ATKINS DIET - Anyone use this with any success?!

FIRST - don't tell me that Atkins is not the way to go and that you just need to eat healthy, cook your own food, etc - DUH! I know that is what I should be doing but I am not able or willing (I have tried - I fail). I need an easy to follow - no thinking - no extra effort - way of doing this. I feel like Atkins can be this for me. Maybe down the line when I see results, feel more fit, etc I can start doing this the right way - for now this is my routine.

I like to wake up late so I have no time to cook at home - if I have to pre-make meals in the evening or wake up earlier to cook I won't do it so don't even suggest that.

I started Monday and have lost 4 pounds.

I wake up and do a 2 minute workout to get my metabolism going (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, etc - get the heart and blood going). I get to work and eat two vitamins. I then eat a scrambled egg Atkins breakfast bowl and one banana in the AM. Then a Atkins shake for my morning snack a few hours later.

Then I eat an Atkins Frozen Lunch (so much variety) and some dehydrated veggie chips at lunch. In the afternoon I have an Atkins snack bar (feels like a delicious desert). I feel full all day now - it's awesome!

Then when I get home I typically have a fruit smoothie before I workout -OR- walk/run for 20 minutes (6 days a week). I do a bodyweight 100 workout I got from Mens Health. On the other days I do a walk/run combo - whatever I can handle.

Then I have a meal from this website each night ( using fresh proteins and veggies and very little processed food - so delicious and filling. Low calorie healthy options.

I am losing weight (finally) and feel full all the time. It only took 5 years to get started and I feel like this is easy enough I can stick with it ---- jeez.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    The Atkins diet doesn't include a banana, the highest carbohydrate fruit going.

    Seems like you've got something that works for you, I do Atkins cooking whole foods in general.

    A fruit smoothie before a workout is probably counter-productive for weight loss, and certainly isn't in Atkins Phase 1 either - so you're really doing your own low carb plan based on the Atkins Diet.
  • caenis
    caenis Posts: 14
    Hi, Read "The China Study" and then decide if Atkins is the way to go! Good luck in any case!
  • CharleeCali
    CharleeCali Posts: 51 Member
    It worked for me, but I got tired of the carb restrictions. I have oatmeal now for breakfast every day, and it still makes me smile. (I'm sure that will wear off after a while.)

    I'll be honest, I do miss all the meat and cheese.

    Best of luck to you, I hope it works for you, too.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Hi, Read "The China Study" and then decide if Atkins is the way to go! Good luck in any case!

    I hung it up next to the toilet.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hi, Read "The China Study" and then decide if Atkins is the way to go! Good luck in any case!

    I hung it up next to the toilet.
    You have time to read on the toilet? Try a whole foods, plant based diet sometime. All the fiber a guy could ask for!
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    It worked for me a number of years ago.

    It did get very difficult at times, but as other said....loved eating that meat all the time.

    If I had only switched gears when I lost the weight to a more healthy lifestyle I would still be skinny.

    I think that is what gets people on this, and other fadish type of diets.

    They get to where they want to be, in this case eating low to no carbs, but when they get there they didnt learn a new lifestyle change. They didnt learn how to get to a healthy weight without the fad and within the confines of "normal" living.

    As you know, the best way is eating healthy, exercise, etc and then when you DO get to where you want you ahve a solid foundation to continue on.

    Goodluck. It does work if you do it right. Just make sure when you get there you relearn how to live in the normal world of eating again.
  • nikolamandekic3
    lost 30 kg in 8 weks
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Everyone I know who has tried atkins, lost weight..lots of weight. They all also gained the weight back, and then some. I think the idea of eating primarily lean meats with veggies is good....just keep your carbs in moderation but do not eliminate them completely.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Given all the restrictions you put on how to appropriately answer you sounds to me like you have made up your mind already.

    You basically requested whether or not people thought Atkins was the way to go then specifically requested that people not tell you "no". Do you actually want peoples opinion on the Atkins diet or do you just want your decision to be supported by a group?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    You have time to read on the toilet? Try a whole foods, plant based diet sometime. All the fiber a guy could ask for!

    No, it's to wipe with.
  • Grinder7777
    You arent doing Atkins...

    Bananas, veggie chips, fruit smoothies, vegetables you eat 4 times more carbs than you should have.

    Starting phase of Atkins is 70-80% fats and no more then 5% carbs.

    What you are doing is extremly unhealthy, please read up on the diet or find somthing else.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    You have time to read on the toilet? Try a whole foods, plant based diet sometime. All the fiber a guy could ask for!

    No, it's to wipe with.
    Ya, you probably need a lot of paper with your low fiber diet.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Yay, the vegan brigade is out in force today! It wouldn't be a real thread about atkins/low-carb without them pushing their own version of a super-restrictive and unbalanced form of eating. It's nice to finally know why they do it though. Apparently it's so they can have better poops.

    Granted, I have great poops without going to those lengths. But, some people do need a bit more help than others. LOL
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    FIRST - don't tell me that Atkins is not the way to go and that you just need to eat healthy, cook your own food, etc - DUH! I know that is what I should be doing but I am not able or willing (I have tried - I fail). I need an easy to follow - no thinking - no extra effort - way of doing this. I feel like Atkins can be this for me. Maybe down the line when I see results, feel more fit, etc I can start doing this the right way - for now this is my routine.

    I like to wake up late so I have no time to cook at home - if I have to pre-make meals in the evening or wake up earlier to cook I won't do it so don't even suggest that.

    Low-carb food is some of the quickest and easiest food to cook, as long as you're not trying to replicate something that is normally high carb.

    For example my lazy weekend breakfast:
    1) Spray microwave safe bowl with non-stick spray (or grease with bacon grease)
    2) Crack 3 eggs in bowl
    3) Pour in 1-2 TBS of heavy cream
    4) Mix
    5) Microwave for 50 seconds, stir, throw some shredded cheese on top
    6) Microwave for another 30 seconds.

    That's 500 calories (<4g carbs) in about 3 minutes. That's how long it takes my coffee to brew, or it would take to microwave a frozen meal.

    If you're happy with how you're doing it, fine. But, don't give up later when you're bored with the selection. Realize that you can make the food very easily and quickly on your own.
    I started Monday and have lost 4 pounds.

    This is water weight, not fat. Don't get frustrated when it doesn't keep this pace.

    I wake up and do a 2 minute workout to get my metabolism going (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, etc - get the heart and blood going). I get to work and eat two vitamins. I then eat a scrambled egg Atkins breakfast bowl and one banana in the AM. Then a Atkins shake for my morning snack a few hours later.

    Induction levels of Atkins require less than 20g of net carbs in a whole day. A medium banana has 24g of net carbs. The Atkins morning scrambles are around 5g net carbs. You've just blown your carb limit for the day and we haven't even had the shake or anything after.
    Then I eat an Atkins Frozen Lunch (so much variety) and some dehydrated veggie chips at lunch. In the afternoon I have an Atkins snack bar (feels like a delicious desert). I feel full all day now - it's awesome!

    You're not logging most of these foods. I don't know how many carbs were in the chips. Likely way too many. Remember: 20g a day.
    Then when I get home I typically have a fruit smoothie before I workout -OR- walk/run for 20 minutes (6 days a week). I do a bodyweight 100 workout I got from Mens Health. On the other days I do a walk/run combo - whatever I can handle.

    Then I have a meal from this website each night ( using fresh proteins and veggies and very little processed food - so delicious and filling. Low calorie healthy options.

    Yeah, the smoothie is out. Way too high in carbs. More than two days worth.
    I am losing weight (finally) and feel full all the time. It only took 5 years to get started and I feel like this is easy enough I can stick with it ---- jeez.

    That's great. But, if you really think you want to do Atkins, you're going to need to get a handle on all the carbs you're consuming.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Do you see anyone on here who has reached their goal weight (and maintained) by using atkins?
    Gee, I wonder what that should tell you about restrictive fad diets.
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I just don't understand how or why you think that generally restricting your calories but eating normal food without any restrictions makes you fail, but Atkins & a ton of food restrictions doesn't? That makes no sense.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Do you see anyone on here who has reached their goal weight (and maintained) by using atkins?
    Gee, I wonder what that should tell you about restrictive fad diets.
    Bam!!! Well put.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Do you see anyone on here who has reached their goal weight (and maintained) by using atkins?
    Gee, I wonder what that should tell you about restrictive fad diets.
    In the interest of fairness and accuracy, I do know personally someone who has lost and maintained on Atkins.


    I would NEVER recommend this for the majority of folks because of the restrictions he has to keep to stick with it. This guy never eats bread with sandwiches (he basically has a "meat salad" when he goes to Subway..gets all the innards in a bowl), snacks on pork rinds and cheese cubes, no crust at all when he gets pizza (scrapes off the toppings and sauce and eats that). Yes, he's skinny. Yes, he APPEARS healthy (I'm unaware of any serious health issues he has). Yes, he's giving up an awful lot to achieve those goals...I'd much rather put in the work in the gym and get to keep my carbs thank you very much.

    I tried Atkins and I was hangry a lot. Most people need more carbs than you get on Atkins to get the FEELING of "full".
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I just don't understand how or why you think that generally restricting your calories but eating normal food without any restrictions makes you fail, but Atkins & a ton of food restrictions doesn't? That makes no sense.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Low-carb food is some of the quickest and easiest food to cook, as long as you're not trying to replicate something that is normally high carb.
    The easiest food to prepare, bar none, is fruit.