Looking for friends with open diary for inspiration!

kcwest4 Posts: 17 Member
Hi there, I've been on MFP for awhile now, but always get lazy and stop tracking and gain more weight when I am not actively using the app! This time I am serious, joined the gym and everything, but I'm trying to find friends that have open diaries so I can get inspiration for new healthy foods instead of eating the same old stuff all the time! Add me if that's you! Good luck to all! :smile:


  • Hi! Im looking for friends with open diaries too!! I will friend you now!
  • marcyj
    marcyj Posts: 31 Member
    Ditto on that! I'm friending you both :)
  • mariai_martinez
    mariai_martinez Posts: 37 Member
    I just started a few days ago, and have a super silly question how do I make sure my diary is open??

    Thanks :)
  • marcyj
    marcyj Posts: 31 Member
    My Home> Settings > Diary Settings > Publlic

  • mariai_martinez
    mariai_martinez Posts: 37 Member
    Okay everyone, I now have an open diary so please add me! :happy:
  • Nadisay
    Nadisay Posts: 18
    Hi, my diary is open...., although I don't understand why most people don't do it. It is a very good idea for seeing what other people are eating and if it works for them can help you track your mistakes and give better ideas for meals. I don't really know how accurate are some calories I can't find I just estimate. Anyways great idea, add me.
  • shipley2480
    shipley2480 Posts: 9 Member
    I keep my diary open and update daily. Feel free to send me an add.
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    Same here. Sending a request. Anyone else can add me too. :)