losing weight while nursing?

hey there! I am 23 years old, with an amazing husband and 3 beautiful children ages 5, 3 and 8 months. I love these kiddo's with all my heart but, they have taken a tole on mommy's body :/ When my 3 year old was about a year old, I lost 60 pounds in about a year just by eating clean and working out. I never had to count calories or anything. However, this time around it seems impossible! I am still nursing my 8 month old son (I didn't nurse my daughters really) and I am working out 5-6 days a week and eating clean and am not losing anything really. I count my calories, and have tried lowering my calories while making sure not to go too low so I don't ruin my milk supply. I have tried upping my calories because I have read that is what you need to do while nursing to lose weight. But I am still just fluctuating between the same few pounds. I have been in the 190's for months now! I am 5'7" and 195 pounds.starting weight was 208 and goal is 150. Any other mom's have trouble losing while nursing? I always thought nursing made you lose weight easier :/


  • lvmamaduke
    lvmamaduke Posts: 24 Member
    I have three kids also and found losing weight with my youngest was the hardest. I didn't start to lose weight till I weaned in Jan since then I lose about 1 pound a week. I made the mistake of getting discouraged and not watching what I ate and gaining weight. Stick with it the weight will come off.