Losing weight the right way...

So here's my long sorry short...

- was the fat funny kid growing up
- lost about 115 lbs when I was in college 20-22yo(1999)
- started binge eating about 4-5 years after weight loss
- saw therapists and read every book in between

Fast forward to now. I'm the heaviest I've been since the beginning of college(about 15 years ago). I realize more than ever my issues are more about my emotions than about my metabolism etc.

I have become friends with a few people on MFP and notice they are eating an EXTREMELY healthy diet(very similar to what I did to loose 115 lbs).

My question and issue is... Has anyone lost weight eating what normal people eat and not just eating raw veggies and oatmeal style of diet?

I'd like to truly change my life and eating habits to be realistic. A few slices of people occasionally, a cheeseburger every now and then, etc.

Does anyone have thoughts on this? Has anyone had success losing weight by eating real food, and not just health food?



  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 eating what I wanted as long as it fit my calories ....unfortunately I gained it all back plus some when tragic/life in general got in my way ........I have lost 21 pounds so far eating whatever I want ... I do not restrict any food group ....moderation is the key ......wishing you much success :smile:
  • ag27404
    ag27404 Posts: 47 Member
    I have!

    I have at least 1 cheeseburger a week. It's my reward for myself after my personal trainer tortures, I mean, trains me for an hour.

    It is funny though, the longer I've eaten "healthy" the less I craze the "bad stuff". But really it comes down to all in moderation (at least for me). If I can't have it, it makes it worst. Like ice cream. I allow myself 3 Talenti Gelato bars a week (they are fantastic and all run about 200-250 calories a bar).

    I think you will find a lot of people on MFP would eat this way.

    Good luck!
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    I don't eat "healthy" but I eat healthier if that makes sense. I eat salads and vegetables because I happen to like them. I also eat pizza, cheeseburgers, cake, cookies, etc. It gets said a lot but it really is all about moderation.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Period. Just concentrate on logging everything you eat accurately & honestly. Eventually, you may find yourself eating better (whatever that word means to you), but for now just work on meeting your calorie goal.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I've been an on again, off again dieter my entire adult life. After a few months success, I always found myself going back to the fast food and gaining back everything I had lost and more. So this time, I'm making sure I have it enough to keep myself satisfied, but not so much that I gain. I had sesame chicken for lunch today - the good, fried, sweet syrup kind. It's something I love and don't want to live without, so now instead of having it once a week, I have it every few weeks and pair it with green beans instead of cream cheese wontons.

    Sure, most days I eat "health" food, but I make a place for things I love every day (cheese, chocolate chips) and for the bigger ticket items once or twice a week (chinese food, a whole box of mac n cheese or a meal at smashburger).

    Here's to hoping it sticks this time around :)
  • lex113311
    Wow! Fast responses!

    It's great news to hear that as long as you're at a deficit eating basically anything you want still works. I have this terrible cycle of feeling guilty after eating "bad food" and just blowing it.

    I just gotta take it slow and not rush to beat myself up if I eat something "bad."
  • SelkathNuggets
    SelkathNuggets Posts: 37 Member
    [...] I'd like to truly change my life and eating habits to be realistic. A few slices of people occasionally, a cheeseburger every now and then, etc. [...]
    Cannibal eh? There's your problem, people are loaded with fat nowadays. Go for lean protein sources instead.
  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    Before I came to MFP I had already lost about 60lbs and have kept it off for around 5 years. I eat a normal diet of healthy food plus crisps/chocolate/cake/whatever really, as long as I stick under my target anything goes. I really enjoy what people call 'bad' food and will not give it up because I actually want to be happy rather than making myself miserable cutting out stuff I like.
    So far I'm at 11lb lost in about 2 months (which might not sound much but. I am already in the 'healthy' weight range for my height and I only want to lose 22lb more so I'm quite close to my goal). So it can definitely be done :-)

    P.S I have found it easier and more constructive to plan, take my time and really enjoy my food when I'm eating it rather than feeling guilty (I've done that before too and it doesn't help :-))
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    LOL Selkith nugget... I saw that too and was wondering if someone would say something :)

    Eric, I only just started on MFP. I have a calorie count of 1460 (before exercise) and I have been losing every day. (I started weighing and recording on a separate spreadsheet to see how my weight fluctuates/changes, but I only weigh in on Monday mornings for my records here).

    Anyhow, like I said, I have been losing every day and eating much of the same meals I ate when I was unhealthy. I love eggs in the morning, and I will still have my egg, 2 pcs of ham, cheese on a muffin or bagel for breakfast. It fills me up and I tend not to eat as much for lunch, but I still eat. Then I have whatever my family eats for dinner. Tonight was Subway and I still stayed under my calorie count.

    You do not have to give up the foods you love! I know I would not be able to succeed at this if I was forced to eat oatmeal/veggies/fruits all the time. I do love them, but when faced with only those as choices, I would be doomed.

    You can do this :) Much luck to you!
  • lex113311
    Hahaha. I'm not a cannibal, just an iphone user. I typed up my post on my iphone and it must have autocorrected pizza to people!!

    I'm gonna do my hardest/best to remain under my calories and eat healthy, but with doses of what I really like as well.

    I also have a HUGE problem with finishing everything. I grew up really poor and equate money with food! So if I pay 10 dollars for a meal and leave 1/10 of it, it's like I'm leaving a dollar on my plate!!! (Yes, I know how unhealthy that thinking is...)
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Here is a suggestion that most do when going out to eat ....order your dinner and when they bring your meal ask for a to go box and put half in the box that way you can have 2 meals for the price of 1 :bigsmile:
  • mbitely2004
    mbitely2004 Posts: 66 Member
    I just started on my weighloss journey but one thing that has helped me is smoothies! I mean a smoothie for breakfast its fast easy great on the go! Honestly I can drink about 4 glasses and still be less then the pancakes I used to have! (I stay away from banana ones because they have alot of calories) but besides that I just try to meet calorie goal. If I know im having a huge calorie later in the day I try to keep it low earlier. Tuesdays are my cheat day because they are taco tuesday here! So I let myself have a few big tacos and a few beers too, If I go a litle over on Tuesdays no big deal ( I have it set on losing 2lbs a week so even if I go over a little ill still be losing!)
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    Ive cut out A LOT of the crap I used to eat, But I dont restrict myself to raw fruit n veg either (I do when Im working nights, but thats a different story)

    Ive cut out my regular McDs, KFC, BK
    And replaced with more hardy lighter meals like shepherds pies and lighter option pizzas (In the UK Pizza Express are doing some VERY nice tasting Pizzas for only 600 cals for the WHOLE pizza :love:

    I still have the odd McD, KFC, BK .... I just make sure its no longer a main event its now a special occasion :)
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Well i lost my 112 summat pounds from eating whatever.... just staying within my calorie limit so i hear ya on that. Though the smaller you want to be and the healthier you want to be you have to have a more balanced diet. Don't forget all your food groups! There's so many that i don't have much room for my cheats haha. Although i still indulge and try my best to keep within my limits. It helps when you do cardio so you can earn that treat xD You can't truly live, i believe, without having some unhealthy foods now and then!
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I do keep an eye on my nutrition, but I eat what I like.

    My diary is open, and you're welcome to have a look. :smile:
  • katiemegcz
    katiemegcz Posts: 49 Member

    I'd like to truly change my life and eating habits to be realistic. A few slices of people occasionally, a cheeseburger every now and then, etc.


    Haven't tried a "few slices of people" :laugh: ...but I eat normal food, and after trying everything else, this is the way I am finding success without deprivation. I am only doing what I can live for the rest of my life. So if I want PIZZA, I work it off the hard way if it puts me over my calorie limit. It may be slow, but it can be permanent this way, and who has time for the roller coaster of dieting? If you restrict things you love, you want them all the more, and it will make you miserable in the long run.

    Good luck in your weight loss. You can do this!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    :smile: kittens love walking on iPads!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I eat balanced. Not just "healthy" foods...but I treat myself everyday. I think after a while too...things like strawberries or grapes become a treat.

    I have lost 61lbs so far...I have pizza, meat, veggies, chocolate bars, chips, popcorn, fruits, breads, cheese, salads, pasta, processed "junk'. I just eat less of it compared to before.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    When I joined a gym I made sure to tell all my friends that I was not on a diet and to not pay any attention to what I was eating, I still have sweets and fried food at least twice a week because my changes are changes for real life. That's what I always tell people - my changes are changes for real life and my real life has the occasional pizza, chocolate chip cookie and ice cream!

    Now, I do try and eat balanced while counting calories so this sort of eliminates some items for me just because the calories are not worth it.

    I think you should start with really looking at what you are eating and start making small changes, like are you really going to enjoy a good hamburger less without bacon (just an example, I eat bacon, usually on the weekends) or even a chocolate chip cookie without nuts - my favorite.

    I personally don't do 'light' or 'sugar free,' etc. I just weigh and count calories of foods I like and know I am willing to eat for the rest of my life. I exercise and listen to my body so that really helps to keep things balanced for the most part. As times goes you may be surprised how your taste and diet might change :smile:
  • Fairlieboy
    Fairlieboy Posts: 84 Member
    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Period. Just concentrate on logging everything you eat accurately & honestly. Eventually, you may find yourself eating better (whatever that word means to you), but for now just work on meeting your calorie goal.

    It is true that you loose weight by eating at a deficit. The problem becomes how to continue to eat at a deficit or no surplus 3 months / 6 months / 1, or 20 years from now. Any diet, with a deficit, will loose weight. The problem is our willpower to eat at a deficit.:bigsmile: 80% of people who diet, are heavier 2 years out. That is the evidence from science. So the question becomes how do you not be "normal" and be one of the 20% or 15% who can be a healthy weight and healthy in 10, 20 years.
    There are simple answers.
    1. Move to a "low carbohydrate high fat" (LCHF) diet and eliminate added sugar from your diet. (but with the proviso of step 2)
    2. If you have high sacrifice foods (cheese burgers, chocolate) then do make sure you have them occasionally. People who go on denial or prohibition, then "fall off the wagon". E.g. start on 1 peice of chocolate, but eat the whole cake. And that whole cake can push over the food deficient over a week over limits.
    3. Weigh yourself regularly. It is one of the habits that people (a study group over 20,000) who have lost over 15% of their body weight long term (2 + years) do so. It appears then you subconciously cut back that next day, which keeps you leve over the longer term average food. (This group also ate big breakfasts, ate more whole food, and more healthy concious.)

    The reason for a LCHF diet (and there are many out there) is that protein and fat are better at dampening down appetite than simple carbs. (Green leafy plants are also carbs, so we are talking bread, flour, rice based foods and fruit - more than 2 pieces per day). Research shows people who eat the same calories in either simple carbs or in LCHF, eat more the next meal.
    Everyone has their own strategies, and they are called "Lifestyle Changes".