Trying to figure it all out

Hello everyone!

I recently came over here after being with for quite some time. I'm definitely not new to weight loss, but I think I just needed a major reset of some kind. I have weighed as much as 344 pounds, and have gone down to 234 pounds-once in 2011, and once in 2013. Between those two times and up until about two months ago, I managed to maintain a weight between 250-265 pounds.

I had to move back in with my parents in January while finishing up the last two terms of my senior year of college. I am back up to 288 pounds and I am very frustrated with myself.

Early in March, I went to the doctor with a pain in my side, and it was found that I have a gallstone. So, on top of all this craziness, I get to deal with that. I gave up all wheat back on the 18th, and aside from one slip up, I've been doing that successfully. I still have trouble figuring out what to eat with this gallstone, but I know that eating until I'm over full and eating most dairy is a huge problem for me.

I'm not looking for it here, but I did notice that I was far more successful with this process when I had the opportunity to regularly see a counselor. Unfortunately, I don't have that option right now, so I'd just like some support and maybe to make a couple of friends here.