What's been the hardest part of dieting for you?

For me, it's actually getting to the gym, or just working out. Once I finally drag myself there, I tend to slack sometimes. =/
what about you though? Do you have any resolutions to your situation? :)


  • geetatadepalli
    geetatadepalli Posts: 11 Member
    The hardest part about dieting for me is beating my head game. I seem to have this amazing and innate ability to fixate on food. I am a little too highly tuned in with my tummy -- any pointers on how to shut my tummy up?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Having to say no to my cravings most days (because I'm out of calories). I tell myself there's always tomorrow...
  • Hquinn77
    Hquinn77 Posts: 7
    The cravings and waiting for the weight to come off.
  • seismicmuffin
    seismicmuffin Posts: 160 Member
    The exercise! I'm such a couch potato. I'm addicted to Netflix and reading books. Every day is a struggle between the two. I just tell myself "that book will still be there when you're thin!" lol. Also, I've had an intense craving for a chocolate milkshake the last two weeks. It's almost an obsession.
  • s1rens0ng
    s1rens0ng Posts: 127 Member
    everyone else eating what they want and doing moreso because i can't have it :devil:

    So i stopped buying them munchies and junk food too :bigsmile:
  • JMoore221979
    Buffalo chicken anything is my nemesis!
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    Days when I want to go out drinking with my friends. Terrible thing to find hard really, but it's difficult to get the food/alcohol calorie balance right. Too little food = incredibly drunk, too little alcohol = sober in a nightclub full of ruined people. So I tend to make sure I do lots of exercise that day or let myself have them as a cheat day.

    Also dealing with food cravings for calorific food - I have little self control when it comes to portion sizes, and I will eat until I am full when it comes to things like cheesy chips, chocolate cake etc. As a result of this I have to make sure I buy such things rarely and only in quantities as much as I will allow myself to have or share them with others.
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    I think the hardest part is when you push yourself and you don't see results on the scales ...

    I know the scales aren't meant to matter but when you road cycle and go to gym
    and count calories and walk and eat a balanced diet and keep it all regular you expect results ...

    Its now 2 steps forward and 1 step back because I hit a plateau for months
    and I am battling to push forward ...
  • MrsMX
    MrsMX Posts: 98
    The exercise! I'm such a couch potato. I'm addicted to Netflix and reading books. Every day is a struggle between the two. I just tell myself "that book will still be there when you're thin!" lol. Also, I've had an intense craving for a chocolate milkshake the last two weeks. It's almost an obsession.

    Have you thought about getting audio books and listening while you walk ... just a passing thought:smile:
  • AceCC86
    AceCC86 Posts: 71
    Not eating as much cheese. Wonderful, delicious cheese.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Taking the time to measure or weigh all food, and log it. Everything else is easier than that.
  • samislegend89
    Pushing through the plateaus have been the hardest part for me. Sticking with it even when you don't see results sucks. Fortunately, I just got through one and am just about halfway to my weight loss goal.

    Honestly, I'm not super in to food. Call me weird, but I don't miss half of the garbage I used to eat. I feel way better and look way better and that's worth it to me.

  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    Eating cleaner and working out as often as I'd like to.
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    hardest part for me is saying "I'm on a diet"-- it sounds so depriving. I trained myself to say that I am learning to live a healthier way! oh and keeping away from those bad card--pasta, bread, cookies, tortillas...... so heartbreaking!
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    I'm approaching my 10-year anniversary of losing over 100 lbs. I initially lost over 120 lbs, but slowly gained back 35 over the years. (I restarted calorie counting in December, trying to get back down.) I thought the initial dieting would be the hardest part, but it's really the maintenance that's the real challenge.

    Think of all the big losers (in life or on TV) who gained some or all of their weight back... Sadly, it's a majority. I guess I thought I wouldn't have to be so strict for the rest of my life, but I have to eat and exercise at roughly the same levels just to keep the weight off. So, yeah... it's not really about dieting - it's about making a lifestyle change. I've slowly realized I have to be able to live with my changes because my old habits will bring back the old me.

    There's one bright side to this unintentionally depressing post... I'm proof it *CAN* be kept off for the long term!
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Definitely staying motivated when I am at a stall on weight loss. The last 2 weeks I have ate horribly and todays weigh in showed, I was up almost 4lbs :/ but since Monday I have got my head out of my *kitten* and stayed in calories and have exercised 30 mins each day thus far.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    For me, the hardest part is learning to control compulsive and mindless eating.
  • SeattleJill
    SeattleJill Posts: 73 Member
    Not eating as much cheese. Wonderful, delicious cheese.

    This. So very much of this. But on the plus side my skin has never looked better. I think cutting dairy out did that for me. I don't have a diet that specifically cuts out Dairy, but cheese is the only dairy I really eat, and I love it so much that it's near impossible to only have one serving, or I'd just rather use those calories on more food. Nice skin is the side effect of that. God, my mouth waters just writing the word cheese out lol.
  • JMoore221979
    Not eating as much cheese. Wonderful, delicious cheese.

    Yeah cheese too lol!
  • JMoore221979
    For me, the hardest part is learning to control compulsive and mindless eating.
    oh oh and bacon