looking for friends for motivation!

I'll be attending a family reunion in July (my boyfriend's family) so I'll be meeting a whole ton of new people and I want to look my best! I want to be able to take pictures and actually feel GOOD about how I look. I'm going to be really trying to keep up on my exercise so I need some more friends on here to keep me motivated!

A little about myself....I'm 23 years old, no kids or anything (unless you count my boyfriend--sometimes I do!). I've gradually gained weight since I met him (about a pant size a year--8 years we've been together). Last year I started feeling reallllly crappy (tired all the time, high cholesterol etc) and I thought now is the time for change. :)


  • ricejade
    ricejade Posts: 2
    We can motivate each other! I'm 23 as well. Gained a ton of weight in college, and have been on the fitness "journey" for almost 2 years and have lost over 50 pounds. I'm going to Italy in November and want to lose 40-50 more pounds! We can do this!
  • fluffymcfluzzin
    fluffymcfluzzin Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me! I just had a baby and I'm on the journey to lose this baby weight and then some. I also gained a lot of weight since me and my boyfriend have been together.