Nutella needs new friends :)

Hello everyone, i am an old mfp-er, some of you may know me by the username Nutella91. I've made a new account and i could use some supportive friends with similar goals :)
I am from Europe but currently i live in Asia. Foodie, doing weight training 3 times a week, love traveling, love learning new languages! I speak English, Serbian, Mandarin Chinese y un poquito de Espanol, currently learning Korean! Love Nutella <3
I have had various eating disorders in the past, 2 years ago i was almost anorexic, very restrictive with what i was eating, working out three times a week and i actually thought i was doing a good job until i went to see the doctor about my missing period. She gave me estrogen pills to help me gain weight and get my period back.
At the time i've had very little body fat so gaining weight so quickly made me unhappy with my body and since then i've been struggling with binge eating disorder. I would have a few thousand calories within one-two hours, multiple times a week. Now i am trying to build healthy mindset towards food, still enjoy the treats, meet my fitness goals while staying healthy.
i am 5'8", 112,5 lbs and my goal is 110 lbs. I am one of those people who gain weight only in the specific areas, like my hips, so i find that i look and feel my best when i am around 110 lbs.
Of course, maintaining is a challenge, maybe even harder than losing weight, so i am planning on using mfp until i am absolutely sure i am healthy and not in the bingeing mindset.
Please add me :)


  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm glad that you are trying to be healthy, but I am a bit concerned about your goal. I think maybe the only thing I can say and do is provide this website to you and hope that you'll go ahead and talk to a counselor.
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    Thank you, but i am not really anorexic, i just like to have smaller frame. I could actually use help with binge eating disorder, because on the days that i binge i easily consume around 5-6000 calories. I don't throw up but that can't be healthy for you.
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    Oh i remember you. You are the one suffering from Yellow fever as you liked to call it :wink:
    I am not adding friends presently but a friendly bump for you
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    thank you :) yes i have a serious Yellow fever! lol! I should post a topic "cute Asian guys add me!" lol
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    You could do that but you'll find better quality if you straightaway hit the groups, just my experience. I am an Asian myself so i know lol
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    what groups?
  • Everyone feel free to add me! Need some motivation! xxxx
  • tomebradley
    tomebradley Posts: 17 Member
    Just saw nutella in the title. It's a weakness for me. I can do a jar in one sitting.

  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    thanks guys
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Thank you, but i am not really anorexic, i just like to have smaller frame. I could actually use help with binge eating disorder, because on the days that i binge i easily consume around 5-6000 calories. I don't throw up but that can't be healthy for you.

    It sounds like you have disordered eating in general, then, and your goal seems quite low. "I'm one of those people who gain on one spot, my hips." You're a woman, that's not something unique to you. Most people gain weight in certain spots, and with women, hips tend to be one of the spots because it's vital for female reproduction.

    If you are you in your pictures, you also appear to have a slightly skewed self-perception, which comes with the territory of eating disorders (and often doesn't go away).

    Be careful with who you attract as friends with such an ED-laden post; you might end up being triggered into old habits, as this site has lots of nooks and crannies of unhealthy behavior.

    It's great that you're allowing yourself more things you enjoy eating, but with any eating disorder recovery, a professional should be working with you so you don't backslide. With an arbitrary number goal (what's 3 lbs going to do other than satisfy the disorder when you already had an underweight BMI?) and some apparent dysmorphia, it appears you should speak to someone.
  • I've suffered from binge eating disorder for the last 10 years and I'm right now in recovery - add me if you want.
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    Thank you, but i am not really anorexic, i just like to have smaller frame. I could actually use help with binge eating disorder, because on the days that i binge i easily consume around 5-6000 calories. I don't throw up but that can't be healthy for you.

    It sounds like you have disordered eating in general, then, and your goal seems quite low. "I'm one of those people who gain on one spot, my hips." You're a woman, that's not something unique to you. Most people gain weight in certain spots, and with women, hips tend to be one of the spots because it's vital for female reproduction.

    If you are you in your pictures, you also appear to have a slightly skewed self-perception, which comes with the territory of eating disorders (and often doesn't go away).

    Be careful with who you attract as friends with such an ED-laden post; you might end up being triggered into old habits, as this site has lots of nooks and crannies of unhealthy behavior.

    It's great that you're allowing yourself more things you enjoy eating, but with any eating disorder recovery, a professional should be working with you so you don't backslide. With an arbitrary number goal (what's 3 lbs going to do other than satisfy the disorder when you already had an underweight BMI?) and some apparent dysmorphia, it appears you should speak to someone.

    Thank you so much for your answer. Yes, i do have a disordered mindset and i realise that my goal is a bit low for most of the people. It is me in all my pictures. If you met me in person when i was chubbier and when i was skinnier, i just look better when i have thinner body, people give me more compliments, i feel sexier.
    Currently I'm living in an Asian country, the pressure is high, a lot of girls around me are thin. What i find interesting is that foreigners always tell me that i'm too skinny, and Asians tell me how i have awesome body. I wasn't dieting or anything when i was in Europe. But i do feel more confident and i like endorphins the workouts give me :)

    I made a new account because I'm really trying to get over my old bingeing mindset, i used to talk a lot about it and trigger other peoples disorders. I didn't keep track of my friends so i had a lot of anorexics and a lot of guys who were bulking, both of these would trigger my eating disorder too.

    I just want to wake up in the morning without the disorder that follows me everywhere like some sort of weird twin sister. Healthy start and healthy mindset :)