Share your failures



  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    The past 7 days have been a failure. I haven't worked out in 5 days, I baked a bunch of cookies and cupcakes for a celebration, I have been stressed out becasue the place I'm supposed to have moved into 5 DAYS AGO still isn't ready, I've had to stall my present landlords from renovating, I've caught a cold, and I ate so many cookies and leftover cakes from the celebration becasue I've been angry at the new landlady for being a lying dou3he and making it sound like I'M the one responsible for HER stress when I'm only trying to move in. I've been on the verge of shrieking at this stupid woman for telling me I can move in on that day and this day and changing it every other day. So, PS, I've been using all that stress as an excuse to eat like *kitten* and I've not been working out and I'm all upset over it.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    Well, I think my biggest failure was the fact that I back slid by around 30lbs. The cause was because I met a guy and he made comments like "If you keep lifting you are going to get stronger than me" or "Man you do too many races, you are going to hurt yourself." He also wanted to eat out all of the time (on my dime of course). So new dating rules have been instituted for when/if I decide to date again. Mainly, no more being a sugar mama, if they can't buy me dinner they aren't worth my time (So sorry if that seems judgmental but this is a big issue for me.) and no more throwing my health out the window for any relationship.

    So yeah, even though I was still down around 30lbs from my heaviest ever I feel it was a fail because I had been so close to being out to the 200s. Now I am fighting my way back through those same 30lbs. I'm almost halfway through them and my clothes are fitting batter again (yay!). I'd really like to be past those 30lbs and working down the rest of my goal by July. We shall see (^_^).
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I bought one of those giant cookie cakes last week as a treat for my family. I ended up eating a couple slices a day until the whole thing was gone. Doesn't sound like much, but it was an extra 400 calories a day for a week. Yikes! I will not be buying another one any time soon.

    I am hearing you on this! It is my husband's birthday today but my daughter and I had to get his cake early if we were to pick it out together. We all love that dumb cookie cake so we got a big one. The whole thing is covered in frosting and has extra frosting on the crust. We opened it last night and I allowed myself a small piece. When they were done I immediately took the knife out of the container, put the top on, and covered it with paper. No way do I want to eat that many calories for such a small portion.

    I fail almost any time I go to my parents. I associate their house with wine, junk food, and more junk. How I lost 100 lbs living there is beyond me. So every Saturday I go do my long run on their treadmill while my daughter plays with them and I undo all of my work (we are talking 15 mile+ runs most Saturdays) by the end of the day. Doritos, ice cream, chips, trail mix.... they have it all and I can't get past looking at it as an unhealthy place.

    I have made my home a healthy place so when i walk in I don't crave junk food. We have never kept a lot in our home so I don't associate junk with my house. My parents are gone for two weekends in Florida and I imagine that even though I am going out for dinner, drinks etc on Saturday that I will be down a few extra pounds by the end fo that.

    Really nice to see everyone sharing their failures. Sometimes we need to get it off our chest to move on. Good topic OP
  • ntdcruz
    ntdcruz Posts: 19 Member
    A full pint of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream (in about 15 min)... can't keep it in the house anymore... :( Zero control!
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    My most recent one is on Feb1st I was doing awesome down 95lbs on March 1st I was up 20 pounds. During Feb I fell into some old bad habits and just eliminated the previous two months of work. It should have been worse the last week of the month I hit it hard to try to salvage something.
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    I think when we fail we learn, and I learned A LOT from my biggest failure in recent years:

    A year and a half ago, I used MyFitnessPal and had lost 30lbs (and counting) in just a few months. Felt great, felt healthy: then I met a guy. I fell in love with him and off the wagon. He loved pizza and wings, so I ended up eating like him. I started smoking again, because he did. I basically gained back almost all of it. Last summer, he cheated on me and left me for someone else, out of the blue. After my weight dipped a bit from the sheer stress of it all, I ended up gaining it all back and then some. I felt horrible emotionally and physically, and I didn't care.

    Now, I'm taking control back from him, and trying to remember that next time I fall in love, it doesn't have to be at the expense of my own health and happiness. <3

    Sadly this is all too common i pretty much went through the same thing last year. I don't know what it is about falling in love you just become blind I guess.
  • aj7x
    aj7x Posts: 84 Member
    I binged on condensed milk, by the spoonful.... yep. It was a new low.
  • donohoe4
    donohoe4 Posts: 76 Member
    If I were to graph the past 2 1/2 years of my journey, it would look like this! I have had many binges and set backs, but the big picture is a great loss. I still struggle A LOT with food, and I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs for about 4 months now. It is so frustrating! This journey is not easy, but if we all just keep going, it has one amazing outcome.

  • kbradford26
    I think when we fail we learn, and I learned A LOT from my biggest failure in recent years:

    A year and a half ago, I used MyFitnessPal and had lost 30lbs (and counting) in just a few months. Felt great, felt healthy: then I met a guy. I fell in love with him and off the wagon. He loved pizza and wings, so I ended up eating like him. I started smoking again, because he did. I basically gained back almost all of it. Last summer, he cheated on me and left me for someone else, out of the blue. After my weight dipped a bit from the sheer stress of it all, I ended up gaining it all back and then some. I felt horrible emotionally and physically, and I didn't care.

    Now, I'm taking control back from him, and trying to remember that next time I fall in love, it doesn't have to be at the expense of my own health and happiness. <3

    Sadly this is all too common i pretty much went through the same thing last year. I don't know what it is about falling in love you just become blind I guess.

    I think for some people, myself included, when you love someone you forget that you should love yourself more. It wasn't just his unhealthy habits that I put up with, I let him get away with being a pretty terrible partner. Never again!
  • MrsV1983
    MrsV1983 Posts: 39 Member
    That daggone IIFYM never works for me. Pretty much everytime I plan for some "unhealthy" calories, I am up 3-4 lbs the next day and then have to re-lose them over the next couple weeks. I have gone up and down within the same five-lb range the past couple of months, its ridiculous. Case in point - I finally saw some downward movement on the scale this morning but I caved to an Arby's craving today for lunch :sad: This means tomorrow I'll be back at the high-end of the five-lb range I've been living in forever! GAHH
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    Failure :Yesterday I ate 12 mini chocolate donuts and enjoyed every second of it!!
    Success: todayI have 8 left, but I'm not going to eat them!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Last night: I was having a pity party and face planted into birthday cake flavored ice cream. 500+ calories, straight from the carton.

    On the plus side, I weighed it, logged it, and only went 30 calories over. The negative side--I have only lost 0.2 lbs in the last two weeks, which is pitiful.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    If I were to graph the past 2 1/2 years of my journey, it would look like this! I have had many binges and set backs, but the big picture is a great loss. I still struggle A LOT with food, and I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs for about 4 months now. It is so frustrating! This journey is not easy, but if we all just keep going, it has one amazing outcome.


    I love this!
  • SalemBoSox88
    Oreos! I can eat a bag... or three if presented to me.
  • deannc1
    deannc1 Posts: 91 Member
    The past 7 days have been a failure. I haven't worked out in 5 days, I baked a bunch of cookies and cupcakes for a celebration, I have been stressed out becasue the place I'm supposed to have moved into 5 DAYS AGO still isn't ready, I've had to stall my present landlords from renovating, I've caught a cold, and I ate so many cookies and leftover cakes from the celebration becasue I've been angry at the new landlady for being a lying dou3he and making it sound like I'M the one responsible for HER stress when I'm only trying to move in. I've been on the verge of shrieking at this stupid woman for telling me I can move in on that day and this day and changing it every other day. So, PS, I've been using all that stress as an excuse to eat like *kitten* and I've not been working out and I'm all upset over it.

    You want revenge on the landlady? Give all the cookies and cakes to HER! :devil:
  • fitnessenchanted
    fitnessenchanted Posts: 41 Member
    I agree that we fail to learn, after 10 weight loss attempts I finally feel like I learned what I'm doing wrong
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    My biggest weight loss failure was losing 67lbs for my wedding and then gaining almost every single one back in less than a year and a half.

    I wouldn't change that experience for the world though (or any of my other weight loss failures). I now know what I need to do to succeed. I've also learned that a quick loss does not equal permanent loss and in the grand scheme of things, permanent loss is much more important.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    My failure came on my 21st birthday. I didn't celebrate and indulge just for one day, I celebrated and indulged for a week! And then for the entire week after that I couldn't get a handle on myself and ate at maintenance. Glad to be back on the wagon now! Two weeks and I didn't gain anything, but boy did I not lose anything either!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    We all love success stories, but sometimes we need to remember that, every now and then, all of us SUCK. The journey to health is never without a pot hole or a detour, and I think it's important to take a break from comparing ourselves to the great things others have done and know that we are all just human.

    So I'll start. I've always nomed more in the evening, but I wanted to spread out my calories into a lot of mini meals 'cuz someone on the internet said it was good. So I go all day feeling like I'm starving because I never got full on something, decided to go to bed early to sleep off the empty feeling and saw a five layer dip sitting on the counter. I tore that thing up so bad it looked like it had been attacked by wolves. I was ASHAMED. 600 calories in 15 minutes. Ugh.

    It doesn't matter what time of the day you eat in regards to hitting your daily calorie intake. If you feel hungry on a night then save the bulk of your calories for then. Don't go to bed hungry & try filling up on protein to stay fuller longer.

    Don't beat yourself up over the dip it happens. Maybe just concentrate on looking at if you are eating enough cals a day. You shouldn't be "starving hungry".

    DIP HAPPENS!! (sorry it made me laugh)
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    ok , my failure, I moved from texas to Florida last summer, i let that be an excuse for not following my plan , which HAD been working fine!
    for 8 months.....
    8 long months, where i kept telling myself i cant now ... because... etc etc ... i started and stopped a few tiny day or two times.. but that was it ...
    till last month when i finally said ENOUGH!!! and got back on track
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