meant to be fat???

on a real downer at the moment!! :cry:

i have not shifted weight for several weeks and my scales this morning put me up by 4lb!!?? its not my official weigh in - thats tomorrow - but it just got to me so bad

I don't think i've had a bad week, and my diary is public, i'm trying to moniter more of what i eat and the break down of the food.

I'm not even sure what any1 can say to this post, just soooo close to just giving up and wanted some1 to moan at i guess



  • sblades
    sblades Posts: 75
    Moan away, but don't give up! :)
    Maybe you're on a plateau, retaining a little water, or just off today.

    We are all on long journeys here, and noone ever said it's easy the whole way.

    Keep on keeping on!
  • nursejls82
    nursejls82 Posts: 2 Member
    I know eactly how your feeling. I've been doing everything right and have not lost a single pound in a week and a half. Its hard to stay positive when you feel like its all for nothing. But tomorrow is another day. Try your best to stick with it and you'll get there. :)
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I just took a quick peek at your diary. It seems to me the some sodium levels in the food you are eating is off. Most curry sauces have sodium, but the one you have listed for yesterday says none. So you may be taking in more sodium than you realize.

    Also, is it close to the time of your monthly? That always causes me to put on anywhere from 2-10 lbs from water retention. For the month of September, I lost a mere 2lbs, but I have noticed my weight is shifting (for lack of a better term). You might want to start measuring along with weighing in, as the tape measure usually shows more successes than the scale.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    My official weigh in was today and I posted a gain. I was disappointed. My first thought was to stop at my fav ff restaurant and eat all those things I was miising. But I didn't. Instead I went to the grocery, got two more sets of measuring cups, got a no sodium spice that I like on my fish, and a low sodium salad dressing.

    So I took this as an opportunity to do a little better. Take a look at your sodium intake. Water intake. and foods in general to see where you could improve.

    I'm really tending to think that the weather has gotten cooler (at least where I live) so maybe my body is just storing up fat for the winter but I'm going to do this. And so are you.

    Hang in there. This is just the test before the reward. You will get over this bump.

    Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. You have lots of people rooting for you and are here to help and support you while you succeed.

  • kimdoes
    kimdoes Posts: 90
    No way! You've come too far to give up. Your body has probably adjusted to the "new" eating and exercise that helped you lose the first 20. Now you need to shake things up a little. The last time I lost weight, I lost 18 then hit a plateau. I thought I was done losing weight. Literally for a month, I maintained my weight- didn't lose or gain. After that month, I dropped another 10 lbs in no time. Ya know, judging by your pic, you're not FAT. Dont give up! :smile:
  • BlindAssassin
    Don't give up don't give up don't give up! Persistance will get you practically anywhere, you can do it!
  • hjeubanks
    hjeubanks Posts: 18 Member
    Don’t be discouraged! I felt the same way in the beginning of the week...I hadn't lost a single pound since last week and even when I weighed myself on Wednesday...still no drop. But, lo and behold, I get on there this morning (Fridays are my "official" days) and I'm down three pounds. Just give it a little longer and see what happens. We all have off days and you have already worked too hard; it will just keep coming off!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    It sounds like you've reached a bit of a plateau. I've been on a few myself, so I know what you're going through! But don't give up, just try to relax and stick with it. You could think of it like could stay right where you are, which is smaller than you were a few months ago and healthier to boot. Or you could go back completely to old habits and keep gaining. I personally am on a plateau and getting really close to goal, so I just switched to maintenance to stick with this weight. Then I'll try to lose again in a month or so.

    Just looking at your diary, it may be that you get a lot of sodium in your diet that isn't accounted for. Bread and soups have quite a bit of sodium, and it looks like it's not recorded on your nutrition labels in UK? If it is, then when you add your food to diary, you can edit the facts and put it in. That 4 lb gain could easily be caused solely by the sodium. I would also suggest switching up your breakfast a little. Have a slice of toast with a small piece of fruit, some oatmeal with fruit or nuts, or an egg white omelet with some veggies. All that bread can tend to cause bloating for me, despite being within my cal and carb goals. I aim to get 5 servings of fruits/vegetables a day and I notice a huge difference in my energy levels and weight gain when I don't, so that's another small thing to try. Also, what does your workout routine look like? Try just some little tweaks here and there, and try to relax about the final goal-- focus more on how far you've come. MFP has a great supportive community to help you through. Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    Personally, I don't think anyone is meant to be fat, but our bodies do get comfortable at certain weight and that's what we typically call a plateau. Shock your body and you should see a weight loss; change things up, like your work outs or food consumption.

    Also, if you still have menses, consider your time of the month. Some women "gain" 5 pounds around their time. So, if this is your time, you make have actually lost a pound.

    Stay positive and diligent. :flowerforyou:
  • GingerSnark
    Just a quick peek at your diary & I'd day you need to cut down the bread. Your in the UK so alot of the food is different from here in the USA. I'm not 100% sure of what some stuff is but half looks like junk food to be but like I said, I don't know UK food.

    Just random picking stuff from various days over the last week :

    Mr Porky - Pork Scratchings - whatever that is look like a sodium bomb

    Pretzels & crisps as snacks.

    Chocolate Covered Peanuts

    Mini cheese pizzas

    Oven crisps & rice at dinner one night.

    Coco Pops Cereal and Milk Bars & Crisps for breakfast one day

    3 slices of bread with chocolate cereal for breakfast

    Ryvita crispbread

    You don't see this as a bad week? You've got some good stuff in there but half of your food looks to be total crap. Don't give up though, just swap out the junk for more fruit & veggies & less processed prepackaged junk.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i just took a quick look at your food diary and i agree with several of the above definitely are not tracking sodium....if the foods you are entering do not have sodium listed then change the entry with the proper nutritional values...i do this all the time when i find something off...i find the food here and i still look at the label to make sure it is offense to people who add food but i can't trust that they are entering it have to still do the work of making sure what you put in your face is what you are tracking.....

    since i dont know english foods none of that stuff in your diary looked familiar but i do know that bread does not have 0 MG of sodium....

    i just suggest you pay more attention to you foods, up your water and stay the course.....this will work if you work it....
    good luck on your journey of change...
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i'm going to say ditto about the carbs. some people do really well on a carb-heavy eating plan, but i need to eat lower-carb for my body to lose weight.

    i can be under my calories but over on carbs and i will gain weight, but i can be over my calories and under on carbs and i will lose. it is strange, but true. try switching your macronutrients up a bit. mfp sets you at 55% carbs, 25% fats and 20% protien. i changed it to 25% carbs, 30% fats and 45% protien. you don't have to go as extreme as i did, but maybe try 40/30/30.

    carbs are not evil, but for me it works best to include them moderately. don't give up!
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    looking at your advice and my diary i think you're right, its crap!!! i think its time to give up and go to docs can't do this on my own anymore, thank you all for your replies x
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I hit a plateau for most of August and half of September, after losing 30 pounds. I actually did a few things. I scaled my weight loss goals back from 1.5 pounds per week to 1 pound, thereby increasing my calories by 320 per day. I relaxed on my cardio a little and added some strength training in. I changed from exercising inside to walking/jogging outside. After 2 weeks from the change, I started dropping weight again and now I am down 39 pounds. Shake your body up and as strange as it sounds, sometimes eating a little more makes you lose weight! :noway:
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    Jo please stop for a minute and think about what you have achieved this year so far.

    You've lost 24lbs already!

    Call me stupid but that says to me that you CAN do it and you ARE doing it.

    Also, you're not on your own. We're all here with you. By all means go to the doc if you want but don't use this little set back as an excuse to give in.

    These kinds of ideas 'I don't care', 'I can't do it', 'It'll never work' are all tricks your mind plays on you to get what it wants. It's not the reality of the situation.

    Stick with us.
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    Thank u all 4 some lovely comments, but i've always had trouble seeing past the negative and gingersnarks comment really got 2 me - maybe it is just time 2 admit defeat x
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    Thank u all 4 some lovely comments, but i've always had trouble seeing past the negative and gingersnarks comment really got 2 me - maybe it is just time 2 admit defeat x
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    Well I think Gingersnarks just trying to dish out some tough love.

    It's not time to admit defeat it's time do do something to snap yourself out this negative mood. Find something that you enjoy doing (not eating or drinking) and do it today. You need to lift your spirits Jo!

    I wanna know tomorrow something you did today to make yourself feel good please :)
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Looking your food diary you're eating too many carbs in my opinion. Calorie intake looks about right but too many breads and starchy carbs.

    Replace these things with fruit or veg and include more good fats from nuts and fish

    Remember to record monitor and adjust. If no progress is being made after the above is implemented then possibly it's time to taker another 200 calories a day out
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    Thank u all 4 some lovely comments, but i've always had trouble seeing past the negative and gingersnarks comment really got 2 me - maybe it is just time 2 admit defeat x

    Come on Jo10, it's difficult when someone tells it as it is so please don't run away. Basically she has summarised what people were saying. So, what are we going to do? Get fatter face or get slimmer.

    Every one of us are different and we have to find what is best for us individually. So, what you are doing now is holding up your weight loss. It could be a few things and the main one is the processed carbs you are eating.

    If you could eliminate the processed food and replace with wholegrains and fruit and veg you will feel fuller and keep your energy levels up especially with your boys. It's so easy to pick up a bag of hola hoops when you are busy and I know an apple dosn't cut the mustard but that's the choice we have to make.

    It's very difficult and I struggle but I don't want to be an old fat frump. Think about them skinny jeans on there way for xmas.

    Stay Jo.