accurate so I have basically been judging the scale when I weigh in every friday morning.

    But to give you an example of why I feel like it was stalling out was I weighed myself around the 14th of march, and then again the following week and the scale hadn't budged. I didn't do any less exercise that week, just the same as usual, but then the following week (the 28th) I lost 2lbs. Being the crazy person I am, I weighed myself today on a whim and I am back up to where I was before the 2lb loss. This is probably just my weight fluctating and the scale being weird, but it has me thinking maybe I am doing something wrong here.

    Edit: I should also mention I weigh myself in the morning when I get up after I pee, same time everytime I weigh in:P

    Otter gave a great answer.

    But to address some of this post - your weight loss is going to slow no matter what. 10 lbs in 2 weeks is a lot. You cannot sustain that. It is simply not realistic.
    You are right, it is probably just your weight fluctuating and the scale does not always show the whole picture. The scale should be looked at as a trend, over mulitple weeks, not week to week. Don't get too caught up in it.

    Again, for exercise, go with Otter's post. Do what you like to do and push yourself, keep challenging yourself. There are some other great suggestions here on changing up your exercise if you want to.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Thank you for the advice so far guys. I will definatley check out some of the things you listed Jorocka.

    @sixpacklady No I have never heard of Leslie Sansone before. I will have to check into those, but i did start the 30 day beginner plan. I skipped a few days but I am almost done with it!

    Leslie's is a fun walk at home workouts, but she is very chatty and keeps you engaged.

    So you are doing the hasfit challenge - doesn't that include strength workouts? It could be the reason why your are not losing as much, must be gaining some muscle...Ditch the scale and start measuring...
  • Lathandria
    Lathandria Posts: 42 Member
    10 lbs in 2 weeks is a lot. You cannot sustain that. It is simply not realistic.
    You are right, it is probably just your weight fluctuating and the scale does not always show the whole picture. The scale should be looked at as a trend, over mulitple weeks, not week to week. Don't get too caught up in it.

    I'm not sure where some of you saw 10 pounds in 2 weeks, I just meant the last 2 weeks have been a lot slower for me. I have lost 10lbs over the course of the month of march/beginning of Febraury when I started. If I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks I would be re evaluating a lot more things than just my workout routine lol

    But yeah, I try not to get too caught up in it, just hard not to sometimes!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    10 lbs in 2 weeks is a lot. You cannot sustain that. It is simply not realistic.
    You are right, it is probably just your weight fluctuating and the scale does not always show the whole picture. The scale should be looked at as a trend, over mulitple weeks, not week to week. Don't get too caught up in it.

    I'm not sure where some of you saw 10 pounds in 2 weeks, I just meant the last 2 weeks have been a lot slower for me. I have lost 10lbs over the course of the month of march/beginning of Febraury when I started. If I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks I would be re evaluating a lot more things than just my workout routine lol

    But yeah, I try not to get too caught up in it, just hard not to sometimes!

    I probably misread. I thought you started the end of Feb/beginning of March and have lost 10lbs since then. Then the whole last two weeks slow down thing confused me. I also thought you said you didn't lose anything one week then 2 lbs the next and thought that was in relation to the last two weeks.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm still confused by what you mean working/not doing anything for you. are you not getting the results you want? If so what are they?

    But you also said you don't finish them, so that might be a start.

    Or is it a case of you just don't like your workout and are looking for new suggestions?
    I was also (and still am) confused.

    Yes, pretty much I want some new ideas because I don't feel like what I am doing now is working as good as it was the first couple of weeks I started working out. I hope that helps clarify, sorry that I was not more clear!

    But the question is..if you do get some new ideas, are you actually going to be able to do the whole planned workout? It's not a matter of what exercises are more effective from the sound of it. It's actually you just getting it done.

    It's great to find new ideas..but maybe challenge yourself to complete your workouts for a certain time frame before changing it up?