25 years young, engaged, needing support on my journey! :)

Hey guys!


I am:

* Engaged to my boyfriend of almost 5 years
* 5'4 - 245 pounds
* On medication for PCOS
* Losing weight so I can be the best version of myself for my fiance, so I can start a family, and so that I can set a good example for my family and encourage them to get healthy as well.

My plan is to:

* Eat between 1300-1500 calories per day
* Work out at the Y at least 3-5x per week
* Eat as clean as possible
* Drink TONS of water
* Educate myself
* and make this a lifestyle change

I am looking for:

* Friends who have common goals
* Friends who are serious and committed
* Friends who log EVERY DAY!! The good, the bad, and the ugly.
* Friends who want and need support from me, because I can be a great friend. :D

Please add me!! I need all of the advice and input I can get. Best of luck to everyone- never give up!!



  • Hi there ,
    I am Mary I am also 25 and weight 244 lbs I am 6ft tall, I suffer from hypertension and some tachycardia as well. I have been trying to lose weight for so long and after days I tend to give up but this time I am really motivated to make this happen. If you need any help, we could always be here to support each other.

    Best of Luck :)
  • mellyboobear
    mellyboobear Posts: 117 Member
    I love the plan that you have laid out for yourself! your calorie intake is so low ! :O im engaged as well :D:D hahah I will always be here to support you!! (= add me so we can stay in contact!! (-: best of luck!
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi! You can add me. I'm 25, married, 5'3 and started out at 260. I'm on everyday and I'm here to motivate and support all of my friends as they are to me.
  • SergeantNarwhal
    SergeantNarwhal Posts: 116 Member
    So inspired by your clear intentions. I'm gonna friend request ya!
  • AceCC86
    AceCC86 Posts: 71
    It's such a great thing to have a loving and supportive partner. My boyfriend of 5 years has never made a comment about my weight, though I've gained 50 pounds since we've been together. He's happy for me that I'm getting healthy, but says he loves me just the way I am. I want to be the best version of me for myself but also for him! Congrats on starting this journey!!
  • Everyone feel free to add me! Need some motivation! xxxx
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 111 Member
    Brilliant outlook on your journey ahead!
    Best of luck! Add me if you like I log everyday, even the naughty days! :)
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    Feel free to add me, my diary is open for food ideas. :smile: :drinker:
  • Can I add you ladies as well? :)